Cakewalk Closing up Shop!

Discussion in 'Industry News' started by dondada, Nov 21, 2017.

  1. zpaces

    zpaces Platinum Record

    Jul 29, 2016
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    Berklee!? LOL! They give their name to provide online courses!? Online courses are like leaving the key in the lock of a cabriolet! ='D
    A way easy to cheat on that!
    And using Sonar in teaching audio engineering is like teaching video editing on a CRT screen! Sonar had it's good times in the past, but now there is a reason why they got broke! Cause the industry gives a shit on Cakewalk!

    Btw. Reason is next!
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  2. zpaces

    zpaces Platinum Record

    Jul 29, 2016
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    I also talked ab out REAL studios. They work with ProTools and Logic... and sometimes I spot a Cubase.
  3. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    The reason Sonar was let go had nothing to do with the actual daw, but the same reason AKG closed its vienna HQ and its now basically an asian company, greed and unreal yearly predictions of income and growth.
    Same thing happened with Steinberg, the good thing is that it was bought by Yamaha. Could have happened to any daw really.
    Also, subscription policy. The best way to alienate your existing and future customers. People dont want to rent, they want to own something.
    This same policy is screwing PT now.
    Sonar is easily among the most serious daws. Lots of time and energy went into perfecting it. Sooner or later someone will pick it up again, its a big name and in capable hands could become a giant of a daw.
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  4. Boosire

    Boosire Producer

    Nov 1, 2017
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    As someone who wouldnt ever spend close to 500bucks for something non-physical, the renting option sound actually good, if you end up owning it once you're done paying enough monthly shares its a good way to get it, like a credit payment for low budget. I wish Ableton would do that, then i would consider owning it.
  5. safran5020

    safran5020 Platinum Record

    Dec 15, 2011
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    La Belle Province
    The only "spot" you got is the one in your "Pull-Ups" :rofl:
    Sorry man but you don't know what you're talking about. I don't want to make fun of you but you kinda opened the door very wide...

    Maybe instead of criticizing a product you apparently know nothing about, you should start by telling us what DAW you use and for how long you have been using it. Maybe you could also tell us what you like about your specific DAW of choice and why you chose it or maybe your teacher told you to?

    Oh! did you say you went to school? What was the name of it again ?
  6. TW

    TW Guest

    In my area i am the exotic guy with my cubase reaper combo. No decent studio runs apple anymore here. It is simply a lot cheaper to upgrade your PC every 1,5 years than to upgrade a mac.

    I know a lot of producers that use apple-Logic here. But not many "recording" studio guys. The bigger ones all run on protools/reaper - sonar/reaper combos here.
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  7. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Sometimes i make jokes about reaper, but in reality i would be very sad to see it gone, any daw really.
    Honestly i am still shakened by this. We all should be, could happen to anyone of us.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 1, 2017
  8. Plendix

    Plendix Platinum Record

    Nov 14, 2013
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    You are totally right. Don't know if you know but even Steinberg's future was uncertain once. Before they were bought by Yamaha, they made a deal with Pinnacle (Pinnacle? anyone? Some trashy consumer video products and stuff). Interesting how companies near to bankruptcy are even able to buy other companies.
    But now to something completely different: Concerning that 'standard' discussion. Well, if people are working for different facilities preferably on international projects they know what DAWs are 'Standard'. And there can't be any discussion about it. It's just a fact, whether we like it or not. I don't even have to mention that one DAW that is used in post production and that one that is used by most pro musicians. There is a second place, and fortunately the software I like most is on that second place. That's ok I guess. But I have never come across someone who made a living out of using cakewalk software.
  9. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    We have a member here @Jaymz who uses sonar with cubase in his studio, professionaly.
  10. zpaces

    zpaces Platinum Record

    Jul 29, 2016
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    I use a none-recommended DAW from any school. My choice is Logic. I used Sonar back in 2007. I really tried to find an alternative. But Sonar failed so bad in handling. Even copy & paste was different! I spent 800 bugs on that and it made me angry AF. Worst money waste ever! Even Behringer was more worth than Sonar!

    I think some other DAWs will die within the next years. Reason is next! Cubase is on a good way to die. They got a huge loss after version 9. Steinberg made one huge mistake. They changed their focus from industry standard to bedroom producers. As I quote the former head programmer of Steinberg: "...the ship is already sinking!".
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  11. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Sigh.... What soft people use to make their music is more or less irrelevant... Chromeo made their first 4 albums on Cakewalk + Pentium II pc. They now switched to Cubase + Pro Tools. Macklovitch admits what he likes about Cubase is ... it looks like the Cakewalk he was used to. So now he uses Cubase for sequencing+main production, PT for tracking vocals (and perhaps mixing, i dunno really, nor does it matter anyway...)
    Because i know what you are going to say, don't say it, who the fuk is Chromeo, right?
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2017
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