Brooming 808 (getting 808 tight even in regions too low)

Discussion in 'how to make "that" sound' started by MikewithHeart, Jun 5, 2020.

  1. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    32bit float does not clip, correct.
    Link please?
    Yeah, I meant turn the fader down. Not the inst output on the plugin.
    Btw, when you say "processor" I now see you mean "an audio plugin".
    Processor is something else, hence my confusion.
    I'd say have a look at some basic recording and mixing tutes.

    Your first para refers to how it was back in the day, whilst the second part re. using 32bit floating point instead of getting a proper mix seems strange. If you were to choose to turn the inst down and keep the fader at 0 at such an early stage in creation, what will happen when you start to add eq and compression to that track...?
    The fact you are having to "level it down" and then it "lost it's character" is because, imo, you are choosing to go about all this in a counter-intuitive way.

    edit: as I said before, if it works for you, then do whatever you want!
    It's just that it doesn't sound like it's working for you.
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2020
  2. MikewithHeart

    MikewithHeart Ultrasonic

    Aug 6, 2019
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    Thanks, understood. Good news for my template / workflow. Yes I meant plug in, that processes the sound. Didn't think it would cause confusion. Aren't compressors limiters etc. all dynamics processors like in Digital Signal Processors? EQ -> frequency processors?
    What is a processor?

    A good recommendation for Mixing? There's tons of stuff from people that should not be doing tuts. (Recording not needed anymore)

    I think you nailed it. As I lack some basic knowledge of waveforms and mixing, I still don't understand though why I can't lower the volume of that 808 that I processed too loud, without losing the character. (Maybe if I bounce that to 16bit incl the clipping and then go on reimporting, cause I think the usual bounce was 24 bit or even 32 bit)

    found it again: