(bitwig.com) Bitwig Studio 1.3.8 RC-1 -> RC-5

Discussion in 'BitWig' started by thantrax, Feb 19, 2016.

  1. thantrax

    thantrax Audiosexual

    Feb 20, 2012
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    Bitwig Studio 1.3.8 RC-1


    Our current development of the next update is available for testing. Let us know if you run into any issues by submitting crash reports if prompted by Bitwig Studio.

    Changes in Bitwig Studio 1.3.8 RC 1

    Released on 17.02.2016.
    FIXED Crash when trying to select parent device via controller API.
    FIXED Controller API: crash when diving into FX layers using Push4Bitwig script.
    FIXED When dropping raw audio events into a clip the successive audio event sometimes gets deleted.
    FIXED Audio engine always crashes if user selects weird buffer sizes on ALSA.
    FIXED Clicking on clip launcher scene clears the note editor content in tablet mode.
    FIXED Recording with punch in and pre-roll causes clips to be recorded on the arranger with negative time.
    FIXED Note length changes whe single-clicking inspector note length field for a multiselection.
    FIXED If you get an error saving a project when closing it the project should not be closed.
    FIXED Stop button on group track in clip launcher is not lit, so looks like you can't press on it.
    FIXED Using forward slashes ("/") in track names leads to the creation of subdirectories when exporting audio.
    FIXED Controller API: allow to launch either group track scenes or the clips of the group's master track via clip launcher interface.
    FIXED Controller API: cursor device does not work on tracks that have been created by a track bank.
    FIXED Controller API: crash when calling selectFirstInSlot on named device cursor.
    FIXED Controller API: cursorTrack.addCanSelectNextObserver reports the same value as addCanSelectPreviousObserver.
    FIXED Using punch out results in instrument track recording stopping slightly before the loop end.
    FIXED Eraser tool affects all layers in layered audio editor instead of just the target layer.
    FIXED Controller API: macros of devices in FX slots cannot be accessed when slot is closed in the GUI.
    FIXED Crash when duplicating additive tempo modulation points inside a clip on the clip launcher.
    FIXED If you bounce a note clip that is recorded with preroll all bounces contain one bar of silence at the beginning of the bounced audio file.
    FIXED Dragging automation time selection for clip modulation resulted in wrong preview and wrong data inserted on drop.
    FIXED Pinning device for a selected preset in popup browser would not allow unpin if the plugin no longer existed.
    FIXED Pasting of clip modulation inserts wrong data.
    FIXED A duplicated audio track reverts to the first hardware input if the source track had another hardware input selected.

    IMPROVED Made touch-tap recognition more reliable on Surface Book and Surface Pro 4 and other devices with very high pixel-density.
    IMPROVED Touch: The radial gestures menu for devices in the device chain is now only available from the device header, as it was too easy to move/copy devices by accident. .
    IMPROVED Improved algorithm used for delay-compensation including fixes for modulation routing and complex side-chaining.
    IMPROVED Don't have separate browser, inspector, mapping browser for each mode (PLAY, EDIT, ARR, MIX) in the tablet profile. Instead just one for all of the modes.
    IMPROVED Support Jack input and output latency compensation.
    IMPROVED Rescan plugin option not available for shelled plugins and only shown in presets browser not in device browser.
    IMPROVED Show path to selected file in popup browser and make it clickable to select a parent folder.

    More info here (DDL links)

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  3. peterA

    peterA Platinum Record

    Dec 29, 2015
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    Considering the number of updates this programme has had since it's release you would think the amount of fixes would be getting less.
    23 fixes on top of those in the previous update a month ago doesn't really inspire confidence.
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  4. DieM

    DieM Rock Star

    Aug 15, 2015
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    Somewhere in Scotland
    Saying that, it's still a relatively new DAW so lets see how it goes eh!
    I wonder what 1.4 will bring?
  5. kouros

    kouros Platinum Record

    Nov 7, 2014
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    Because it's better to live with the errors and/or wait for sporadic version updates?

    It's the nature of software. If it doesn't get regular fixes/updates, chances are that the bugs are there but no one's doing anything about it.
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2016
  6. DieM

    DieM Rock Star

    Aug 15, 2015
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    Somewhere in Scotland

    It's a continuous ironing out of the wrinkles to eventually create a flat smooth undisturbed surface!

    Wait a Minute! Did I actually say that? Forgive my ignorant exuberance. I love this DAW over all others so I tend to get a bit overawed when speaking of it!
    If it wasn't for regular updates and fixes then this would not be as great as it is at this moment in time.
    Much much better is yet to come and I believe that this will be a regular go to DAW in the near future for your average music making enthusiast!
  7. Antikythera Mechanism

    Antikythera Mechanism Ultrasonic

    Nov 8, 2015
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    RAM consumption increasing in each update, or it is just me? (500mb empty project)
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  8. DieM

    DieM Rock Star

    Aug 15, 2015
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    Somewhere in Scotland
    That sounds pretty high!
    Just checked a 7 track project and it's coming up 278 MB
  9. peterA

    peterA Platinum Record

    Dec 29, 2015
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    I accept that refining software is an ongoing process, I just thought that the number of fixes needed after all this time would be going down.

    No problem or criticism, just an observation.
  10. Antikythera Mechanism

    Antikythera Mechanism Ultrasonic

    Nov 8, 2015
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    OK. Must be something wrong in the settings or my installation, because before (v1.1.8) the consumption was near that you mention. Thanks!
  11. thantrax

    thantrax Audiosexual

    Feb 20, 2012
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    I'm using v1.3.6. In default mode (starting project) RAM is 297 MB. RAM consumption is 303 MB with a 30 track project (and there a re a lot of BitwigPluginHost32.exe running); engine-x86.exe is 252 MB.
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  12. Boujwa

    Boujwa Ultrasonic

    Mar 4, 2014
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    Bitwig is like Reaper in fixing bugs. :)
  13. DieM

    DieM Rock Star

    Aug 15, 2015
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    Somewhere in Scotland
    Yeah I know what u mean mate. It is rather a lot of fixes. Personally I would rather a lot of fixes than less if it is going to make the software better in the long run. (If u know what I mean) Personally, I don't affiliate myself with any company and the sooner they iron out the discrepancies the better. All I do know is that I love this piece of software as it suits my purposes to a tee. It can be a lot better but being a fan I can forgive the slow development and probably be a little more patient of the ongoing process as it is.

    Hey healthy criticism is what makes for better progress. Don't u think?
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2016
  14. DieM

    DieM Rock Star

    Aug 15, 2015
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    Somewhere in Scotland
    It does seem pretty high. Maybe your machine?
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2016
  15. DieM

    DieM Rock Star

    Aug 15, 2015
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    Somewhere in Scotland
    Yeah all of those fixes are going a long way to making a far better program :yes:
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2016
  16. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    Ableton did a lot lot lot of bug fixes before releasing version 9. Still some crashes. Bitwig is now in ready to use state. But give it some time. It's too good for a new DAW. Good thing they implemented in Bitwig is seperate process for plugins. No crashing due to plugins.

    Bitwig is getting in the right direction. Full screen is a great feature for low resolution laptops. Opening multiple projects in tabs. Hiding clip launcher.
    Ableton's max4live sucks the hell out of your cpu.
    I bet Bitwig 2.0 will be amazing product.

    Those are words from a Ableton user.
  17. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    It's just you. It's taking 250MB here on empty project. 2MB more than Ableton
  18. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    This is why Reaper is very stable:wink:
  19. lpu2n

    lpu2n Producer

    Aug 11, 2015
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    Agreed. I love Live to death, it has the most "musical" workflow of any DAW I've used, it's not fiddly and inspires creativity by being clear and intuitive for the most part. But when I started testing out Bitwig, I began noticing features that were sorely missing from Live. Things like a good browser, with the possibility to assign favourites to samples/whatever, better organization, better handling of VSTs, and so on. For a v.1 product, it surprisingly easily holds its water when compared to Live v9. Granted, it borrows a lot from Live, but it also adds tons of value on top... often just small details that you subconsciously wish were there in Live. In my eyes that makes Bitwig a worthwhile alternative. I can't wait till they iron out the majority of the bugs and polish out the features, it'll surely be extraordinary. I might even make the switch eventually, unless Live 10 bests it (whenever that'll happen :dunno:)
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2016
  20. Pereira

    Pereira Producer

    Apr 6, 2013
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    Sorry guys, without no intention to offend anybody but let me say:

    It's the nature of BAD software (personal opinion...)

    and which continues to be poorly written (personal opinion...)

    another further example

    We gave it almost 2 years:woot:, still not enough?

    we can say: finally! or not?...maybe at the next update?

    and before the updates? if yes why they were needed?

    Personal opinions.......:bow:
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2016
  21. Enoch007

    Enoch007 Kapellmeister

    Jun 16, 2011
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    Ableton 10
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