Best Service Engine 2: can unlocked & legit run concurrently?

Discussion in 'Software' started by Jim Greulich, Feb 28, 2016.

  1. Jim Greulich

    Jim Greulich Noisemaker

    Jan 11, 2016
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    So, here the situation... I have been running an unlocked version of Engine 2 (v2.1) for a while with good success. I was able to sample a lot of great BS libraries like Forest Kingdom, Desert Winds, etc. I was so impressed with Best Service products that I decided to make a couple of purchases from them... Cantus & Titan 2. I have no problem with Cantus (it's actually an outstanding library btw!) as it runs through Kontakt and it works fine in my Unlocked Kontakt 5.4.x.

    The issue I am having is with Titan 2. After I copied the whopping 26GB to my hard drive and added the Titan 2 library to my unlocked Engine 2.1. But unfortunately, when I tried to load any of the patches, it says that they are not supported by this version of Engine. Since Engine v3.3 is included on the USB stick, I'm assuming that I will need v3.3 to make Titan 2 work.

    This leaves me in a bit of a quandary. I don't want to do anything to potentially screw up my unlocked v2.1 because I have too many really good libraries I'm using with it. But, I can't use Titan 2 without installing v2.3, and I do not believe that there is an unlocked version of that currently available.

    So, what I am wondering is if anyone here are using an unlocked and legit version of Engine concurrently (on the same system). If so, was there anything special you had to do to make it work? Or, can I literally just install v2.3 and it will not affect v2.1? If this is possible, how should I handle the VST's? I am hoping that simply installing the v2.3 dll's in a different sub-folder so as to be able to differentiate them from the v2.1 dll's. But even with that I am a bit worried about this causing some kind of conflict. I am not well-versed on this sort of thing so wanted to get some opinions from those who may have tried this before I take a risk on messing up my unlocked v2.1.
  3. myramalou

    myramalou Kapellmeister

    Sep 18, 2015
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    You have to use Titan 2 with the newest engine-version and the other older libs with independence 3.1 (you have to look on sister site). I do it in this way with forest kingdom 2 in the newest engineversion and the aother in inde.3.1. If problems write again. best wishes myramalou

    ps you could not use two engine versions together. There is no newer engine version cracked or unlocked
  4. Jim Greulich

    Jim Greulich Noisemaker

    Jan 11, 2016
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    Thanks for the reply Myramalou! I thought that I understood in your first statement that you are actively using 2 different versions of Engine... the newest (which is v2.3) for your Forest Kingdom 2, and an older cracked version for your other libraries.

    But in your PS, you say that you can NOT use 2 Engine versions together, so I am a bit confused.

    You are probably using v2.3 for your Forest Kingdom 2... are you also using the latest cracked version (probably v2.1) on the same computer? If you are using 2 versions, did you have to do anything special when installing? What about the VST's? How do you manage that part?
  5. TinTin

    TinTin Platinum Record

    Nov 16, 2011
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    he said that you can not use two different engine versions together , for legit librays use the latest 2.3 engine version and for cracked ones Magix Independence .
  6. Infidel

    Infidel Producer

    Jan 18, 2015
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    for clarity is it 3.3 or 2.3 that is the newest one? If it is 3.3 I'm sure they would both work. If it is 2.3 it will probably update your current version to that new version.
  7. myramalou

    myramalou Kapellmeister

    Sep 18, 2015
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    like tintin said, for your legit libs you can use the newest engine (like engine 3.3) and for the older you have to use independence 3.1 unlocked (from sister site) Engine and independence you can install side by side. Have fun

    Independence 3.1 unlocked (R2R)
    Engine (Webside BS)
    Last edited: Feb 29, 2016
  8. Jim Greulich

    Jim Greulich Noisemaker

    Jan 11, 2016
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    Ahhhh ok... thanks to all for clarifying! When I first read the response, I mis-interpreted the term "independence". I thought that meant the literal definition of the word... I didn't realize that was actually a piece of software from Maxgix lol.

    For clarity, the most current version of Engine is 2.3 (available from Best Service website), while Independence appears to be on v3.2. I have already located cracked v3.1 and v3.2 of it on sister site so will be giving a try shortly.

    Thanks again for all the help on this!
    Last edited: Feb 29, 2016
  9. Wazentme

    Wazentme Newbie

    Jul 18, 2018
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    Hi Jim, can you help me with the installation of v.186. Confused with the “Replace” instructions.
  10. KillaHittaSpitta

    KillaHittaSpitta Newbie

    Dec 18, 2019
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    Hey bro can you send me the link or file to an unlocked Engine. I've been trying to find one for the longest.
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