Best samples for electronic music (mainly techno, no loops and open format)

Discussion in 'Samplers, Synthesizers' started by substorm, Feb 7, 2015.

  1. substorm

    substorm Member

    Dec 20, 2012
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    Can anyone recommend me sample libraries mainly suited towards electronic music with emphasis on single shots (trying to stay away from loops) and software/platform independent (i.e. WAV)?
    The reason for this is that I would like to alter the way I produce and make couple sample-only projects fully utilizing the sequencer's timeline for sampling. In other words, I would like to avoid any sampler VSTs like Kontakt.
    Also, what DAW would you suggest for such task, namely for speedy cutting, pasting, trimming, pitching individual parts, automation, grouping, bouncing/freezing, etc. ?
  3. Index

    Index Producer

    Sep 27, 2014
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    A simple and free, yet powerful sample library I can recommend as a starting point is Xtra Vol. 1 but the download link (you had to download it on a facebook page) only leads you to a 404-page so I'll just upload it and edit the link in later (~2hours after I post this) [Download]
    The epitome of commercial sample libraries would probably be the Vengeance Essentials which are available for many different genres, but my personal tip is Leviathan from Black Octopus
    As for the DAW: that's in my opinion a matter of taste, because almost every DAW is able to do those tasks relatively fast, but I could imagine that ableton might be what you're looking for
  4. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Floating Amongst the Stars
    Thomas Pentons Essential Series is a other good sound pack and fl studio is what i use, but as Index said the daw is up to you,
    we all use the daw that we like the most after testing a few or all of them but in the end they just about do the same thing,

    ps ,the best one shots in the Thomas Pentons pack is part one
    part two and three have one shots as well as a few loops and fx added :wink:
  5. substorm

    substorm Member

    Dec 20, 2012
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    Thanks for the recommendations. I agree that now days DAWs are a matter of personal preference but some are better in certain areas. I've been reading good reviews about Studio One and from the tutorial videos I've checked out, built-in sampling features are pretty smooth.
    How do the titles that you've mentioned rank in sound quality? I thought Vengeance wasn't as good but for sure they provide a great assortment.
  6. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Floating Amongst the Stars
    by sound quality do you meen bit rate there 24 bit, or originally good sounds,
    most of the one shots from Vengeance are layered = taking from lots of other packs
    and made into there own sounds,lots of them,
    you will get this in most packs and cant be avoided,
    you can layer any drum kits your-self and this way make your own sounds from them.
    for some reason i just keep use the Thomas Pentons kits as they have what i need
    i layer them compress them and eq em this way you can get new sounds that no one elace has,
    there are also afew great plugins for making your own kits,

    waldorf Attack ,Nicky Romero Kickstart and BigKick.

    Studio One is cool and as good a start as any
    mostwest has a few nice vids here and is making more you should check them out
    if you havnt already,

    Take care :wink:
  7. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    Depends on what kind of electronic music you want to create.
    For techno/tech-house, nothing beats the riemann kollection.
    If you're in for more the commercial, striking sound, sonic academy's ultimate packs are a solid basis.
    No matter what you think of his music, the xfer records - deadmau5 sample cd is really packed with really versatile and well groomed sounds.

    As a DAW for electronic music nothing beats ableton live.
  8. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    Honestly, i'd say the same thing about StudioOne, so as you can see, it's mostly a subjective thing. Yes, there's a lot more users using Ableton live for EDM related stuff, but that doesn't have anything to do with the daw itself. They just followed the influence of the other DJ/Producers who use Live as their main daw, but MostWest for example, can approve my opinion about EDM production on StudioOne. :mates:
    Also the OP mentioned editing on individual samples. In StudioOne, you can drag & select all the samples with a click and bring the gain envelope down, which trims all the arranged samples in just a flash, without involving fader movement or anything else. Also you can group samples (the way you consolidate in Live) without waiting for any loading processes, you just press G and that's all. You can also pitch up/down a sample just by rightclick-ing it , because you have the timestretch/tune/bpm-root/finet.etc. just in the panel that pops up when you right click the sample. So basically you have the parameters close to your mouse arrow, you don't have to go to another side of the screen in order to adjust the parameters. Also he can select all tracks and move all the faders simultaneously when his master bus gets hot. I can claim features for all day long, but it's irelevant right now.
    What i want to say mainly is that you can basically make any type of music in any type of daw these days. It's just a matter of personal preference.
  9. substorm

    substorm Member

    Dec 20, 2012
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    I should have been more specific. I am mostly into minimalistic, deeper, techno-ish flavours.
    Also, big thanks to Index for that download link. Nice package!

    So far from this thread I've got the following list:
    Riemann Kollection
    Striking sound, sonic academy's (can't find this :-( )
    xfer records - deadmau5 sample cd
    Thomas Pentons Essential Series
    Xtra Vol. 1
    Leviathan from Black Octopus

    Keep them coming :) I am looking more for quality rather than quantity. Single shot bass, synth, leads, FX, atmospheric pads, and of course percussion.

    How about Wave Alchemy? How do they compare to this list? I've been also checking out Maschine 2 but not sure if I want to limit myself. It has a great step sequencer but falls short in many other areas. Also, the expansions are a locked format so transferring between computers won't be as easy as with single WAVs.

    As for the DAW, I will have to play around with few and make up my mind but the two likely contenders are Studio One and Ableton.
  10. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Bowerstone Castle
    Actually, Maschine expansions have separate WAVs as well, located in the "Samples" folder of each expansion's content location. :mates:
  11. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Floating Amongst the Stars
    Sounds Of Revolution Minimal Techno Revolution vol 1 @ 2
    has a mix of bass, synth, leads, FX ect as well as oneshot stuff
    i like to use plugins for any sounds that i use bass synts ,ect
    but for fx, sample packs are the best,
    Wave Alchemy has a few tech house and minimal packs and deep tech as well as 909 kicks,
    you will have to try them out like the daws to see what you like :wink:
  12. substorm

    substorm Member

    Dec 20, 2012
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    Thanks Momo for another suggestion. Added to the list.

    @Evorax: good to know. I find Maschine samples some of the best

    How about sample companies to avoid?

    Updated list:
    Riemann Kollection
    Striking sound, sonic academy's (can't find this :dunno: )
    xfer records - deadmau5 sample cd
    Thomas Pentons Essential Series
    Xtra Vol. 1
    Leviathan from Black Octopus
    Wave Alchemy
    Sounds Of Revolution Minimal Techno Revolution vol 1 @ 2
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