Cant get Trilian to reinstal

Discussion in 'Software' started by LeighDon, Jun 25, 2024.

  1. LeighDon

    LeighDon Newbie

    Jun 25, 2024
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    Hi Guys
    newbie here.
    We had Trilian 1.1.4c installed and working perfectly in Cubase for many years. Then the motherboard crashed and windows had to be reloaded. Now running windows 11.

    We still had all the setup files (disc 1-5) and keygen 1.x on a drive, and have reinstalled with internet disconnected, but cannot get keygen to work.
    We go through the challenge and response routine in Cubase, but as soon as we remove the instance of trilian and put it back again, it just goes straight back to the authorisation.

    It worked fine when we installed it in 2018 - has anything changed, and can anyone help?
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