Bitwig Studio 4

Discussion in 'BitWig' started by freefeet12, May 27, 2021.

  1. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    The Bitwig Studio 4 Beta is available for download as of today. Everyone with an active Bitwig Studio upgrade plan has access and is invited to download the installer from their account.

    The official Bitwig Studio 4 release is planned for the end of Q2/early Q3. It will be a free upgrade to everyone with an active Upgrade Plan at that time. All new features except comping are also part of Bitwig Studio 16-Track and 8-Track.

    The changelog and release notes are

    Note to mods: I saw that someone posted a thread on Bitwig 4.0 beta but if the admin/mods don't mind I'd like to keep this thread up so I could keep an organized record of all the updates like I did for Bitwig Studio 3. I'll be keeping it to official releases from now on as well since users without a plan can't use betas.
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  3. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    What's New in Bitwig Studio 4.0 [released 13 July 2021]

    Audio comping is available, for traditional uses and more.

    Bitwig Studio 4

    Bitwig Studio 4 is out now and it is a free upgrade to everyone with an active Upgrade Plan for Bitwig Studio. All new features except comping are also part of Bitwig Studio 16-Track and 8-Track. View the full Bitwig feature comparison chart here.

    • To record on the Arranger timeline: new audio recordings are automatically added as comping take lanes when passing non-looping audio clips
      • For "cycle recording," just enable the Arranger loop
    • To record into the Clip Launcher: from the Play menu, enable Record as Comping Takes, and set an appropriate Take Length
    • Clips containing take lanes show the comping icon on their top right edge
    • Since comping lives within the clip, comping clips can be freely dragged between the Launcher and Arranger
    • Since comping lives within the clip, comping clips can be saved to your library, with take lanes intact and editable
    • When a clip containing takes is selected, the Detail Editor Panel displays the Comping expression view for editing
    • Each take lane is given its own color for visualizing the sources used, and each take can be renamed
    • Take lanes can be reordered by dragging their headers
    • Dragging over a portion of any take lane to create a comping region
    • Clicking on any take lane uses that take for the nearest comping region and selects the region
      • Pressing [UP] or [DOWN] moves the comp region to the take above or below
      • Pressing
        selects the previous or next comp region​

      [*]Double-clicking a take lane selects it in its entirety as the current comp
      [*]From the composite lane, dragging the top of any comping region up and down adjusts its gain
      [*]From the composite lane, sliding the bottom of any comping region left and right adjusts its timing
      [*]Sliding a boundary where two comping regions meet moves their fade point​
      • Sliding a take boundary in the take lanes area also moves the transition point between comp regions
    • Dragging near a boundary in the composite lane allows shortening a comp region to remove audio (including breaths, etc.)
      • Deleting a time selection within a comp similarly replaces the selection with silence
    • [ALT]-dragging a take lane slides the time of that entire lane (and any comp regions pointing to it)
      • [SHIFT]-[ALT]-dragging a take lane slides the time of that all take lanes (and all comp regions referencing them)
    • Comping expression editing keeps track of its own snapping setting, defaulting off
      • [SHIFT]-dragging temporarily inverts the snapping setting
    • With multiple comping clips selected, layered editing mode of the Detail Editor Panel allows comp editing of multiple clips at once​
    • In the Comping expression view, the target layer shows all of its take lanes, and additional clips show only their composite lanes​
    • All comp editing gestures work as they do in regular (single) comp editing mode​
    • Using any of the comp editing gestures while holding [CTL] ([CMD] on Mac) applies that edit to only the single comp you are interacting with​
    • Wrap any audio clip into takes by right-clicking on it and choosing Fold to Takes
    • Select either how many takes to create, or the length for each take​
    • Drag any audio file from the Browser Panel to the take lane area to add a new take lane​
      • Right-click on any take lane header for Fold to Takes of that individual lane (in case a file is longer than the current comp, etc.)​
    Operators change when and how events are triggered. Devices have modulators; now notes and audio events have Operators. One or more modes can be used on each event.

