Cant install Soft-eLicenser

Discussion in 'DAW' started by salomao, Feb 29, 2024.

  1. salomao

    salomao Newbie

    Feb 1, 2016
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    elicenser error.png Hello

    On my previous Mac machine (Core i7 macbook pro running Mojave) I installed Halion 6 following the given instructions that were:

    1. Install elincenserControl.dmg
    2. Install Steinberg Library manager
    3. Install Halion
    4. Install Soft-eLicenser local license generator b23

    As I said, on my previous machine I did that and everything went ok.

    Now I moved to a newer machine (a 2020 mackbook pro running Sonoma) and I CANT pass step 4. When I run the Soft e-licenser file, it starts the install process as expected, but then I get an error message saying that the install failed due to an unknown problem in installer.


    I cant run Halion now, because if I try to open it I get a "missing licence" message.

    I dont know what to do anymore.

    Could someone please help me?

    Last edited: Mar 1, 2024
  3. saccamano

    saccamano Audiosexual

    Mar 26, 2023
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    CBGB omfug
    curious; what halion version are you installing? from what group? If it's R2R I find their steiny hacks a bit obtuse compared to team V.R... If your failed attempts are with an R2R version try the V.R., but remember to completely uninstall/wipe the current failed stuff first. It might also be that you have a corrupted install package. Verify that the installer integrity is valid using checksum if available. If not, re DL the entire package and try the install again. Also make certain there is no anti-virus or a live connection to the internet running while attempting the install.

    One last thing... With the newer apple os's there is a process called "code-signing" that seems to be integral to running any sort of scene-ware on the newer apple iron.
    Last edited: Feb 29, 2024
  4. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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  5. salomao

    salomao Newbie

    Feb 1, 2016
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    This is driving me nuts!

    I checked the file. Tts a V.R. team file.

    The file is in desktop, I can open it and the process starts as expected. I just have an error message at the end, so it's unlikely to be a corrupted file problem.

    I followed the instructions on disabeling SIP, so I was expecting that to be the trick, but the same error happened when instaling the file.

    I dont know what to do anymore
  6. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    You can't really ever rule out file corruption, but it's never a good first guess either. just saying.

    You could disable Gatekeeper.

    Disabling Gatekeeper permanently: Open a terminal by pressing Cmd + Space , enter “Terminal” and open the application. Run the following command: sudo spctl --master-disable . Enter your administrator password when requested.

    You could also try installing VR's Wavelab release. It also needs SIP disabled, so it will give you more facts to figure this out.

    See if you can screenshot the error. Also, when Team VR says one of the steps takes a long time; believe them. It takes forever. It takes so long, it would be easy to think it crashed.

    Depending on the error, if it happens to be an access permissions problem; use Permissions Reset2 to fix them. Or BatChmod.
    Last edited: Feb 29, 2024
  7. salomao

    salomao Newbie

    Feb 1, 2016
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    I tryed to add a screenshot in my OP but none of the 2 links I entered there seem to work, so I dont know hot to share it.

    By the way, could you point mr to a working VR'S wavelab download link?