Bias Amp 2 Crack Help Pls

Discussion in 'Software' started by Luke Horton, Sep 21, 2020.

  1. Luke Horton

    Luke Horton Newbie

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I installed Bias Amp 2 R2R or VR Team not sure which version but it worked perfectly in Fl Studio and standalone in ‘Elite’ edition with no problems.

    Some day a couple of weeks ago it stopped working and only ran in demo mode. I don’t know for sure why but I would guess this was due to me changing my computer hardware ID. Anyway, it stopped working so I uninstalled and installed the latest crack from R2R and VR version When I installed the R2R and registered using the keygen every time upon opening the software in Fl Studio or standalone it would say my license is not valid. Upon installing VR it would work fine in standalone but run only in demo mode when running it from Fl Studio. So neither R2R or VR is working for me.

    Does anyone have any information on whether Positive Grid has done something to make sure it doesn’t work on my PC or the crack is outdated? Or can someone try to crack it themselves and let me know if it works for you.

    Thanks for any help in advance guys.
  3. Aileron

    Aileron Audiosexual

    Jan 5, 2017
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    Normally there's a 2A fuse to replace, but joking aside, all I have to suggest is do not run DAW as Administrator. I seem to have read somewhere that sometimes fixes the Computer ID issue.
  4. Luke Horton

    Luke Horton Newbie

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Thanks mate, I'll reinstall my DAW and try installing Bias Amp again since I noticed my daw is running in admin on its own without run as admin being checked in the compatibility settings.
  5. Mud Jones

    Mud Jones Platinum Record

    Sep 20, 2018
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    N.Y. USA
    If you can't even pay close enough attention to know what you installed, and from who, then trying to help you would be frustrating because you are sloppy.
    Uninstall both make sure nothing is left behind after uninstalling, then pick which one you want to install, you can't install both and mix different release groups version of the same release on the same computer, doesn't that sound crazy to you?
    Start all over from the beginning, pick one version and read the comments from where you downloaded it. That is my advice to you.
  6. Luke Horton

    Luke Horton Newbie

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I mean this was many months ago when I installed the first time when it was working and I deleted all the installation files, etc. once it was installed and working so not knowing whether I did R2R or VR and the exact version surely is pretty normal. I never installed both at the same time on my computer, only one version from one group at any given time. I also uninstalled completely looking for anything that may be related in appdata, programdata and registery editor and this still did not solve my issue when I tried to install one version from scratch so this is why i though it may be related to changing my hardware id. Thanks for trying to help though I will reinstall Fl Studio and once again try to reinstall bias amp to see if that makes a difference.
  7. Luke Horton

    Luke Horton Newbie

    Jul 23, 2019
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    also, there are no comments or instructions from where I downloaded it so I'm actually really thinking this crack is outdated and Positive Grid have got on top of it. I heard they're pretty good at that.