    • Sets the likelihood that any event will occur, adding probability to make any loop dynamic​
    • Is visualized on events like the face of dice​
      • A higher die value represents a higher probability​
    • For notes, a Chance expression editor is available beside velocity​
    • Causes retriggers within the original event, turning a single event into a ratchet, or polyrhythm, or…​
    • Repeat Value can be set two ways:​
      • Values below 1 set the note rate for repeats (e.g., 1/2, 1/3, 1/12…)​
      • Values above 1 set the number of slices the event is cut into​
      • Right-clicking on this value provides a menu of common note rates​
    • Repeat Curve bends the repeats to either start closer together, or to speed up at the end​
    • For notes, Repeats End Velocity sets a relative target velocity for the end of the note repeat​
      • This is also editable from the velocity expression lane​
      • [ALT]-dragging on the end velocity point adjusts the velocity curve of the repeats​
    • Is visualized on events as slices where the repeats happen, just like the event restarts at each of those points​
    • Right-click on any event to Slice At Repeats, turning each repeat into an independent note or audio event​
    • Sets conditions for each event​
    • One Condition can be selected:​
      • Always → Plays unconditionally​
      • on First → Plays on first cycle​
      • never First → Skips the first cycle​
      • with Previous → Plays when last event did​
      • without Previous → Plays when last event didn't​
      • with Prev Key [note events only] → Plays when this key's last event did​
      • without Prev Key [note events only] → Plays when this key's last event didn't​
      • with Prev Chan. [note events only] - Plays when this channel's last note did​
      • without Prev Chan. [note events only] - Plays when this channel's last note didn't​
      • Fill on → Plays when Fill mode is on​
      • Fill off → Plays when Fill mode is off​
    • The Fill button is a global performance control​
      • It is available from the Play menu, and can be pinned beside the menus​
      • It can be mapped to MIDI controller, or automated from the Master track under Transport > Fill
    • Is visualized by displaying the condition icon on the event​
    • Gives each event its own looping timeline​
    • Recurrence Length sets the number of loops per cycle, from 2 to 8
    • Toggles are then available for each loop​
    • So if the length is set to 4, four toggles are provided. And if only the first and last toggles are enabled, then this event will trigger on the first and fourth loops of this clip. (And then the fifth and eighth loops, etc. etc.)​
    • Is visualized on the event by a series of shaded (on) and empty (off) rectangles​
    • A new inspector section for Operators is available when note or audio events are selected​
    • All Operator settings are neutral by default, creating events that always sound​
    • When an Operator mode has active values, the mode is visualized on the note/audio event as described above​
    • Each mode icon represents a toggle that can be turned off and back on at any time​
    • Right-click on any Launcher clip and choose Expand to print any number of loops into a new clip​
    • Unlike Bounce options, Expand generates the type of clip you started with (so an audio clip will create audio clips, and a note clip will create note clips)​
    • Expand removes any Operator that can be calculated ahead of time (particularly good for "cycle-aware" options, like Recurrence, or the First conditions of Occurrence)​
    • Options are available to:​
      • Preserve Chance values, instead of printing their result​
      • Preserve expression Spread values, instead of printing their result​
    • This provides clips with predictable notes, and a visualization of how Operators are actually creating larger patterns within patterns​
    • When Chance settings are used, Expand a clip several times to glimpse into different possible timelines​
    • Expression automation points each have a Spread value now, defining a range for the point that will be randomly selected each time the clip loops​
    • Notes have these per-note expressions that can use Spread:​
      • Velocity (only defined at the beginning of each note)​
      • Pitch
      • Timbre
      • Pressure
      • Gain
      • Pan
    • Audio events have these expressions that can use Spread:​
      • Gain
      • Pan
      • Pitch
      • Formant (used by some stretch modes)​
    • Random values will glide to and from their neighboring points, just as regular automation would​
    • [ALT]-drag on any expression point to define its Spread
      • When the clip is not playing, the Spread range will be visualized with a color gradient showing the bipolar range​
      • When the clip is playing, the randomly selected values will be shown at the beginning of each loop cycle​
    • Spread values are also accessible in the Inspector by:​
      • Selecting individual expression point(s), and using the Spread field in the automation Point section​
      • Selecting a clip (or multiple note/audio events) and using the parameter's histogram, which now has a value for Spread of that parameter​
    • To grab a reproducible random sequence, each clip now has a Seed parameter​
      • By default, the value is Random, producing different results each time the clip is triggered​
      • By clicking this field, a particular Seed value is produced and saved (displayed as a shiny bit field)​
      • To produce a new Seed value, just click the field again. Or click the die icon to return to total Random.​
      • When recording a performance from the Clip Launcher to the Arranger, the Seed value used during recording will be preserved in the new Arranger clips, preserving the exact sequence playback as what you heard during performance.​
      • This Seed functionality applies to all expression Spread values within a clip, as well as any Chance Operators used​
    • Provides modulator signals for three project-wide controls:​
      • Fill - A modulator signal reflecting the current Fill mode state​
      • A◆B - A bipolar modulator signal reflecting the current global crossfade value​
      • Play - A modulator signal reflecting whether the transport is currently playing (1) or not (0)​
    • The Fill and A◆B sources can be used as global control sources, routing hardware controllers or automation (from Master > Transport) to any and all tracks​
