Block search words in network for kids

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by tarreltje, Aug 28, 2020.

  1. tarreltje

    tarreltje Noisemaker

    Nov 10, 2019
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    Hello, i was wondering how to block search results on my network. My kid of 9 yr was listening to the rapper sixnine on spotify, and also on youtube. He is to young for that crap! I have tried some crome extensions but no luck, and basicly i want to block this kind of words LAN wide.

    I have a ubiquit edge router, can i do something with that?
  3. danfuerth

    danfuerth Kapellmeister

    Mar 1, 2012
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    You are actually fighting 2 things are the same time
    1. Thieves ( Apple, Facebook, Youtube, Amazon the usual suspects) who are using us as "Data Whores" and pimp us out to the latest scammers
    2. Your kids and the will to break through things

    #1 Mac filtering the Iphones and laptops they use ( that they only use) at the Firewall or Router you are using. My 3 3 routers have mac filtering ( for data speed management) on all the known Iphones and ipads that get an IP from them. From this list I can filter and throttle down or block websites based on key words.

    However this Mac filtering is website blocking level, so youtube won't load, but will. if they type youtube in google the router will stop their connection on the google search.

    So you can put the words "sixnine" on the router mac filtering website filter page to filter only those mac addresses and it will block any traffic with the plain words "sixnine"

    WORD here is "PLAIN" this will not block encrypted traffic.
    So If I am running an Iphone app that has chat and search capabilities but that traffic is encrypted nothing can be done unless you know which ports Spotify is using and block those ports at the router.

    This kind of setup you require is borderline heading into Enterprise Cisco solutions.

    You can still do most of it using a router that has key words for website block, port firewall blocking etc.
    But not every router has these features.

    This is for you exclusively :

    The Spotify music player uses port 4070 by default. If it is unable to connect on that port, it will roll to port 443, then port 80. Spotify uses the IP address range for its servers.

    Spotify can also detect proxy settings.

    ************In order to block the player, add the above IP address range to the blocked IP addresses in the router firewall rules***********
    So block the IP range not the ports as that won't work.
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