Beyerdynamic DT 880 Users

Discussion in 'Mixing and Mastering' started by Retrolize77, Dec 31, 2017.

  1. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Dont buy stuff just because its cheap. O2 is known for being clean and neutral, rather save a bit. I wouldnt use a cheap fiio in my chain, it will color the sound too much. That thing is for casual consumer/listener.
  2. Retrolize77

    Retrolize77 Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    Allright,interesting point , as I don’t want any coloring in order to get a good mix. Hm, it’s just i really like to know how different my 880 ll sound thru an amp, cause it’s not that easy mixing kickdrum & bassline, although I really like the way it sounds. But damn, I know that you’re right, and I should stay calm and have patience, who buys cheap buys twice.thank you

    Edit:can you give detail in which way a cheaper amp will color the sound, will it enhance for example the low end, but the muss n highs stays the same, so the flat /neutral frequency response curve & reference quality becomes changed/colored??
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2018
  3. spyfx

    spyfx Guest

    hi my friend :bow:
    your headphones as any other headphones have their own sonic signature,
    mixing kickdrum & bassline has more to do with mixing than how your headphone will sound thru a cheap amp,
    a good interface as i suggested to you before with a good dac will be a better choice & a future investment. :bow: :wink:
  4. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Its more importan to first run your hp with some cascade noise burn in, it took my k712 about 150h to open up, the k series is known for this. DT may also need a few hours of burn in.
    And then you just need to listen to a lot of music and get to know the sound signature, it took me two and a half monts to transition to k712 and get comfortable in mixing decisions.
    If you have a decent interface its a good start. Rather get a behringer monitor2 controller, than a fiio, they say its clean, its an spl clone.
  5. spyfx

    spyfx Guest

    hi Von :),i believe that our fellow member @Retrolize77 does not have an interface yet,on another thread i suggested to him to spend a bit more than a $100 & get an interface instead like a presonus itwo(has a very strong & clean amp) & also comes with a great software bundle(plugin alliance & others) or a Steinberg ur 22(he gets into cubase AI also) or if he needs a headphone amp maybe this for $100 :
    another more expensive/mobile choice for a dac/headphone amp can be this :
    but for 300 you can get a decent interface, even for $100 less you get this :

    EDIT : @Von_Steyr nice to see you back online here :wink:
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2018
  6. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Hey bro :)
    Didnt know that, well in that case a decent itnerface is a priority indeed.

    Its hard to stay away for long, from this forum :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2018
  7. Retrolize77

    Retrolize77 Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    First of all, I appreciate the friendly tone & respectful intercourse of you guys in here, really helpful.
    I got an Akai S 950 stored at a friends (together with my beloved Adam monitors) which I would love to use, so an interface seems like the best solution.
    But: I do my music on a MacBook , got a midi keyboard & my headphones basically, and I even ain’t got a room, I’m total mobile because I have to, no room left in the house. And I can’t imagine to work with any other kind of hardware due to this situation.
    So no interface needed actually.

    And maybe von steyr you are right, I gotta take the time (which I haven’t got much, 1-2 h every second day for my music) to get used to the phones & listen to reference tracks , or just good music to get to know them, then I’ll be able to use them better.

    So I may buy nothing, and try to enjoy the company of my DT in a pure way, a really non-materialistic attempt you presume, i just gotta defeat my impatience.

    Von Steyr & SpyFX, you rock ☘️
  8. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    One thing is for sure. Getting quality headphones is a big step (up) into true audio fidelity and it opens doors to neutral environment which will elevate your music production to the next level.
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  9. Darkred

    Darkred Newbie

    Nov 1, 2023
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    Hi! I know this is an old post, but I'm looking for a closed back headphones, for recording and mixing.
    I tried so many HP, but can't find one, it's so frustrating! I'm looking for a balanced FR, and certainly not a V shape (even with the HD650 I felt like the vocals got pushed back).
    I think you are the first one to describe DT880 the way I experienced it, so maybe our ears are looking for similar things and you can help me :)

    Do you still use the DT250, or do you have another suggestion?

    I was thinking about (didn't get a chance to try all of them yet):
    - Beyerdynamic DT250 - but heard that there's a channel imbalance problem in this model?
    - AKG K361 - but I hesitate because of the positioning problem in this model that changes the perceived frequency response (which will make mixing kind of impossible, because one should be careful placing the headphones on the head exactly the same every time, and also everyone will hear it differently, depending on the position on the head).
    - Or maybe I should just get a simple pair like the ATH m20x and eq it?? it's on Sonarworks recommendations... I tried these, it lacks treble but maybe with eq it will be great?

    Any insights will help me. Thanks!
  10. saccamano

    saccamano Audiosexual

    Mar 26, 2023
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    CBGB omfug
    Yeap... DT880's are my goto check cans even tho I don't do final mixes with cans. Some say they are a bit bright sounding but I would guess that would be the case after using lesser quality cans for so long. They tell the truth about both frequency and stereo field and work well with all types of music. They are Hi-Z cans which means you will have to have a bit more push in your headphone amp to get them to the same volume level as a lower-Z can. However the clarity of sound is well worth it. Would not have bought used one's though - I'm a closet germaphobe.
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2023
  11. Ayc

    Ayc Ultrasonic

    Oct 5, 2017
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    They aren't just bright; they are harsh, like needles in your ears and very thin-sounding. That doesn't mean quality, There are so many great headphones that aren't bright yet very detailed.
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  12. alexeuskrr

    alexeuskrr Member

    Nov 28, 2022
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    Hi there! Let me take advantage of this current discussion to read your opinion.
    For electronic music (e.g. IDM, Melodic Techno, UK Broken techno etc.) and mixing tracks, what is the Beyedynamic's model most indicated to buy? (770 vs 880 vs 990 AND 80 ohm vs 250 ohm)

    - Room without acoustic treatment
    - No Nearfield monitors (actually mine are broken)
    - No budget for the best
    - Really whant to buy a Beyerynamic model
    - Audio interface: Behringer UMC404HD
    - Notebook: Acer Nitro5
    - Prioritize the best flat response
  13. Retrolize77

    Retrolize77 Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    Since i‘m the one initially quoted , i gotta add this:
    I corrected the DT-880 via Sonarworks, worked well for a while. Then i decided to buy Ultrasone Pro 750i headphones, for more audible lowend (indeed Dt is too bright, despite its great soundstage), which sounds (uncorrected, and i used it like this, only with Canopener on mixbus) like a corrected DT with more lowend audibility & faster transient response.
    A year ago i again switched towards a Austrian Audio Hi-X65, which is a great headphone and again a update to previous one in terms of clarity/resolution, but i use it with a eq correction setting from Oratory1990 on mixbus. Would love to be able to switch between hp & monitors but not possible for me actually. I can say Tonal Balance plugins & Analyzer are of help when it comes to translation, which is my biggest problem with hp. And by switching hp several times, this issue wasnt about to get smaller. I try to get used to my actual hp and wont switch again soon. And tips n tricks for a better translation with hp are appreciated. Listening to reference tracks with the studio hp might be a helpful thing too!

    edit: electronic music here, for other genres things could be very different