    • Bitwig Studio now runs natively on Apple Silicon​
    • Thru Bitwig's unique plug-in hosting, Intel VSTs can still be used alongside ARM VSTs​
    • The Bitwig Studio application is now localized in Chinese, Japanese, and German​
    • The language is set from the Dashboard under Settings > User Interface > Language, at the top of that page​
    • Device and parameter names are the same, but most functions, labels, and in-app documentation (for the 300+ devices and modules) are translated​
    • Export Audio function and dialog has been revamped​
    • You can now choose from various audio formats to export:​
      • WAV​
      • FLAC​
      • Opus (information here)​
      • OGG Vorbis​
      • MP3​
    • Appropriate profiles are available for each format​
    • Multiple formats can be exported at once (in case you want a lossless version for your listening, and a lossy version to email, etc.)​
    • The Sample Rate for exports can also be set now​
    • If a time selection is made is the Arranger, that is used as the export Time Range
    • Import of some data from FL Studio project files (FLP)
    • Import of some data from Ableton Live project files (ALS)
    • A top-level snap toggle is available in all timeline editors, to the right of the snap settings menu​
    • Waveforms are now shown in a Perceptual scale by default, for easier reading (setting is in the Dashboard under Settings > User Interface > View > Waveform display)​
    • Various container devices can now be converted, such as switching Layer devices to Selector devices, etc.​
    • Added track "lane heights" zoom functions for the Arranger and Detail Editor Panel (assignable via Dashboard > Settings > Shortcuts)​
    • Controller scripts added for Native Instruments A and M series​
    • Controller script added for iCON VCast​
    • Anonymized, optional usage data collection is now possible (details here), to help us improve Bitwig Studio​
    • Track Monitoring: Sources from other tracks can now be monitored (as long as this would not create a feedback loop)​
    • Track Monitoring: Mode is now a tri-state switch (click to cycle from Auto to On to Off)​
      • Or right-click the monitoring button for a menu with all modes and their descriptions​
    • The gain handle is now available at the top of any Arranger audio clip, and in the Detail Editor Panel (at the top of the waveform in the Audio Event and Comping expression editors)​
    • The slide gesture is now available at the bottom in the Detail Editor Panel (at the bottom of the the waveform in Audio Event or Comping modes)​
    • Time sliding handles are now available at the bottom of each audio event in the Detail Editor Panel​
    • Preview player (in Browser Panel and Pop-up Browser) provides temporary auditioning when you click on the note/audio visualization, now stopping audition on mouse release​
    • HW CV Instrument device: Now has a latency measurement option[24535]​
    • HW FX device: Better latency measurement algorithm [24032]​
    • Polymer/ Grid modules (Filters): Many filters now handle extreme resonance and modulation cases more smoothly​
    • Find All when looking for missing files is now faster when searching for multiple files​
    • Controller API: Added NoteStep.isMuted() and NoteStep.setIsMuted()​
    • Sustain pedal problems with certain MIDI CC64 automation [26157]​
    • Meter of device chain was painted grey after unmuting [26149]​
    • Reordering automation lanes stops the updating of the knob onscreen​
    • In the Edit View, tool and snap settings are now shared between the Detail and Automation Editor Panels [25727, 26197]​
    • Smaller (read: better) sensitive area for boundary interactions with clips​
    • Showing piano roll micro-pitch expressions on a hybrid track could crash [25936]​
    • Clip selection in Detail Editor Panel did not always update correctly when selecting a clip on another track in the Arranger [21812]​
    • Note Editor: The "Draw Note Pattern" modifier would sometimes draw a double note with certain beat grid settings [25374]​
    • Automation editor was showing preview region over full editor width when drawing with pencil tool in some cases [25924]​
    • Snapping did not work for zero offsets via snap-to-relative-grid [26155]​
    • Various note and note name painting issues in Detail Editor Panel [26123]​
    • Crash when clip end was adjusted on mixed clip/meta-clip selection [26037]​
    • Clicking on an audio lane header in layered editing mode (for tracks) was changing the layers shown​
    • Drum Machine device: Weird CPU spikes could appear when playing one drum slot that is set to be choking another slot [25645]​
    • Drum Machine device: Internal return chains are no longer accessible to nested FX Layer devices (which could cause feedback loops) [25929]​
    • Delay 1, Delay 2 & Delay 4 devices: Might go to sleep before feedback is played, when delay times were long [25442]​
    • HW Instrument device: Did not preserve MIDI CC's channel [26102]​
    • Note FX Layer & Note FX Selector devices: Were causing note delay when first inserting them [23192]​
    • Note FX Selector device: Now correctly works with sustain pedal [25997]​
    • Mod Delay Grid module: Was sometime glitching at start/stop of transport when project had PDC latency [26363]​
    • Channel Map device: Was always lightning the channel 1 indicator​
    • Channel Map device: Did not work on MIDI CCs with HW Instrument device [26102]​
    • Crashes sometimes when undoing deletion of devices that were using samples [26166], [26065]​
    • Crash when triple-clicking inspector number field followed by drag at the right edge [25683]​
    • Possible to crash the application by calling some methods via controller API in some cases [26165]​
    • Zooming out in Grid editor could make knob graphics disappear [26039]​
    • macOS: Incorrect names were sometimes shown for certain files loaded from the OS (e.g Korean file names composed of Hangul Jamo characters) [25890]​
    • Linux: Rare crashes when using Wavetable module, in Polymer or The Grid [25958]​
    • Controller API: Tracks created via HW API were white [26126]​
    • Controller API: Added monitorMode() and isMonitoring() on Track object [deprecated monitor() and autoMonitor()]​
    • Love it! Love it! x 2
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  4. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    New sound Content (download in Bitwig Studio 4x)


