Boom Bap Labs from alpha centori - nearly 8 pages in two days!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by phloopy, Dec 27, 2023.

  1. genophyte

    genophyte Producer

    Mar 13, 2015
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    they aren't just at the sister site nor is the spread of beat/loop packs from a specific source remotely recent.
    reddit is now its own culture regarding this , but the sister site and other places predate that culture and practice by many years .

    the soundfont , phone midi scenes of past all have similar parts to the reddit scene of now in that they where forum (Vbulletin , bbs) based along with hoarding and trading drama.

    to partake in digital piracy in any capacity is one thing and not really part of the conversation , but the main years long issue is the concept of how the pack was made and its intent while being sold as a legally cleared product .

    take Ajhall89 of shroom samples for instance . how many posts does he have pleading on reddit to not leak his stuff while willing to work something out . boombaplabs is radio silent as far as i can tell .

    but ultimately this is a problem of rap/hip hop beat/loop kit culture the last 19 or so years
  2. alchemistrpm

    alchemistrpm Member

    Dec 16, 2021
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    Im not saying anything predates anything else. I’m only discussing the recent flood of BBL releases at Audioz. But of course you’re right, and I understand this is not a new phenomenon. As for the quality of Boom Bap Labs work or the artwork… that’s another discussion. I don’t much care to comment on that. I mean, I’ve had this discussion countless times with various people. Opinions run the gamut. Where one’s opinion lies on this subject usually depends on one’s pov regarding sampling in general. All I’ll say is that the legality of culling portions of recorded works for the purpose of marketing sample packs varies according to territory.
  3. shinyzen

    shinyzen Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2023
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    I think there is some use to them still. For studying, arrangement, mix, extracting groove from breaks, extracting individual one shots using AI or manually etc. but the flood of them is quite ridiculous. I did buy a couple of the royalty free original compositions from boom bap labs site after the flooding. Im wondering if they are purposefully flooding sister site to drive traffic to their site .
  4. I would say people grabbing just the odd hit or extracting the groove are way smaller than the people buying to slice and remix the tonal aspects of the loop. My issue is you don't know if anything is royalty free if they aren't crediting properly, and already clearly using illegal samples and images. A minefield id stay well away from as a producer.
  5. Using samples by a large corporate media group isn't some nebulous legal issue these days. Its simple, you sell a track in any international capacity (which is pretty much everything these days) and they ID it (which is getting better and better everyday, especially with AI), you'll either get a cease and desist, or have to pay a high licencing fee, and/or sign over pretty much all of your royalties to keep using it.

    I'm not saying don't use such samples but be realistic about the complexities if it gets ID'd. And these $2 sample packs are deceiving buyers by not admitting that their use could open you up for serious legal issues.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 8, 2024
  6. alchemistrpm

    alchemistrpm Member

    Dec 16, 2021
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    You're free to avoid Boom Bap Labs if you disagree with the terms, or if you find the process of potentially clearing these samples to be too nebulous. (Good word btw!). The legal issue I mentioned was the one of selling packs containing "vinyl samples." Not the legality of using said samples in one's music. I feel like we're having two different conversations here.
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2024
  7. genophyte

    genophyte Producer

    Mar 13, 2015
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    Fist Of The Invincible Mantis was the first time i saw boom bap labs on the bugar subreddit and the site it was linked to was one of those sister site clones that you have to be a vip to get it.
    eventually i saw it uploaded on the sister site , but i almost pulled the trigger for a purchase a bit before..
    was rather amused i already had every film and songs all 3 volumes sampled from from soulseek , cinemageddon ,archive , and youtube.

    personally that's my issue .

    although you and i know how conversations tend to go on reddit.
    milquetoast comment with actual logic and thorough explanation -87 downvotes .
    herd mentality comment +456 upvotes.

    but as far as reddit goes i think its the game crack scene and most notably empress thats making the climate over there not so hot and people are lifting content from there to at least preserve it for other people to get instead of a wasteland of deleted replies and 404 google drive links.
  8. genophyte

    genophyte Producer

    Mar 13, 2015
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    welp this is why the sister sites archival and flooding makes sense in hindsight
  9. evolasme

    evolasme Platinum Record

    May 11, 2013
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    somewhere different almost every night
    26 pages of wavs releases this morning "Sunday supply" yes i know it doesn't rain to everyone's taste and yes i know i can filter them in the left pain i wish there were preferences that some things are filtered out all the time
  10. halfman73

    halfman73 Platinum Record

    Jul 8, 2020
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    You can filter them out with a script. See post #30
  11. Will Kweks

    Will Kweks Rock Star

    Oct 31, 2023
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    Can recommend this as well, I can filter out requests (because I can't fill them anyway) and samples, and anything else I might not be interested in. Came in handy when the deluge of Acustica stuff happened, since it's not for me :yes:
  12. MBC_Music

    MBC_Music Platinum Record

    Feb 24, 2023
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    Not that any of us are legal experts, but I'm a bit confused here. Assuming none of the BBL content used for samples is in the public domain, how is it legal to sell other people's work that you've simply modified by chopping it into smaller bits and pieces.

    I'm not judging piracy (giving it away for free), I'm judging reselling other people's work for profit when all you've done is split it.

    Can I take Eat, Pray, Love and legally resell it if it split it into 15 page increments and call it "phrases for writers"? Can I chop up a Michael Jackson album into 3sec samples and legally resell it? I'm assuming I can't legally do that without a contract with the original works owners/authors.

    BBL is the exact type of work that SHOULD be pirated and spread around as much as possible in my opinion. I highly doubt anyone will ever take legal action against the BBL owners (not that I want them to), but I'm straight up baffled by the repackaging of other people work as fragments and charging money for it.

    What do you think?
  13. oneunder

    oneunder Ultrasonic

    Feb 26, 2014
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    It's all made with AI tools. You'll go off them after a while.
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