Cannot play 24 bit libraries? Help!

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by T2000, May 20, 2017.

  1. T2000

    T2000 Ultrasonic

    Nov 24, 2015
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    Im using laptop onboard card with Asio4all
    Just cant get these awesome 24bit Kontakt libraries to play any sound. All 16bit are fine.
    I tried changing both audio and ableton to 48bit sampling. Audio says device is in use when Ableton is running
    I just cant work out why my laptop isnt giving any sound with 24bit libraries??
    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  3. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    might help if you described your system a little more... but assuming it's up to specs for production..
    did you try it in another daw? to make sure it's not some settings issue in Ableton.. or did you check the version of Kontakt
    you are using if it supports the libs you are trying to open... I tend to have a lot glitchy behavior with asio4all as well
    you don't have any drivers that came with your interface? or you're doing everything ITB ?
    your statement of the issues is pretty bare all I can think of is some bare bones troubleshooting steps...

    but maybe a Wizard will appear who can nail it for you ... :)
  4. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    Like Herr said, details would help. I'd really like to know what library and format the files are in. If it's a repack does it actually include the 24 bit samples and are you getting any errors?
    Kontakt doesn't support 20/24 bit disk accelerated files.
    You should be able to playback the 24 bit files at 44 kHz just fine.

    As far as changing the sample rate, disable the default Playback device (right click volume icon in the notification area > Playback Devices) then try to switch. You could also do this in the ASIO4ALL configuration menu (click green play icon in the notification area) by clicking the wrench icon then the power icon next to your audio device. Switch the sample rate then enable the Playback device in windows or lick on the power icon in ASIO4ALL (there should be a play icon next to the power icon to show it's running).

    Right-click Your Playback device > Properties > Advanced and make sure 'Allow applications to take exclusive control of this device' is NOT checked.
    You could change the bit depth and sample rate here to match what you're using in your DAW but this really shouldn't be affecting anything to the extent of what you're describing.
    Last edited: May 21, 2017
  5. T2000

    T2000 Ultrasonic

    Nov 24, 2015
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    Thanks for the comments and tips. This HP G3 450 laptop has been a pain with audio from the start.

    So, I only noticed this with Sonokinetic libraries but theyre likely the first and only 24bit ones I have tried. Loads fine no errors. There is no sound showing in the DAW though so it isnt a case of sound in there but not outside.

    Happens in all DAWs so it must be soundcard related. Onboard Conexant. Should have latest drivers but will check that. When using 24bit libs, I cannot use the windows device test as it says something else has control (even with do not allow exclusive control). I havent managed to get any 24bit library sound at all yet. Opening any 16bit lib is fine.

    I tried switching 48k to 44k in Ableton and asio but no joy. Will try again though as described above.

    I'll try a plain 24bit wav outside of DAW and asio to see if that plays.

    So 24bit should work on most modern onboards without needing a special soundcard?

    I think the various sample rates are all aligned but I may be missing something

    I did way back enable stereo mix in the registry to allow recording of sound from playing applications. That might be affecting things?

    I do have a Maya 44 usb card I can try too. Trying to avoid having too many things plugged in just for basic playing around

    Odd that many others dont find this problem
  6. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    Stereo mix.. should not interfere.. it's just another choice.. that Microsuck saw fit to disable under pressure.. FU again Bill..
    I'd say get some kind of proper USB interface with it's proprietary drivers and midi controller of your choice..
    then let the magic begin.. Conexant... ehhhh I don't think it's gonna cut it...

    if you're getting serious.. then it's time to make an investment.. even a small one

    If you want something cheap but with rock solid drivers,try a USED UR-22 MKI Steinberg, do not buy one new..
  7. T2000

    T2000 Ultrasonic

    Nov 24, 2015
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    Some progress. .. i got sound from Sonokinetic Minimal!!

    Strange thing is ... it only works with a very limited number of chords!?
    None of the other blue key combos give sound
    In the official videos, they guy gets sound from any keys.
    Is there a setting that limits it to only very specific chords? Im on Kontakt 5.5.2

    Thanks for any tips.
  8. T2000

    T2000 Ultrasonic

    Nov 24, 2015
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    Ah . ... reading up.. certain sonokinetic libs only play chord triads!
    That caught me out. I need to learn what those are then.
    Im still sure that the demo video shows him playing note combis that give me no sound though. I'll find description of more chords and see if these work or not!