Best Free Software for Making Music

Discussion in 'Software' started by Oysters, Nov 4, 2014.

  1. xorome

    xorome Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2021
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    We are happy to announce the release of ValhallaSupermassive 3.0.0, featuring two new reverb/delay modes, Leo And Virgo.


    Leo: Very slow attack, super long decay, very high echo density, filtering in the feedback loop for more realistic reverb decay.
    Virgo: Fast attack, short decay, very low echo density, filtering in the feedback loop, great for complex echoes.

    From the announcement:

    Leo: The Most Massive Reverb In Supermassive

    The new Leo mode is the most super massive-est of all the Supermassive modes. It has a very slow attack, a long to VERY long decay that is controlled by both Density and Feedback, and a high echo density, with balanced modulation. Leo interleaves the high and low EQ filters throughout the reverb network, which means that the reverb decay can be dark, shrill, bass heavy, whisper light, or just perfectly balanced. I find Leo is ideal for big synthesizer sounds, as well as realistic cathedral sounds and other long reverbs.

    Virgo: Sparse Reverb, or Complex Delay?

    Virgo is the smallest and sparsest mode in Supermassive. It has a fast attack, and basically sounds and behaves like a stereo delay until the Density control is turned up. With higher Density settings, it still sounds like a grainy delay, that kinda sorta turns into a reverb. Virgo is great for pointillistic echoes, spring-ish reverb sounds, and other sparse effects that create more space around your sounds.. While Leo produces a lush wash of sound, Virgo allows you to hear the space between the echos.

    The LATE 2023 preset folder is chock full of presets that show off the Leo and Virgo modes. We highly recommend using these presets as the jumping point for your own explorations.
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  2. thantrax

    thantrax Audiosexual

    Feb 20, 2012
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    Echo Sound Works has announced the release of an update to its Vinyl Guitar
    Grab it here
  3. ZUK

    ZUK Rock Star

    Aug 24, 2011
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    NIH-plug is a FREE plugin framework, and you can currently download eight FREE VST plugins to try it out, including a free Disperser emulation.

    JUCE has long dominated the audio DSP development realm. Having a readily available framework for development is a fantastic resource for those venturing into making their own plugins. Competition is always good, and NIH-plug brings an open-source framework for developing plugins in RUST.

    NIH-plug is platform agnostic and comes with a handful of plugins for producers to use without touching a line of code.

    Buffr Glitch is a MIDI-triggered buffer repeater and brings that wonderfully digital glitching sound to your audio. It is a rather clever implementation as well, using the duration of a note to act as a trigger for generating the duration of the glitch effect.

    Crisp adds some top end to your basses and is great for bringing out some presence and body to your low-end instruments.

    Crossover splits your audio into two to five bands. This is a super basic implementation but does have linear crossover filters. You can essentially process any audio you want as separate outputs, mangling however you wish.

    Diopser is a phase rotation plugin inspired by Kilohearts Disperser. It sounds great on kicks or bass. I wouldn’t run this on both at the same time, though.

    Loudness War Winner is a “loudener” for lack of a better term. Supremely glad that I have my tracks in Reaper dimmed to -8dB by default before assaulting my eardrums with the sheer volume this pumps out.

    Puberty Simulator is an amusing plugin that acts as a pitch shifter that lowers your signal by an octave. It occasionally crackles or goes out of tune. The developer claims this is a joke, but it very well could have some utility in production.

    Safety Limiter is the perfect companion to Loudness War Winner. When you have an overage, your DAW signals out an SOS in morse code. Your monitors or headphones get to call for help in a readily recognized international format.

    The Spectral Compressor is the real star of the show here and can absolutely smash material. If OTT’s three bands aren’t enough for you, then take full advantage of the FFT bands present in this one.

    These plugins are available for all major operating systems, with Windows, Linux, and Mac support. You will need a 64-bit host, and supported plugin formats are VST3 and CLAP. For nightly builds, you can snag them all in one convenient bundle linked below.
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  4. xorome

    xorome Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2021
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    Couple interesting ways to use Spectral Compressor:

  5. John Thompson

    John Thompson Kapellmeister

    Oct 11, 2019
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  6. Sombra Spider

    Sombra Spider Newbie

    Jul 24, 2018
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    Please re up file!
  7. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
  8. xorome

    xorome Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2021
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    (Windows only) epicCLOUDS by VoS is a large ambient reverb:



    Spacer by Spectral Plugins is a modular reverb, modulation and delay construction kit. Reorder and chain effects together to create spray, granular delays, shimmer reverbs or add modulation to IRs:



    OCS-45 by Spectral Plugins is a cassette effect. OCS-45 comes with wow, flutter, distortion, several types of noises and four types of cassettes:


    (demos at ~2:00)


    (Windows only) TIME1 by tiagolr is a creative time modulation effect like Gross Beat or Time Shaper:


    (demos at ~6:15)

    MAIM and EMPY by ArdenButterfield are distortion/degradation effects based on MP3 encoders:


    (demos at ~1:00)
  9. Member

    May 5, 2023
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    Hi everyone,
    we're collecting opensource-only alternatives - for both audio and video production works - in our HyMPS project: enjoy (and contribute, if you like/want) !
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