Billie Eilish vs. Lynyrd Skynyrd

Discussion in 'Music' started by daddytang, May 5, 2021.


    JMOUTTON Audiosexual

    Jan 10, 2016
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    Different cultures different sound, though honestly do you see a global market for music in Polish? The only Polish musicians I know off the top of my head are Chopin, Szymanowski and Kilar, none of them sing.

    I know you know this but in my part of the world if it isn't in English for the most part it doesn't exist and we Americans and the People of the UK Commonwealth tend to push our music onto the rest of the world. If that's wrong or right isn't really a question that's going to get answered in this forum. Regardless as long as the world keeps buying it they'll make it and if the world stops they'll still make it for themselves. Why do ABBA and Bjork sing in English instead of Sweedish and Icelandic...

    Reading FTW.

    Also for the record I don't find Eilish attractive in a the classical sense of the word, I am not sure why you are so caught up on her looks, chubby, pale and painted seems to be @Xupito 's thing and that's cool but I don't think that the selling point. I will admit that she has charisma in spades and sometimes that's more important than looks. Either way not that salient, maybe it's a Eastern European culturally propagated androgynously ambiguous chick thing to just assume that's it always looks when the world isn't playing fair.

    None of this stuff will matter in a 100 years when we will all be speaking Mandarin.[/QUOTE]
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  2. Roject

    Roject Audiosexual

    Jan 2, 2019
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    Krzysztof Penderecki fit to this group too.

    All artists puts the work in their music. Do You imagine someone who release album without a work? Or singing live to thousands of fans? Everyone puts their heart and work into that.

    You misunderstood me. The Dumplings singing in English too. But this is not the point.
    I'm talking about UK and USA. There are thousand of girls like this. Plus any country have hundreds Billie like that in own language.

    Polish artist who live in UK and singing in english and for me is better than Billie.
    Pati Yang. You know her? I guess no.
    Language and family country have nothing to do with it.

    I'm not caught up by her look. I'm only joking. Her twins fit perfectly to our forum slogan audiosex. Whole my time here I spent to joking on this territory. I refers to audio and sex. I guess she don't read our forum. So I can joking about her. If it turned out that she was reading the forum and feeling offended I can delete all my comments about her.

    About charisma. I think this girl have more charisma and unique voice.

  3. Roject

    Roject Audiosexual

    Jan 2, 2019
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    Sure. But for me Billie is a person who is opossite to charisma. She doesn't have charisma at all.
    Look at her and listen to her.
    She looks like she has a hangover. Like forever sleepy. Has slow movements. Like she had to force herself to any move.
    Same with her voice. Tone of her voice is lazy like if she was very sleepy, singing with difficulty as if she was doing it casually.
    Maybe this make her special and she is a mirror of the generation of lazy kids who spent all days on tik tok.

    JMOUTTON Audiosexual

    Jan 10, 2016
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    It's the same thing with football players, race card drivers and business man, the universe is a bitch and that is life. There are hundred if not thousands of people that are just as good as Robert Lewandowski just in Poland. Most of them will end up working regular and bellow average jobs and nobody will hear about them. You have to do the work, be lucky and get people to notice you. Billie Eilish was spamming Youtube at the age of 12 and she had parents that were well connected to give her a boost and she still put in the work at had to get lucky.

    If you want to be famous, there is a lot of luck involved even with nepotistic connections being good is still not enough. The most important thing is being able to get people to notice you.

    Perhaps charisma doesn't translate or there is an added cultural element but the Jinjer chick does nothing for me and as much as metal-core might be cool in central and eastern Europe it's just not a big money maker in the rest of the world. Jinjer has a US tour so for a band focusing on a small demographic they are doing better than average. Just because you and all your friends like metal-core doesn't mean that everyone else is going to ad machine or not local fads are not always global not all genera are marketable to the same extent.

    Here is the rock & metal top40 for the UK

    Most of it has been out for decades and very little of it metal. If you swim in a bathtub you can't be whale.

    Charisma is not energy, it's not power, it is the ability to make people/dogs/cats/babies like you or hate you in less than 30 seconds even if they generally would not associate with you on normal basis.

    Either way the odds of becoming a star are probably better than the odds of winning the lottery, but not by much.

    JMOUTTON Audiosexual

    Jan 10, 2016
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    Now I think you are trolling, hitting a language barrier, or are doing that Eastern European culturally propagated androgynously ambiguous chick thing. If you are that's cool but I am not interested in piss takes so you'll just have to be bitter and all emo so that'll be that.
  6. Roject

    Roject Audiosexual

    Jan 2, 2019
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    For me Charisma had different meaning. Charisma is a positive energy. Ability to infect people of Your positivism and gives them a part of your soul. Makes people feel better even if You not say a word.
    And there are few types of charisma.

    For example James Bond character. When You see this You feel a manhood Charisma.
    Jim Carrey - Positive energy charisma and fun.

    For me she doesn't have charisma at all. I don't feel nothing positive when I hear her lazy vocal. Even I feel very bad energy which I don't wanna experience. Her creepy videos etc. Nothing postive so no charisma to me. For me charisma is something positive. When someone spread on the other something negative I call this bad energy and this girl spread a lot of weird bad energy. Look at her videos. They are similar to Madonna a lot of demonic things. Sometimes I have feelings if someone spread energy like this he must sold the soul to the devil.
  7. Roject

    Roject Audiosexual

    Jan 2, 2019
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    This is Charizma. I feel like in heaven listening to this. I have tingles on my ass. This is positive energy.


    JMOUTTON Audiosexual

    Jan 10, 2016
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    That's cool that you define a word in your own way, but that's not the traditional definition. John F Kennedy, Mao Ze Tung, Napoleon, Franco, Pol Pot, Hitler and Lech Wałęsa had classical definition charisma. James Bond is a charismatic character but it's not just masculine because even men who aren't trying to fuck him like him enough to either help him or tell him their secret evil plans before they kill him.

    Charisma isn't always positive RATM had charisma in droves and so did Jim Morrison and neither of them were very positive.

    Either way, this is a music forum not a language course and like I said I am not going to go around in circles when dealing with such qualifiers as such ___ I think or ___ for me. If we can all define what words mean artistically on how we interpret them and then add more qualifiers of a subjective esthetic appeal nature then we better get a bottle of vodka and a pack of cigarettes first.
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  9. Roject

    Roject Audiosexual

    Jan 2, 2019
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    I know what You mean. I know and very like both songs which You post. And both for me are very positive. One has fight motivation energy, second chillout like ride a car and see beautiful views like mountains. Both very positive.
    Edit: Hah I watching video first time right now and in the video is exactly what I was imagined. I know this song from Need For Speed.

    But for comparision something with weird energy like Billie is for example Korn. Korn have weird energy but for me still positive.
    But is their music is top ten in the world and every tik tok kid listening to them? No.
    If someone needs energy like that he looking for their music and listening to them.
    This is music and energy aimed to narrow group of people. It shouldn't be that popular.
    On the radio, tv and social media.
    It can bring bad consequences.
    I don't know if You understand me. It's hard to explain.
    Is everyone in the world need demonic energy right now, something lazy, non-positive, weird, something like Billie Eilish?
    I think no. Most of people need something positive. Only small amount of people need for a moment something different.
    So why this is so popular? I think because of viral etc.
    Many of the kids don't like it but listening to this because this is cool, popular and their peers listening this.
    But same is with other things like LGBT and BLM.
    This is how world works right now. In sick way.
    And nothing change it. My empty words does nothing.
    I hope it's not that bad.
    About her. She probably understand this and changed her image.
    Last edited: May 6, 2021

    JMOUTTON Audiosexual

    Jan 10, 2016
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    I don't agree.

    Korn had their day and 15-20 years ago every tik tok kid would have been listening to them. You are just 15-20 years too late and you are out of style. I like Korn, I used to go to keggers and hand off the fucking ceiling drunk as shit listening to Korn. That was 15-20 years ago though, the world moved on.

    You think a lot, viral means it's cool, people like it, 20 years ago Korn was viral.

    And if you think Bulls on Parade or Riders on the Storm is positive... that's cool some people like putting out cigarettes on their skin because it makes them feel better - doesn't make it right. Maybe you should spend some time actually listening to the words because there is nothing positive about (bulls on parade)getting a pocket full of shells (bullets) and hiding out with your family waiting for the police to show up to kill you & you shoot at them and they shoot at you or (riders on the storm) picking up a hitchhikers that kills you and your family after you give him a ride.

    Let's not get off topic into the same bullshit and bring in your disdain of gay and black people into the equation. We were having a nice talk. I know you are a product of your environment, but you really should try to get beyond it, it is limiting you in all aspects and it is keeping your from growing. If you spent that energy on anything else you would be deprogramming yourself and maybe even doing something useful. How many black people are there in Warsaw, Krakow or Lodz maybe like 200... why do you even give a shit about BLM, it's not your fight, has nothing do with you and have no basis to understand what it is about other than social programing and racism. Don't be that person that just move on from hate to hate to hate just because it is useful to someone else. Yes like Recoil you are an in a bad place at a bad time, and it is easier to look somewhere else and point at someone else and blame everything on them, but punching down never solves anything outside of moving rock bottom even further down.

    Same thing with talking about demon energy and then linking metal-core songs that actually talk about demons and fairies and shit. I mean that's not just a piss take, that's a lemming jumping off a cliff into the maw of hell while laughing at the other lemming that fell off the cliff. Human beings are paradoxical by nature, but there is a limit after awhile the other person you are communicating with starts being quite convinced you are just insulting their intelligence or lack thereof. Your grasp of English is very confusing, I know that some allowances need to be made but you seem to be able to communicate well enough until what you are saying makes no sense at all.

    Jim Morrison has the same sleepy dopey energy you dislike in the other person, probably for the same reason lots and lots of Marijuana. If you like red because it's happy on one car but hate an other red car because it's sad, it has nothing to do with red cars.

    Also, fixing the world is not your job and not your problem, if you wanted to fix the world you wouldn't be spending time on here talking about useless shit with me and all the other old gits on here. Either way, be good, get better and do something for yourself other than being miserable it's not a good look and you are probably still a somewhat young guy/gal [sic] don't be this pathetic, it is a surefire 100% way to get nothing done in life and just be miserable for the entire rest of it.

    Peace, unless something salient and interesting comes up I am out.
  11. Roject

    Roject Audiosexual

    Jan 2, 2019
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    BLM and LGBT is the same shit for me.
    If You don't wanna racism don't talk about races.
    Do You see what is happen right now?
    All of this is because of viral shit.
    It shouldn't be popular.
    White people kneel in front of the black people.
    This is racist.
    Do You imagine all the world and white people treat worser than black.
    All the white people saying sorry and kneeling?
    This is stupid and racist.
    All races are equal and no one should kneel because other race was killed by his race.
    All the time people in one race are killed by people in other race.
    But this is not the race fault. This is people fault.

    Same with LGBT.
    Do You imagine that all the people in the world decide to be lesbian and gay?
    If this is normal. Why not?
    And what next? We fucking extinct because this is not normal.
    Normal is boy + girl = baby
    Oh wait in vitro?
    But what if everyone in the world decide to change sex and their genitals will be broken?
    We fucking extinct.
    This is not normal.
    If You're gay or less. It's ok. But You should known that this is not normal.
    But yeah fucking viral shit.
    And You're bad person. You're not tolerant if You think like that.
    This shouldn't be popular but is because this viral shit.
    This world is sick.

    JMOUTTON Audiosexual

    Jan 10, 2016
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    You've just proven that you don't even know what BLM is.

    It is an American thing and has nothing to do with the world.

    It has nothing to do with you at all, it has nothing to do with white people kneeling in front of black people.

    You want to be included, that cute but it is also sad. BLM has nothing to do with anywhere outside of the USA. It is something we have here between black Americans and the police and nothing else much less the people of the world.

    I am not going to bother explaining any of it outside of that, you have Google if you gave a shit you would know already. An American organization that has a problem with American institutions and all most of the entirety of the people involved don't even know Poland exists, it's amazing that your spend so much time thinking about it when they wouldn't even bat an eyelash if Poland fell into the North Sea tomorrow.

    Also, I think it is funny that you think you can decide what should be popular or not. So you want to tell people what they should like because them telling each other is so bad. Do you got a little Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin in you showing you the light?

    As for the rest, do your part and have babies if it bothers you. I got better things to do with my life and trying to be a good person my self than to worry about who is sexing who or what.

    The percentage of LGBT population in the USA has been pretty steady around 4.5% for as long as they have been counting such things in the mid 80s.In the Germany & Netherlands the most gay friendly countries in Europe where gay people actually immigrate to the percentage is 7.4 & 6.5% respectively. Homosexuality has been legal in Poland since 1932 percentage of LGBT is 4.9%. Israel is the gayest country in the middle east with 6.5% and Japan leads Asia with 7.6%.

    Human beings are not going extinct anytime soon, maybe ugly chicks have less to choose from, but one has assume that gay people have lower standards if they have to partner up with a someone just because, which is a big assumption.

    The world is the same as it ever was, it has always been sick. Humans are tribal and violent and everything else is just a tool that is a means to end. That's not being cynical, it's still a lot of fun to be alive and play around and do shit, it just is what it is.

    Anyway, you could have found all this out on your own. I am bored again this has devolved into the same ole, same ole. The problem is just there isn't not enough meat on the bone to make it interesting. Finish off that last bottle of Wiśniówka and get some sleep it's past 4 AM, it's 2200 here and I am going to get ready to go to bed with the wife and kick the dog off my pillow. Was fun for a bit a longer than usual.

    Enough computer for the day.
    Last edited: May 6, 2021
  13. Roject

    Roject Audiosexual

    Jan 2, 2019
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    It should. But because viral things it spread over the world.
    People was kneeling on the football games etc. Even on F1 racings and other events over the world.
    And I have more to do with it.
    I live in Poland. While WW2 many of Germans killed Polish people.
    What if some German police officer will kill Polish man right now?
    After this German people should kneel before Polish people on the sport events?
    Maybe the point is different.
    But viral spread this over the world and this is how people outside the USA see this.
    And this can have bad consequences.
    This shouldn't be that popular. It shouldn't cross the US border.
    But yeah. Because viral shit.
    I mean exactly this.
    Why people on the footbal match in Ukraine kneeling before match start because BLM in the USA?
    This is stupid.
    Or F1 Racing in Monaco. Lol.
    Or black square set as avatar on social media. Black theme on the shop sites in Poland.
    Even fucking SoundCloud had a black theme.
    And my country have more to do with it than You think.
    But with viral stupid version.

    Just ask google how it looks in Poland.

    Some examples:
    "Anti-racist protests passed through Poland. A Nigerian shot in Warsaw was recalled"

    And many other similar hype protests.


    Fucking Soundcloud theme. How stupid it was?
    How stupid is viral?

    Last edited: May 6, 2021
  14. mm5

    mm5 Member

    Dec 4, 2015
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    maybe the haters will find some insight in breaking down Billie Eilish's creativity and ability !?

  15. Roject

    Roject Audiosexual

    Jan 2, 2019
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    I'm talking about this before.
    Rick Beato and Dave Grohl are completly wrong.
    The most popular Nirvana songs which was in tv or radio had completly different energy.
    Listen to these two examples and compare.
    Is this affect to You in similar way or there is completly different energy?
    For me to this sentence more fit Grimes.
    Just compare example tracks.

    Now Billie

    And now look at the Grimes. Isn't she has more positive energy like Nirvana?

    Saying that Billie is Kurt Cobain of this generation is an exaggeration.
    But Beato old fuck has dementia.

    For me Nirvana is energizing.
    Is Billie is energizing? I don't think so.
    But old prick Beato didn't feel that.
    He only has something new that will sell well.
    He only talking about top 10 on spotify.
    Hello Rick You old prick.
    I have Spotify too and I can in any time check this.
    Just turn on Spotify and click top 10 playlist.
    This is authoritet for You?
    Because of what? Because have Youtube channel?
    There is thousand of people who has youtube channel.
    But those people are not authoritet for You because are not popular.
    Because They not talking about viral shit.
    Last edited: May 6, 2021
  16. bluerover

    bluerover Audiosexual

    May 3, 2013
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    Excellent quick elixir work, sir. I actually loved this haunting effect of witchcraft-ery. It definitely put the melody line in a raw vulnerable spotlight. Her delicate contrasted step-wise melodic choices were more obvious and easier to 'feel' when exposed against something familiar like Sweet Home. Very surprising to me. Loved it.
  17. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    I've seen Sade live and the whole show was as walking through molasses. I took my daughter to see Billy at a festival a few summers ago and she was high energy.

    This is Sade moving fast for Sade.

    Billy jumps.

  18. Roject

    Roject Audiosexual

    Jan 2, 2019
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    I was talking about her on music videos. For sure she isn't like that all the time. In music videos she jump too sometimes.
    Even Sade jump sometimes.
  19. uladzislau

    uladzislau Producer

    Sep 29, 2018
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    @Roject you're high. Get some sleep
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  20. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    Kurt was not positive about most everything and he wound up shooting his head off leaving his wife and child behind to deal with it all and fucking up his band. What a positive energy guy

    Sade never jumps.

    Kurt Lyrics
    My favorite inside source
    I'll kiss your open sores
    Appreciate your concern
    You'll always stink and burn

    Rape me
    Rape me my friend
    Rape me
    Rape me again
    Last edited: May 6, 2021