Best Free Software for Making Music

Discussion in 'Software' started by Oysters, Nov 4, 2014.

  1. Shirvami1

    Shirvami1 Guest

    Midi 2.0 The future, VST3 is essentially a remake of VST2 with improvements:bleh:
  2. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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  3. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Surge XT 1.1.0 VSTi - 04.08.2022 - 85 MB - Free

    hanges in Surge XT 1.1

    We released Surge XT 1.1 on August 3, 2022. It adds several big new features, including edit history (undo/redo), support for the new CLAP standard, expanded and improved support for accessible interfaces like screen readers, several new DSP and voice management features, and much more.

    Action History
    • Surge XT now supports undo and redo for all actions (even loading patches!) - use either the common Ctrl+Z/Y keyboard shortcuts, or buttons on the GUI
    • If a patch has been modified, it will be marked as dirty and an asterisk will be appended to the patch name
    • By default, attempting to load a different patch will prompt the user to confirm the loading action in order not to lose your patch modifications
    • This can be disabled in Menu > Workflow

    CLAP Support
    • CLAP is a new standard for host-plugin interoperability developed by a group of open source and commercial developers. Surge XT is an early adopter and a test case for CLAP. You can read more about CLAP at
    • Surge XT implements - exclusively in the CLAP version - the non-destructive modulation (both monophonic and polyphonic!) and note expressions!

    Patch Navigation
    • Patches without categories are displayed in their own category in the Patch Browser
    • Favorites are now also displayed in the Patch Browser, in User Patches section
    • Much improved Find Patch feature!
    - Search results will now stay open by default after loading a patch, so you can quickly navigate through this list
    - Ctrl+click or Ctrl+Enter will load the patch and close the search results
    - There is now an option in Menu > Workflow to bring back the old Surge XT 1.0 behavior, if you so wish
    - Magnifier button now acts properly as an on/off toggle button
    - Your last search term is remembered after leaving the Find Patch mode
    - Search results will now open immediately when entering the Find Patch mode, instead of only when you start typing

    • Our screen reader community gave us amazing feedback on Surge XT 1.0.1, leading to several changes, improvements and bugfixes
    • Using the announcement API, we read several actions, including patch and favorites changes
    • Fixed several components (oscillator copy/paste, scene copy/paste) which used mouse position improperly to find the source and target
    • Overlay buttons (Tuning, Mod List, MSEG Editor, Formula Editor, etc.) respond properly to Enter, Shift+F10, and so on
    • Step sequencer rotate buttons are now exposed, and order of step and trigger parameters improved
    • Mod List parameter names and accesibility works well
    • Discrete parameters represented as menu buttons in the UI are now using the combo box element instead of a slider in screen readers
    • Effect tab order is now in display order, not internal storage order
    • Every text entry field has a correct focus-restoration target when dismissed
    • The patch search typeahead supports accesible navigation (fully on macOS and with narration workaround on Windows)
    • New Workflow menu options allow you to expand modulation menus to have specific edit/clear/mute submenus, rather than compound multi-click menus
    • Introduced a mode where accesible key presses follow the mouse focus, rather than keyboard focus
    • Many other small changes and fixes

    New Overlays
    • Keyboard shortcut editor:
    - • Allows freely changing or disabling any of the available keyboard shortcut actions offered by Surge XT, in case there is a clash with keyboard shortcuts reserved by your DAW
    • Filter Analysis:
    - • This new overlay will show frequency response curves for Filter 1 and Filter 2, in realtime as you change filter cutoff, resonance and mixer pre-filter gain parameters

    DSP Changes
    • String oscillator improvements:
    - Various Stiffness filter models which provide better tuning at high stiffness values. “Keytracked and pitch compensated” model is the new default
    - 2x oversampling option, which improves timbral quality for high pitched notes
    - Choose between three interpolation modes, which can limit energy loss in exchange for accuracy at high frequencies
    - Remember, right-click everything in Surge! These options are in context menus of Exciter Level and Stiffness parameters
    • Fixed an issue with Twist oscillator’s LPG onset, creating occasional glitches in certain oscillator modes
    • Initial audio buffer is no longer filled with denormal noise - instead we rely on flush-to-zero (FTZ) flag in our processors
    • Sample rate is now a property of individual Surge XT instances, rather than global for all Surge XT instances - allows correct behavior when only certain instances are oversampled in hosts that provide this facility (for example, Reaper)
    • Fixed a crash when Reverb 2 was used at a very high sample rate
    • Implemented a small fade out when executing All-Sounds-Off
    • Reset filters on scene release and All-Sounds-Off - by doing so, we have removed a click on transport start in Logic Pro
    • Absolute unison mode now works for Alias and Modern oscillators
    • Scene highpass filter now has slopes up to 48 dB/oct (right-click option)
    • Output meter falloff is now sample rate independent (previously the meter would have a faster falloff on higher sample rates)
    • Fixed a bug where simultaneous chords played on the exact same tick created voices well over the polyphony limit

    Play Mode Updates
    • Both Poly and Mono modes get expanded envelope and voice triggering modes, accesed from the right mouse click context menu on the Play Mode parameter
    • In Poly mode you can choose whether repeated strikes of the same key create a new voice or retrigger the currently playing voice (if there is one)
    • In Mono modes, you can select whether the envelopes (AEG and FEG) retrigger from zero, or from their current level if a voice is playing

    • Added multiple clipping options for the feedback path in the Delay effect (right-click the Feedback parameter)
    • Added option to extend the Delay Feedback parameter range, allowing negative feedback
    • Implemented the Tone filter to the Phaser effect (same as the one from Combulator)
    • Added new AirWindows effects: Cabs, Chrome Oxide, Dub Sub, Dub Center, Fire Amp, Glitch Shifter, Nonlinear Space, Pafnuty, Power Sag, Tape Dust, To Vinyl
    • Fixed a bug which could make Nimbus occasionally distort, especially in Looped Delay mode (applies to the Surge XT Effects plugin as well)
    • Spring Reverb’s Decay parameter and Flanger’s Count parameter now have a more accurate display and value typein behavior
    • Dragging an Airwindows effect around the FX routing grid no longer resets its parameters
    • Delay’s Feedback parameter can now be extended, allowing negative feedback

    • All LFOs now have 3 outputs: the signal multiplied by the LFO EG, the raw LFO signal alone, and the LFO EG alone
    • LFO attack will now start after setting up voice level modulators - this enables modulating voice LFO amplitude with velocity, which didn’t work before
    • The range of the fractional part of the LFO phase is supposed to be strictly [0, 1), excluding the maximum, whereas before it could hit exactly 1, which is not supposed to happen
    • Fixed S&H and Noise LFO types not properly freerunning for Scene LFOs
    • Removed a check which improperly changed song position with DAW looping enabled and transport not running, making LFO freerun mode not working properly in some cases
    • Fixed cases where deleting nodes in MSEG LFO mode could lead to a broken envelope
    • Modulation List can now launch a value edit typein with the pencil icon
    • Step Sequencer’s Deform slider now has deform types, which brings Shortcircuit’s LFO Smooth method to Surge
    • Adjusted the S&H modulator so that the initial state is random, leading to less uniformity in the first few phases
    • Changed the order of voice initiation and LFO EG Attack in Latch mode so a latch more accurately represents the voice

    • Tuning Editor now contains the ability to create even division scales and three-note specified KBM files directly
    • Fixed a problem where MPE pitch bend in MPE mode with MTS enabled was using the wrong tuning system
    • “Use MIDI Channel for Octave Shift” tuning mode no longer conflicts with MPE mode
    • The Interval Between Notes display now makes it easier to see which interval you are playing

    Larger Bugfixes
    • We initialized the audio processing state too early, which in some cases could result in the patch resetting when loading the plugin in Logic Pro
    • We incorrectly handled patch loading in the startup path of Reaper, meaning loading a Reaper session with disabled Surge track(s) would never load the state correctly, and subsequently resaving • without activating the track would save the incorrectly initialized state

    Surge XT Effects Plugin
    • Complete accessibility review
    • Implemented UI resizability through corner drag, menu and keyboard shortcuts
    • We now correctly report parameter names to host for the VST3 plugin
    • Double-clicking a parameter will now reset it to the default value
    • Added an option to run the plugin in zero latency mode - useful if your DAW can guarantee sending fixed block sizes to the plugin
    • Fixed Effect type menu not repainting during host automation
    • Airwindows Type parameter is now streamed and unstreamed properly, so that projects don’t break if we add new Airwindows effects
    • Fixed a problem with integer streaming, which means that, going forward, changes in integer param ranges in Surge will not break Surge XT Effects sessions