    Get lost in the ever-changing landscape of somewhat-unpredictable, sometimes-irregular and always-interesting anti-loops. The Anti-Loops package consists of 100+ clips with sequenced notes and audio that utilize comping and Operators in creative ways. Operators for notes and audio events allow for boundless musical diversity and change, and the specially prepared comping clips hold hidden variations for you to discover.

    Expert sound designers like Cristian Vogel, Pat Cupo, and Polarity crafted these sounds to be added into any track or used as a first element to get your project started. When something arhythmic becomes rhythmic, or when a looping element feels a little variable and almost broken — that’s something worth building a track on.

    So much more than flat WAVs, the Anti-Loops clips are ready to be edited and reworked as much or as little as you like. Use the Anti-Loops clips to learn, as inspiration, or as starting points for your own musical journeys. After all, the BPMs in the clip names are just suggestions, and maybe the best loops don't.
  5. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    looks like 4.1 is on the way.

    Planessix from Discord

    Note: I have to open image in new tab to full screen.
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2021
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  6. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    What if notes did more than trigger your sounds? As musical signals that dance and curve, notes just do more in Bitwig Studio, both on the timeline and in performance. Version 4.1 is here, adding eight new note effects. So with 20+ FX now included, we say… LET THERE BE NOTES!

    Hear Them In Action
    The new devices bring a wealth of possibilities along, all in a performance-ready context. Please hear them in action…​

    The Bitwig Studio 4.1 beta is available for download today. Anyone with an active Bitwig Studio upgrade plan can download the installer from their account. The official Bitwig Studio 4.1 release is planned for this year.

    The new Bend, Humanize, Quantize, and Randomize devices will be available in Bitwig Studio 16-Track.​

    More info:

    Changes in Bitwig Studio 4.1, Beta 1
    New Note FX device: Bend
    • Bends to each note's pitch from a relative Starting Pitch
    • Bend Shape sets the curve for the pitch glide
    • Duration of the bend can set it either real time or tempo-relative 16ᵗʰ notes
    • A Pre-delay setting is also available, for postponing the pitch bend (the same as on most of the envelope modulators, etc.)
    • Useful for:
      • Adding glissando to any device
      • New sound design possibilities by adding a quick pitch envelope on any instrument
      • Many responsive possibilities, such as modulating bend amount or time with velocity, etc. etc.
      • Setting a pitch curve once before "stacked" instruments, such as with the Instrument Layer or Instrument Selector containers (or their Note FX brethren)
      • An alternate concept of "glide," starting relative to the new note (instead of from the pitch played previously)
    New Note FX device: Dribble
    • Bounces each note until gravity wins
    • First Bounce time (set in real time or tempo-relative 16ᵗʰ notes) is the time that the initial bounce will last if maximum velocity is played
    • Damping controls the speed/height loss for each successive bounce
      • With Damping set to 0.00 %, bounce height remains the same
    • Shortest Bounce time is a threshold for settings when bounces become too close together and should be discontinued
    • Hold Last Note optionally keeps the final bounce note held out (as long as the triggering note is still held)
    • Useful for:
      • Adding some trailing character to single-note lines
      • Giving per-note "delays" to chords, especially when each note has a slightly different velocity
      • Creating a decaying, "organic" note repeat effect
      • Modulating Damping to keep notes at fix repeat lengths, whenever anything happens (like the global Fill button is engaged)
    New Note FX device: Humanize
    • Randomizes chance, timing, or velocity of notes
    • Chance sets the likelihood that each arriving note will be sent on
    • Timing defines the maximum lateness that can be randomly selected for each note
      • If Allow Early Notes is on (±), then delay compensation is used to make the Timing range either late or early
    • Velocity sets a bipolar amount of randomization applied at each note on
    • Useful for:
      • Giving some life to the timing of any input
      • Lightly mutating any sequenced passage, making it is different with each repeat
      • Randomizing any triggered note clip, where the Allow Early Notes option can feel right
      • Loosening any predictable output, so that rigid rhythms or probability can be modulated or automated
      • Randomly spreading note timing for FX that care about note order (like Strum, or Arpeggiator using the Flow pattern, etc.)
    New Note FX device: Note Repeats
    • Retriggers each note, with Pattern options
    • Timebase for the repeat rate can be set in real time (seconds), tempo-relative units (bars, triplet eighths, etc.), or at the frequency of the played note
      • A Rate factor scales the Timebase unit, good for slight manipulations or multiples
    • Gate Length is set as a percentage of the repeat rate, or to Hold until Next Trigger ()
    • Velocity Decay sets the change amount of each successive repeat's velocity, either down or up
    • Chance sets the probability that each individual repeat occurs
    • Disable Repeats is a mappable "kill switch" that sustains each note after its next repeat starts (and passes new notes directly thru), allowing the repeat function itself to be disabled or modulated
    Note Pattern Options
    • Two additional modes are available for organizing note repeats into larger forms:
      • Burst lines up all note retriggers in a row
      • Euclid tries to evenly space the note repeats, which can be rhythmically satisfying
    • Length sets a pattern to be between 2 and 32 steps
    • Density is the percentage that the pattern gets filled
    • Rotate allows pushes the start of the pattern either forward or backward
    Accent Options within Patterns
    • "Accents" can be created by keeping a number of the repeats at their original velocity, and attenuating velocity of the "non-accented" repeats
    • Count / Strong Notes sets the number of current repeats that will be accented
      • Accents are distributed according to the mode used
    • Low Velocity (Non-accents) sets the attenuation applied to the non-accented notes
    • Opposite / Flip Accent Pattern inverts the placement of accented and non-accented notes
    • Keep Accents / Always Play Accents guarantees that each accented note will play every time, regarding of the Chance setting
    Useful for:
    • Repeating each incoming note at a set rate
    • A performance-ready note effect, particularly with mappings to Disable Repeats (for switching the entire effect on and back off) and Velocity Decay (so that retriggers can be ramped quieter and then louder)
    • Creating probabilistic repeats with the Chance parameter
    • Giving life to long chords with a low Chance setting but the Hold until Next Trigger () option on, keeping each note sustained until the eventual retrigger arrives
    • All manner of note pattern fun, for drum parts or anything else
    New Note FX device: Quantize
    • Holds notes until the next beat, with optional Forgiveness
    • Timing Interval selects the beat grid-interval that notes will be held until
    • Forgiveness is a threshold for how late notes can be before they are held until the next beat
