Best way to "convert" Altiverb IRs to .wav IRs to be used in M1 Native Convolution Plugins?

Discussion in 'Software' started by Grater, Sep 14, 2023.

  1. Grater

    Grater Ultrasonic

    Feb 27, 2019
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    As the title says, only the old Altiverb is k'ed, hence it doesn't work on m1 architecture. However there are some amazing IRs I'd like to copy over and use with an m1 native plugin. Has anyone got an idea how to do this?
  3. m.sarti

    m.sarti Producer

    Sep 8, 2020
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    Altiverb 7 (k'd) worked for me on Mac OS 10.14, but was deprecated when I upgraded to OS 13 (Intel). It would be great to know how to convert Altiverb IRs to standard .WAV IRs, for fuller compatibility.
  4. MolotFx

    MolotFx Kapellmeister

    May 3, 2020
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    I would find an older computer (I have a PC) and record the IR using the melda plugin.
  5. Fowly

    Fowly Platinum Record

    Jan 7, 2017
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    To properly extract the true-stereo IRs from Altiverb, you need two things : A Dirac impulse to feed to Altiverb, and a DAW capable of exporting a multi-channel .WAV file. If you can't export multi-channel files, you can use a IR loader that supports true-stereo IRs in 4 seperate mono files. IIRC, AudioThing's Fog Convolver does, for example.

    Here's the process :

    1) Download the dirac impulses that I've attached. I've provided 44.1 and 96kHz versions. Set your DAW at one of those sample rates, and use the appropriate one.

    2) To extract a proper true-stereo IR, you will need to send the dirac impulse to Altiverb one channel at a time.
    1. Send the dirac impulse only in the L input of Altiverb, and record the stereo output. You will have the IR-A.
    2. Send the dirac impulse only in the R input of Altiverb, and record the stereo output. You will have the IR-B.
    3. Cut the start of your recorded IRs at the exact timecode the dirac impulse started.
    4. Cut the end of the IRs when there's no signal left at all. If you don't, you will have a gated reverb.
    3) Export a multi-channel .WAV file, here's the typical channel order :


    So your wav file channels should be like this :
    1. Linput>Loutput (L channel from IR-A)
    2. Linput>Routput (R channel from IR-A)
    3. Rinput>Loutput (L channel from IR-B)
    4. Rinput>Routput (R channel from IR-B)
    I don't know all the DAWs that are able to deliver multi-channel .wav files, but any capable surround DAW should. You can also use Acon Digital Acoustica

    4) Here you go, you can load these true-stereo IRs with any true-stereo capable convolver. Hope that helps :wink:

    PS : Don't forget to set Altiverb at 100% wet ahaha.
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2023
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  6. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Have you used the Rosetta 2 translation layer? This has been reported to work with Altiverb on Apple Silicon (M1/M2).

    If you have Logic installed. Try exploring Space Designer. Includes IR's that are very similar to Altiverb IRs.
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