BP Charts EDM Vol.3 for Spire, In stores.

Discussion in 'Software News' started by Evorax, May 13, 2015.

  1. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Bowerstone Castle


    Orion Sounds LLC presents: BP Charts EDM Vol.3 for Spire.
    I consider this one my best pack yet and i wanted to let anyone of you interested know that it's out in store.
    If your looking for sounds similar to Martin Garrix, Dzeko & Torres, Julian Jordan, Quintino, Tiesto, KSHMR, Dannic, MOTi, then this is the pack for you.
    I organized the bank's content (over 65 presets) in the audio demo order, i also included a document mentioning all the presets used in every particular demo featured in the reel, so you guys won't have to question "which preset was used here" anymore. In this regard, your questions are answered by default.

    Get your copy here: http://www.reveal-sound.com/sounds.php#SKU65670070285
    and help me reach another no.1 position in the store's top.

    Your support is much appreciated guys, and if you can't afford to buy it, at least give it a share on your soundcloud/facebook grups/twitter or any social media you use/prefer. Every share means an extra chance for my products to reach new potential customers and ease the fact that my company is still new :mates:
    I would also like to humbly ask AZ suppliers (or whoever is able to do something in this regard) to keep my product away from getting released for at least 2 more weeks from now on. :bow:
    It would really mean a lot to me, taking in consideration that i'm living as a lone wanderer and this is my main living income for now.:excl:
    Your support also motivates me to keep developing new and better products in the future.

    This year i have in works my own original songs as well. Once i make it, i'll be doing some giveaways then, as an act of gratitude.
    With all my respect,

  3. Axil

    Axil Ultrasonic

    Dec 24, 2014
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    North Africa
    You have done a good job, great sound designer :wink: all my respect and appreciation

    BP Charts Vol.1 also is a very good SB
  4. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Eventually, I just needed something like this for a request I had,
    After listening to the demo I bought it, and really, it's perfect for me.

    Many good presets in here, including very modern ones, plus some "classics". Sounds like LD Takedown Verse, LD Alarm Drop Layer, LD For You Layer 2 and KS MotY Bkg made my day.
    Obviously I didn't followed the song organization system, but really a lot of good, professional stuff here.
    Unlike other soundset I've tried, these presets are well done and harmonically rich enough to be easy to mix with a powerful drum sound track without disappearing, they stand still and cut through the mix if you want them to.

    Worth the money. :wink: