Billie Eilish once thought she likes porn

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Negro, Dec 15, 2021.

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  1. Negro

    Negro Kapellmeister

    Jun 1, 2021
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    Billie Eilish says watching pornography affected her first sexual experiences

    Billie Eilish says that watching violent pornography at a young age “destroyed her brain” and affected her first sexual experiences.

    The multiple Grammy award winner said she was “angry” that pornography was “loved” and created serious problems for men and consent.

    Speaking on SiriusXM, she said: “As a woman I think porn is a disgrace and I used to watch a lot of porn to be honest.

    “I started watching porn when I was like 11 and I didn’t understand why it was a bad thing. I thought that was how you learned to have sex.

    “I was watching abusive porn to be honest when I was like 14.

    “I was an advocate and thought I was one of the guys and would talk about it and thought I was cool for not having a problem with it.

    “I think it really destroyed my brain and I feel incredibly devastated that I was exposed to so much porn.”

    The Bad Guy singer, 19, discussed a range of topics including Covid-19, her personal fame and family with interviewer Howard Stern as well as her brother and producer Finneas O’Connell.

    Pornography is referenced in the song Male Fantasy on her latest album Happier Than Ever.

    Eilish said she had reached a point where she did not find sex appealing unless it was violent and that this had caused her problems.

    “It got to the point where I couldn’t watch anything else, unless it was violent I didn’t think it was attractive,” she said.

    “I was a virgin, I had never done anything so it lead to problems where the first few times I had sex I was not saying no to things that were not good and it’s because I thought that that was what I was supposed to be attracted to.

    “I’m so angry that porn is so loved and I’m so angry at myself for thinking that it was OK and… it’s how so many people think they’re supposed to learn.

    “It’s how so many men think they’re supposed to be and because in porn there’s no consent there’s a huge problem of consent and not just consent in having sex but consent during sex.

    “Yeah it’s not super hot if someone is like ‘can I do this?’…but it’s really important.”
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 15, 2021
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  3. lasteno

    lasteno Platinum Record

    Apr 14, 2013
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    Best Answer
    my dog likes apples... what a Important revelation ¡
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  4. Kuuhaku

    Kuuhaku Platinum Record

    Nov 23, 2019
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    I really dont care about famous people and things like that, because most of times they talk about some total useless topic but this one is really important.

    I agree with everything written on the OP, porn can really fuck your mind and create a kind of "sex resistance" by overwatching it or watching on young ages, I had and have lots of problems with sexual relationships with my girlfriend because of what I was taught that sex should be by the porn industry, my girlfriend has grown without watching porn at all, and the way she see sex and I see is really different, this leads to really strange momments.

    But I think that the most blamed people for this is the familly and the culture/religion, if the familly doesnt talk about it with the kid, who will? The only way to a child to learn what is sex is on a conservative familly is actually googling it and googling it leads directly to porn thats not meant to be educative

    Moms and dads should break this taboo that is talking about sex and really conversate about it, its not just talking about the reproduction view but actually talking about the pleasure view of sex, because if they don't do it the kid will be educated by whatever comes first.

    The porn industry makes huge ammounts of money by selling their product, they arent doing anything wrong at all, so I really hate when people try to blame the industry for creating that mess in young people minds. Its like saying that food is making people fat, food doesnt make anyone fat, over eating and diseases is what make people fat, educate your child so it have less chances of losing control over things.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2021
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  5. Kuuhaku

    Kuuhaku Platinum Record

    Nov 23, 2019
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    Its talking about it, you talk about sex with your friends without any problem? (I mean, at least I do) so why can't we talk about it with our parents the same way?

    If the kid hear their parents talking about it they will surelly explain that the kid needs to find a partner that he/she feels attracted to, so this will be auto-explanative, but if the kid still have doubts, just explain it to him/her
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  6. Prinz Eugen

    Prinz Eugen Guest

    Cock in the pussy good - cock in the ass is bad!
    (Tell them this first, so that new trap photos stop appear)
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  7. Kuuhaku

    Kuuhaku Platinum Record

    Nov 23, 2019
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    Yeah, thats the problem, its hard to imagine a familly like that.

    I dont think thats a problem, sex is way less amazing than it looks like when you learn it from real life, it isnt bad, but that taboo over it make it seens magical and shit like that, overrated I'd say
  8. Kuuhaku

    Kuuhaku Platinum Record

    Nov 23, 2019
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    That's a really deep and strong point.

    It's easier to change things in our minds than in the real world
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  9. Aside from Penthouse magazine, porn didn't exist during my adolescence. All of my advances on girls were fumbling, giggly failures. Sex was a laugh. Boys didn't know how to do it and girls had no idea. Eventually we got it right.
    That was over forty years ago. Thanks to drugs and online porn I would sometimes get involved in more intricate adventures with multiple adventurous people. What I noticed was that sex had become a scenario to be acted out like a porn film. Everybody was an actor and had to play their part. Start with A, move on to B, now turn around because it's time to do C and then we finish with the money shot, D.
    I found it so unsexy.
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  10. Prinz Eugen

    Prinz Eugen Guest

    What do you think about games and oral sex !?
    Is it dangerous if a girl eats her boyfriend's sperm
    (As far as I know, DNA cells have strong invisible bonds)

    I think this is a little explored world and we have to be careful with that.. :"0
    (It's terrible if someone eats my children .....
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  11. Kuuhaku

    Kuuhaku Platinum Record

    Nov 23, 2019
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    Yo, I can be 99.99% sure that I will never come close to any kind of this level of richness, just close to impossible
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  12. Kuuhaku

    Kuuhaku Platinum Record

    Nov 23, 2019
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    I really cant imagine how kids grown before internet, like, at all, seens impossible
  13. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    Blimey how times have changed. When I was 11, I probably thought oral sex was just talking about it.
  14. Kuuhaku

    Kuuhaku Platinum Record

    Nov 23, 2019
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    Chronos did the same, so my gf can do too
  15. dia manu

    dia manu Producer

    Dec 6, 2021
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    dont complain billy, youre making millions by interpreting a porn actor with your weirdly sexualized performance you call singing.
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  16. justwannadownload

    justwannadownload Audiosexual

    Jan 13, 2019
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    Central Asia
    Come on Negro, don't do that to me. All my musician friends will laugh at me if I ever say that I respect Billie Eilish.
  17. And what do they do on your planet?
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  18. mr.personality

    mr.personality Producer

    Sep 18, 2017
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    am i the only one who fast forwards past the music guests on snl for about the past 20 years
  19. Prinz Eugen

    Prinz Eugen Guest

    sow debauchery, lust and all sorts of strange things.
    and then they ask - who did it !?...

    my friends don't fuck each other randomly, -_-
    but sometimes I just play with someone or joke
    (by "Play" I mean kissing, hugging, embrace and teasing,)
    You don't have to shove your dick into all holes ...
    And I wish you the same :"D

    Sex is not a toy, it is a way of reproduction - and therefore it is necessary to observe the "Etiquette"
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 15, 2021
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  20. Stuck In The 80s

    Stuck In The 80s Rock Star

    Jul 29, 2019
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    Someone offended on behalf of someone else alert.
  21. Yuri

    Yuri Rock Star

    Apr 14, 2014
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    One of the great joys of growing up in the UK in the 70s and 80s was finding a discarded bongo* mag in the bushes. Since the invention of the internet it just doesn't happen any more.

    * UK slang. See also jazz mag. These magazines were very much not about music.
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