    • Useful for:
      • A real-time performance quantizer, placing all incoming notes exactly on the next grid line
      • Aligning incoming notes across a beat range (perhaps followed by Strum, etc.)
      • Creating new rhythmic patterns, particularly by feeding it a fast Arpeggiator or Note Repeats, etc. with a middle Forgiveness value
    New Note FX device: Randomize
    • Randomizes note pitch, velocity, and any automation expressions at note on
    • Each note in Bitwig Studio contains its own expressions
    • For each note that passes thru, this device can add a random amount of defined range to any expression, including:
      • Pitch, with additional parameters options for whether pitch is Quantized to semitones and whether its randomization is Bipolar
      • Velocity, randomized around the current value (taken from the note source and used wherever velocity is mapped, including from the Expressions modulator)
      • Timbre, randomized around the current value (used wherever mapped from the Expressions modulator)
      • Pressure, randomized around the current value (taken from the note source especially for MPE controllers, and used wherever mapped from the Expressions modulator)
      • Pan, randomized around the current value (mapped to the panning of each individual note, and available from the Pan In Grid module)
      • Gain, randomized around the current value (mapped to the gain of each individual note, and available from the Gain In Grid module)
    • Useful for:
      • Turning any note clip into an "anti-loop," with different parameters for each note that plays
      • Giving individual Pan position to each note of a chord or arpeggio
      • Creating tiny pitch instability to the original notes, or on a second Instrument Layer for "analog" drift
      • Adding additional Timbre and Pressure variety to any MPE-friendly sound
      • Shifting drum notes to sometimes trigger different drum elements
    New Note FX device: Ricochet
    • Treats notes as bouncing balls in a room
    • When balls collide with each other (or with the room's walls), a new note is triggered at that velocity
    • Ball Speed scales the speed of each ball (relative to its velocity)
    • Ball Radius sets the size of the balls
    • Ball Damping is the amount of slowdown applied after each collision
    • Ball Launch Mode determines the direction in which new balls are fired:
      • Random picks a random direction each time
      • Bar Sync uses relative bar position, with bar start and end facing straight up (at 12 o'clock)
      • Manual gives control to the Ball Launch Angle parameter for manual setting or modulation, etc.
    • Room Sides can be set anywhere between 3.0 and 8.0, including decimal values for some asymmetry
    • Room Orientation turns the room position or spins it (modulators!)
    • Room Spatialization uses each ball's position to effect that note's panning (↔︎) and timbre (↕︎) expressions
    • Sound on Initial Notes sets whether the initial note being received triggers a note, or not (which can be nice on a second layer, etc.)
    • Useful for:
      • Creating an algorithmic variation of your note clip, which is either reproducible (Bar Sync) or new each time (Random)
      • Generating one-shot timbre/pan envelopes by using a big Room Spatialization and maximum Damping
      • Going "the full Eno" by setting a slow Speed, triggering a non-sustaining sound, and holding down the sustain pedal
      • Creating a 90s-style delay, but with… Note FX…
    New Note FX device: Strum
    • Fragments your chords, playing them one (or more) note at a time
    • Timebase for the strum speed can be set in real time (seconds) or tempo-relative units (bars, triplet eighths, etc.)
      • A Rate factor scales the Timebase unit, good for slight manipulations or multiples
    • Strum direction can be set to Strum Up (playing lowest note first, then upward) or down
    • Number of Steps allows sequencing a pattern of up to four steps, so that the next chord played can change strum direction
    • Stride sets the number of notes that are output at a time
    • Grace Period is the time window for each chord to be collected before strumming begins
    • Useful for:
      • Animating played chords at a steady rate
      • Slight speed-ups or slow-downs, by slowly modulating the strum rate
      • Alternating up–down strum patterns, to borrow some plucked/bowed patterns
      • A one-shot arpeggiator, running up or down the played notes once
      • "Smart" moving quantize, taking your playing and spreading each note to this beat or the next
    Updated Note FX device: Multi-note
    • As before: each note in triggers up to eight notes out
    • There is now a Chance parameter for each output note, setting the probability of that note at each note on
    • There is now a velocity Spread parameter for each output note, setting a randomize range for the velocity of that note at each note on
    • The Pitch Offset and Enable parameters for each note are now updated throughout the life of a note
      • Gliding pitches can now be created, and notes can be (re)activated via each output note's Enable parameter
    Updated Instrument: Sampler
    • Now has a Release chain, which receives note triggers for each note off the Sampler gets
    • Includes parameters for:
      • Note Length used in the Release chain
      • Whether to Use Velocity from the initial note On message (can make for a more consistent sound), or from the note Off message (if your controller supports this well)
    • Improved SFZ file import:
