Big Fish Audio The Foundry - Sound design tool

Discussion in 'Software News' started by webhead, Aug 21, 2015.

  1. webhead

    webhead Audiosexual

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Sonicsmiths presents a new tool for composers and sound designers. Based in the Native Instrument’s Kontakt engine, The Foundry is a sound design creation tool, drawing from over 18,000 samples, 19+ GB of sample content (12+ GB compressed), and trillions of ways to manipulate and combine the sounds. Never settle for presets again; The Foundry creates original patches using the groundbreaking AARE algorithm.

    AARE – Adjective Assignable Randomizer Engine
    Instead of having to search through thousands of presets for a specific sound, we have designed a randomizing engine that creates a new patch for you based on simple adjectives. For example, if you want a Dark, Pulsing, Mysterious sound, select these adjectives, press a randomizing button, and The Foundry will generate new patches based on the parameters you select.

    3-Mode Step Sequencer

    Rhythmics and FX sound sets can create unique and quickly-designable rhythms, or, along with tonal beds/textures, can create amazing lead lines and creative chordal patterns.

    4-Way Morphing Engine

    You can load up to four different “core” sounds into The Foundry. Each of these sounds has independent processing, manipulation, and can be morphed via the X-Y Pad Designer, key range, velocity, or CC.

    Use the X-Y Pad Designer to create, save, and sync playback to your own modulatable pathways.

    The Foundry has 4 different groups to select from: Beds and Pads (tonal sustained layers), Textures (atonal, moving material), FX (single one-shot hits, FX, and short articulated instruments), and Rhythmics (sonic “kits”). These groups range from Non-pitched to Pitched, and Simple to Complex.

    • Template Mode: Make any sound Pulse, create Drops/Rises, or instantly put The Foundry into other modes such as Long Release, Hard Attack, etc.
    • Body Designer: With over sixty different body types, you can manipulate each of the “core” sounds by sending them through different material types, such as tubes, bricks, glass, dog bodies, and more!
    • 6 modulators assignable to Filters, Pitch, Amplitude, and Surround Panning allow for a wide range of stuttering, pulsing, frequency modulation, and many standard synthesis techniques.
    • Graining Synthesis: You can take most of the patches in the library and add the granular synthesis effect, with stretching, panning, and many other ways of manipulating the sound.
    • Surround Mode: Set all four sounds to go out different channels, as well as pan in surround.
    • Unique reverb selections: including Swaps, Churches, Studios, etc.
    • Fully adjustable Filters, Distortion, Compressors, Delays, Panning Rotators, Surround Routing Abilities, and many more creative tools.

    13.2 GB free hard drive space, 7200-RPM
    ~1.5GB free RAM (4GB total) (average patch range is between 50-500 MB)
    Kontakt Player (free) v5.4.1+ (v5.3.1 is available by request through Big Fish Audio)
    Kontakt Compatible Digital Audio Workstation (DAW): Cubase, Protools, Logic, Digital Performer, (etc.)
    In Stand-alone: External Audio Card such as RME/UAD/Focusrite (etc.)
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  3. Zeus

    Zeus Moderator

    Oct 20, 2013
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    Now only $ 249.95
    (Reg. $ 299.95 )

  4. mewoingtons

    mewoingtons Producer

    Jul 24, 2015
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    Looks Cool!