Beyond Midi 127, how do you manage to get notes beyond 12kHz?

Discussion in 'Working with Sound' started by GabsIT, Jul 5, 2021.

  1. GabsIT

    GabsIT Producer

    Oct 29, 2020
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    Oh thanks not really, I have my own auto immune rare disease, that keep me busy about health stuff, about the other subject I am listening everything in flac, my earbuds are so good or I am so aware of higher frequencies that listening in mp3 or acc 128 it's annoying, It's sort of a saturation the sound is not continuous just sound ugly, with real flac 20 pr 22khz no problem at all, I am using Freezer a haker version of Deezer almost all in HQ, Opus 128 or 160 is ok too when coming from WAV or Flac

    When I meditate or sleep I turn out all the highs and middles, I live in the mountains tropical forests that are super noisy by insects and birds, sometimes it's so stupid, I listen the HQ sound of an aircon or machine like sounds to sleep lol
  2. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    I live under an airline, I like airplanes, so I don't mind. My neighbor, on the other hand, doesn't like airplanes and is completely annoyed. The sounds of nature are natural as the term suggests.

    Nature, like rain or wind, soothes us. The storm and thunder warn against the danger and destruction. Who likes to hear police sirens? Your brain or your consciousness selects sounds that have a healing or inspiring effect. It is exactly the same when it comes to the choice of color - it is probably similar with the food. Harmony and Dsyharmonie - minor and major - hot and cold - one cannot do without the other.
  3. Baxter

    Baxter Audiosexual

    Jul 20, 2011
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    This is beyond my microtonal Erv Wilson type brain. Yes, I've made music in 17, 19, 24, etc TET. I've made Twelve-Tone Serialsm "music". I've made binaural beats with microshifting sines and hardpanning them (it's all new-wave bullshit anyways). I know about water/oceans and the "VHF" that travels easiest/farthest in the liquid form. 512kHz SR (and other ultrasonics) can be fun and all, especially when transposing/slowing down to our pitiful human hearing range. I field-record/found sounds at 96k so I at least can "hear" up to 48k (which still contains quite a lot of insteresting sonic information). 512k is too much for me to bother. I'm more of a musician/songwriter/producer/mastering engineer than a scientist.
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  4. GabsIT

    GabsIT Producer

    Oct 29, 2020
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    well in theory, if the difference of two ultrasonic frequencies are in the range of human hearing we can still percibe it, actually to test things like these and many others things that will be hard to explain for a random musician, also the market standards or any restricting standard will be just a limitation, as what I am doing is just software I don't think it's a bad idea to think in future technologies or equipmemt in general, that is why I said corner case, also I didn't expect less from you, I like what you said.
  5. GabsIT

    GabsIT Producer

    Oct 29, 2020
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    To me it's about repetition, the first years it was very nice, but now I know the bugs and birds around, sometimes are also a pest, or some of the bird transmite chiggers or other parasites, so it's not that feeling of an enchanting forest full of brand new experiences, inclusive I got two anaphylactic shocks by insects bites, I still prefer nature over a busy/noisy town, next time I will move to a colder and higher place, it's also better for my health.
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  6. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Nature always wins, but we as humans have the ability to study nature and to find and apply possible solutions. The world used to be empty - today the world is full. People need water and food and electricity, etc., so the future looks bad for some of the world's population. In one country in the USA it was 49 degrees and then some fled into the cars with air conditioning. In the west of the USA it was once as cold as 38 degrees below zero, so some of them fled into the freezer. I've invested my money in fans and sun protection. As long as I have electricity, I will stay here too.

    We should try to evaluate the digital age correctly and draw the right conclusions from it. In theory, the machines will do the heavy lifting and in theory we would all have a lot of free time and take care of other things that seem important to us. There is also a sentence that says: "I owe my health to my illness". The older you get, the faster the time goes by, probably because the lifespan is less. But it is only one of many theory. Dear GabsIT, I wish that the insects leave you alone and that you don't get any more parasites.
  7. Baxter

    Baxter Audiosexual

    Jul 20, 2011
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    The definition of Ultrasonic sound is that it's out of the human hearing range. Ultrasonics have other, more physical/scientific/medical properties on/for us humans, that affects us in various ways rather than "sonically".

    But you can ofc (as I already mentioned) transpose/slow it down (changing the clock speed/SR) into our hearing range, which is quite fun.
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2021
  8. GabsIT

    GabsIT Producer

    Oct 29, 2020
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    Yep, the idea of export/import is to keep the same fidelity as possible (these are only sine waves, or other waves constructed from sine waves), of course can be manipulated, some of the experiments are about non linear harmonic sequences, or non natural harmonics as using other ratios that could still somewhat be based on nature but in other conditions, also using x amount of these harmonics and also changing the "velocity" of specific harmonics as it happens with the formants of human vowels, and also manipulating these natural forms to different or non human related formats, also the same interface can be used to make some melodies or sense form this, but principally is the experimentation.

    These are interesting things that include many different areas.
    This is rare while easy to experiment with it, and it's related to non linear harmonics resonating at certain frequencies in spherical objects (electromagnetic waves) but anyway same mathematics could be applied to sound spherical harmonics.

    Some non linear harmonics from Ernst Chladni resonances are also quite easy to experiment

    We also posted about before in this forum

    Are there any kind of Harmonics out of Natural Harmonics? (no guitar techniques)
  9. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Vibration of water at 60 Hz

    Singing bowl + water = fun!
  10. Baxter

    Baxter Audiosexual

    Jul 20, 2011
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    Yeah, I know about this. Now we are talking resonances, standing waves, self-resonation, peak modulation and nulls/nodes, etc. Don't don't go post a video of a singer breaking a crystal glass with her voice.
    It seems this thread is spiraling out into OT land. Please return to the original question/request.
  11. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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  12. GabsIT

    GabsIT Producer

    Oct 29, 2020
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    About your other post, I am quite pragmatic and I prefer not go into philosophy, pseudo psychology (like Freud) or theology, inclusive music theory is quite religious, not based in logic but instead on repeated patterns, quite more statistical, just how discrepant western and Indian music theory can be...

    I did the test, also checked in a spectrogram as mp3 is usually cut off at 16kHz or at 19kHz 128 192kbit (not including VBR), also 16bit is not enough for higher frequencies, that is why some sine waves start to get harmonics too, or some sounds cards adding dither

    Cut-off at 11kHz = Bitrate of 64 kbps
    Cut-off at 16 kHz = Bitrate of 128 kbps
    Cut-off at 19 kHz = Bitrate of 192 kbps
    Cut-off at 20 kHz = Bitrate of 320 kbps
    Cut-off at 22 kHz = Bitrate of 500 kbps
    No cutoff = Bitrate higher than 1000 kbps, usually you only see this with true lossless formats (WAV, FLAC)

    I checked in a spectrogram and effectively all the freqs are there, quite clean, but I found this, could be mp3 artifact but I remember seeing this in strings
    acreenshot.16.jpg acreenshot.15.jpg acreenshot.14.jpg

    if it's an artifact is clearly following an harmonic sequence, anyway maybe is about the 16bit audio getting squared.

    About my personal test, today seems that I am blind to 19kHz but interestingly I can listen 21 kHz clearly, probably could be that I am getting a bit sick. I wonder about you? I never lived long in noisy places.

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  13. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Hello @GabsIT, no problem! I hope that you will soon feel better and that you can continue to realize your dreams.
  14. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    I think of that as " Timbre "
    To do with harmonic overtones.

    You can for example , take
    A , F# note in the 1st octave and build up harmonic overtones that goes as high as you want .

    ( i don't make dog whistle music so .....