      • Dragging a file containing both trigger and release samples onto a blank track or space will load a Sampler with the trigger regions, which has a Sampler nested in the Release chain with the release regions
      • Dragging a file containing both trigger and release samples onto an existing sampler provides various modifier keys for which sample set to either replace with or merge in
      • Any region using seq_position imports as Round-robin
    • As with all nested chains in Bitwig, the Release chain:
      • Can contain any Bitwig devices and VST plug-ins
      • Is available for modulation from any modulators (LFOs, sidechains, step sequencers, etc. etc.) that are used by the Sampler
      • Will save any inserted devices as part of your Sampler presets
      • Is also output to the audio FX chain that follows, and then the final Out level control
    Updated Note FX device: Note Length
    • As before: triggers fixed-length notes on initial press or release
    • There is now an option for notes triggered on Release to use either the original note On velocity, or the received note Off velocity
      • This is the same option available in the Release chain of Sampler, but can be coupled via Instrument Layer with any instrument/synth (read: not just for samples)
    Updated Note FX device: Note Filter
    • As before: filters notes by set Key and Velocity ranges
    • There are now two Mode options:
      • Keep only passes notes that are within the defined Key and Velocity ranges (this is the device's previous behavior)
      • Remove passes all the notes outside of the defined Key and Velocity ranges
    • Once a range is defined, just duplicate the device and flip the mode to get all the other notes
      • Place these on two layers within a Note FX Layer (when you want to process the notes separately, but send them to the same instrument)
      • Place these on two layers within an Instrument Layer (when you want different instruments to be triggered by the note streams)
    New Color Palettes
    • Different color palettes are now available for tracks, clips, and layers, making more colors available for these elements
    • From the color selection area of the Inspector Panel or context menu, click the right-facing triangle (▶︎) to switch between the available palettes
    • To add a new color palette to your user library, simply drag a JPG or PNG file onto the Dashboard icon at the top of the Bitwig window
    New Features
    • Direct MIDI output is now available from all track choosers
      • All detected ports are shown in the Note Outputs section
      • The HW Instrument device is still available when you need delay compensation
    • Default presets for all Bitwig instruments have been updated:
      • All instruments that include some "velocity sensitivity" setting are now set somewhere in the middle
      • All polyphonic instruments now have a Vibrato modulator prewired to device pitch (and controlled by Modwheel), as well as an unwired Expressions modulator
    • Better priorities and hit areas for Arranger clips mouse interactions [26816]
    • Arpeggiator device: Now has an Update Rate at Next Step option, to prevent going "out of grid" when changing the rate [26939]
    • If a plug-in host process hangs, the user now gets an option to kill the process
    • VST3: Added IMidiLearn support
    • Controller API improvements:
      • Provides access to Arranger loop range [26341]
      • Ability to add and remove cue markers [26340]
      • Option to expand/collapse group tracks [26342]
      • Added canUndo and canRedo [26343]
    • Linux: Now bundles ffmpeg
    • Consolidating a clip could lose various clip settings [26679]
    • Time selection did not snap to onsets when the Arranger clip start marker was not at zero position [26827]
    • Waveform of raw audio events could display with incorrect timing when tempo automation was present [26778]
    • Comping did not work correctly in clips that contained audio starting before 1.1.1 [26865]
    • Regions could disappear when editing comping takes in stretch mode [26826]
    • Fixed crash when folding audio to comping takes [26879]
    • Drum Machine device: Choking settings would persist after loading a new preset [26612]
    • Modulation indicator was the wrong color when modulation exceeded negative value range
    • Modulation source context menu did not show the name of the modulator
    • On loop jumps, wrong sample and timing information could be sent to plug-ins, causing first notes to be skipped [22690]
    • A plug-in that hung or crashed while loading could lock up the audio engine [26934]
    • Fixed various random crashes when performing undo or redo
    • Automatically repair broken projects created with v4.0 beta versions [26830]
    • macOS: Bitwig Studio jumps to foreground when connecting or disconnecting screen [25636]
    • Controller API: A clip's note step observer could sometimes report the wrong step index
    • Some Note FX devices have been renamed :
      • Echo (was previously Note Echo)
      • Harmonize (was previously Note Harmonizer)
      • Key Filter (was previously Diatonic Transposer)
      • Latch (was previously Note Latch)
      • Note Transpose (was previously Note Pitch Shifter)
      • Transpose Map (was previously Transposition Map)
      • Velocity Curve (was previously Note Velocity)
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2021
  7. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    Least exciting update ever. We got some happy accident tools.
  8. DJMani

    DJMani Ultrasonic

    Oct 23, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Operators Should have been a Modulator
    Most of these "New Devices" could/should have been Modulators too.

    Comping in Bitwig is just un-necessary Nonsense

    They should be making Envelopes/Clip Envelopes
    as efficient as Ableton.
  9. DJMani

    DJMani Ultrasonic

    Oct 23, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Bitwig is the closest thing to having
    Ableton Pre V8 before it became Bloated and Slow.

    Comments from Everyone...
    Wen MSEG
    WENN Midi Comping
    when Scale Snapping
    Wen Bitwigz haz all stuffz nobody needs
    Morz Featurez
  10. lxfsn

    lxfsn Platinum Record

    Sep 8, 2021
    Likes Received:
    That's what I like about it: you can stop upgrading now at 4.0.7 and is a complete daw. Runs blazing fast (absolutely insanely fast vs Ableton on windows), for the few things missing (and rarely used imho) there are workarounds. Just enjoy it :)
  11. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
    Likes Received:
    I use comping like a lot a lot. it was one of my most wanted request, which I emailed the devs about over and over until I got it. I'm super happy about it, still.

    I don't need or want:
    MSEG, very requested
    "Midi comping" lol ridicules. It's midi FFS.
    "Scale Snapping", because I'm a musician though I understand many aren't, and even some musicians actually like using it for whatever reason.

    As for these new devices, I'll definitely be using a few of them, little bits of them everywhere. A couple of them simplify some things I do all the time the hard way. I think they're very useful.

    There's also a few updates to existing devices, the release chain for Sampler is of interest to me as almost half my work is sampler based, and there is quite a few fixes that are welcome.

    Not an update that blows my mind or anything but useful to me in more ways than one. All in all, I'm satisfied.
  12. DJMani

    DJMani Ultrasonic

    Oct 23, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Since Bitwig 2+ It's so painful to use Ableton
  13. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    Since when nobody needs MSEG? MSEGs are the most quickest way to modulate controls. You can do exactly what you want easily. Bitwig is a production beast MSEGs will do make it one step closer to perfection.
    Reaper gives more than what everybody wants and still more is being added.
  14. DJMani

    DJMani Ultrasonic

    Oct 23, 2015
    Likes Received:
    I am not at all complaining about the devices
    just should be more modulator focused

    I do like Bitwigs sampler direction better than Ableton

    Scale Snap in real actuality isn't useful
    IF you dont understand some kind of music theory
    even if you cant have no right to attempt music production. Or use Scaler but you Still need to understand Theory.

    yeah, I saw requests for
    midi comp
    fruity loops like midi
    drum sequencers
    chord track
    scale snap
    All stuff that copies other Daws
    I want Bitwig to be Innovative and Creative not cookie cutter daw
  15. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
    Likes Received:
    I guess some people want the DAW(s) they came from and or tried + Bitwig combined in one. Some of them call these things they want from other DAWs "basic features". We really are spoiled.
  16. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    Bitwig is great, I like it the most. The way Bitwig's effects and instruments work with all the modulations is fantastic. But it does not mean it does not need more features and improvements. And more features does not mean performance loss ( :chilling: Reaper).
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 5, 2021
  17. fuziohm

    fuziohm Ultrasonic

    Apr 18, 2015
    Likes Received:
    I use ableton, and trying really hard bitwig at the moment. Making a lot of tracks.
    As a ableton user what i most search for is a piano roll like fl studio, bit almost did it with pencil mode, but almost.
    restrospective record for midi is a must for me too
    and bitwig need a better and simpler browser. and be able to search projects in the browser also.
    Playback is too slow also on the browser.
    Vertical Zoom. i think daws should focus just on basics to make arrengement the best possible and forget this fancy plugins man.
    Arrangmente tools and arengment versions like fl studio would be good.
    Change volume with scroll. And easy way to type DBs in volume. This is a pain in bitwig.
    Soloing like logic.
    Multiple mixer routings at same time.

    Reaper dos all of this :dunno::guru:kkk.
    But the gui becomes bugged, no t solid in big projects
  18. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    You have two options to browse. Also can search projects. Playback is fine on my pc.
    now you are joking?
    If you can't ctrl+click, you are not qualified to use a pc.
  19. DJMani

    DJMani Ultrasonic

    Oct 23, 2015
    Likes Received:

    Just use
    Fruity Loops if you want Fl piano roll
    Logic if you want Logic stuff
    Ableton if you want Ableton stuff

    You are one of these Lazy "Spoiled" people who wants All -In-One-DAW
  20. DJMani

    DJMani Ultrasonic

    Oct 23, 2015
    Likes Received:
    I don't care about MSEG
    it was typo when got Grouped with the useless stuff in my Post Earlier.

    What do You think Clip Envelopes are?
    Clip "Envelopes"
    been in Ableton forever
  21. BuntyMcCunty

    BuntyMcCunty Rock Star

    Nov 13, 2019
    Likes Received:
    I think those new NoteFX tools look really cool.

    I would like a more user-friendly drum sequencer interface though. Yes, the current one is usable but it doesn't give me any pleasure. One of the nice things about Bitwig is so much of its interface induces that pleasure you get when you're using a nice, well designed tool. Drums just seems like an afterthought, which is odd given that I'm guessing that the bulk of Bitwig users will be making rhythm-centric electronic music.
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