    UI, UX and Skin Engine Changes
    • Royal Surge skin has been updated to fully match Surge XT feature set!
    • Touchscreen mode improvements, which includes automatically using the Exact mouse sensitivity mode and long press support
    • Typein for FM3 oscillator’s Ratio parameter is correctly read when typing in a modulation amount
    • Typing an out of range value for a parameter or modulation amount typein will now report the appropriate minimum or maximum value
    • Audio In sliders that are unused will now appear deactivated (semi-transparent)
    • Ctrl+click on a currently unselected LFO modbutton will bring that modulator to focus in the lower area (same as clicking the orange arrow, but now you have a larger hitzone to do it)
    • More consistent FX slot mouse gestures:
    - Double-click on FX slots will now bypass them (previously this was on right-click)
    - Right-click now pops up the more usefulFX presets menu
    - The state of “Store Tuning in Patch” checkbox in the Save Patch dialog is now remembered after cancelling the dialog
    • 3D waveform display for Wavetable and Window oscillators - toggled by clicking the oscillator display (or via right-click context menu)
    • Context menus will now scale properly on Windows HiDPI displays
    • Add contextual help links in severeal places which were missing it
    • Context menu colors can now be set in skins
    • Added option to use OS dark mode setting for context menu colors, which overrides skin-defined colors
    • Skin engine can now override the global font used by Surge XT
    • Added skin connectors for placing the new overlay windows (filter and waveshaper analysis)
    • The entire Classic skin (including hovers and tempo sync assets) is now contained inside the binary
    • Added pitch bend and modulation wheel widgets to the virtual keyboard
    • Correctly constrain plugin window drag-to-resize events
    • Waveshaper Analysis overlay now uses the actual Drive parameter for a realtime overview
    • The Modulation List now has new filtering options - by scene and by target parameter’s control groupSingle click works as it always did
    • Most tearout windows can now be freely resized
    - Double-click on torn out window’s title bar reverts to the default size
    • Improve error message to be clearer in the (very rare) situations where the patch database is locked by two Surge XT instances
    • The About-screen-as-skin-layout-grid feature is back! We completely forgot to port it over from Surge 1.9!
    • Fixed a bug where the Zoom menu wouldn’t allow setting default zoom level, if default zoom level wasn’t at all defined
    • Wavetable oscillator’s Morph parameter displayed wrong units in continuous and discrete modes
    • Mute and Solo buttons no longer overlap, which created uncertainty in which parameter actually gets clicked
    • Pressing the F1 key will now open the relevant part of the manual for currently focused (or hovered) parameter
    • Added Sustain button to the virtual keyboard
    • Make PNG loading lazy, which resolved sporadic crashes with skins that use PNGs, like Royal Surge
    • Improve Alias Harmonics editor mouse handling when mouse cursor is out of editor’s bounds
    • Imporved tearout behaviour, adding an Always On Top pin button in the title bar
    • Patch comment popup width will dynamically adjust its width to fit longer comments now
    • Mousewheel in FX and Oscillator menus properly advances through submenus

    Other Changes and Various Fixes
    • Polyphonic aftertouch is now properly processed per MIDI channel
    • Removed the Activate Scene Outputs option, which is not needed anymore due to JUCE’s plugin wrapper handling
    • Favorites can now be exported and imported via .surgefav files (in essence these are CSV files with a new extension)
    • Correctly report VST3 bypass parameter and implement it in our JUCE processor
    - This should allow FL Studio’s Randomize feature to stop disabling audio, and allow other VST3 hosts to bypass Surge XT as expected
    • Modbutton orange arrow state was incorrect on selection (but correct on drag gestures)
    • Fixed a bug when dragging FX slots with modulation assigned
    • Dropping a modulator on an overlay would modulate the slider underneath the overlay
    • Fixed a case where copying a modulation could duplicate a modulation routing
    • With the move to VST3 plugin bundle file format, Windows portable installs broke, so now they work again!
    • Drag and drop in the presence of overlays could corrupt Z-order of things
    • “Download Additional Content” link in the main menu didn’t work, so now it works again!
    • “Absolute” option was not preserved when copying oscillators, scenes, etc.
    • We’re now sending automation events from several widgets which didn’t do that, leading to inconsistent automation in Cubase
    • Special characters like ' no longer break the SQLite search. No little Bobby Tables here!
    • WAV chunks must have an even number of bytes, so we’ve fixed our WAV parser for the case when the size is odd, preventing incorrectly reading the file - which could happen with certain metadata chunks
    • Upgraded MTS-ESP library, which allows MTS-ESP to work on Linux
    • Tuning Library can now deal with fractions up to 2^64 for numerator and denominator in SCL/KBM files

    Infrastructure and Code Changes
    • We’re making a substantial effort to move critical parts of Surge XT into libraries that other projects can use
    - sst-plugininfra provides XML, filesystem, user preferences and keyboard shortcut management, CPU information and more
    - sst-cpputils provides a collection of C++17 extensions we use a lot
    - sst-filters provides all Surge XT filters in a header-only set of templates - used as a submodule now
    - sst-waveshapers provides all Surge XT waveshapers in a header-only set of templates - used as a submodule now
    • Test case runtime substantially improved
    • Use std::thread everywhere for threading
    • Lots of improvements for the Windows installer
    • Reinstated Windows portable mode by checking recursively for SurgeUserData etc. folders
    • Use 7Zip for packing Windows ZIP files in the pipeline
    • Linux ‘plugins only’ archive is now a .tar.gz
    • The .deb file now contains icons and an application startup for Linux
    • Added CMake options to skip ALSA and/or VST3 builds
    • Various changes to support JUCE 7 builds (although our production build is still using 6.1.6 until further notice)
    • Fixed comments and documentation typos across the codebase
    • We now provide a cleaner compile-time error if building on a system other than x86 or ARM
    • Added ability to build a slightly reduced surge-common without JUCE or Lua (for the upcoming Surge Rack XT project)
    • Renamed the surge-py target to surgepy to avoid a -, which causes load time problems in Python
    • Made sure to cleanly join the background patch loading thread on exit if it is still running or if another patch load begins

    • Updated Slowboat patches
    • Updated John Valentine patches
    • New wavetables from Quonundrai
    • New wavetables from A.Liv and Exocat
  4. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Ronan Fed - Pneuma v1.1 VST VST3 - Windows - 64 Bit - 05.08.2022 - Free

    New Update - Version 1.1 (2022-08-02) - Change log:

    - Fixed issue with CPU spikes (and possible crashes) when changing presets
    - Changed the Polyphony setting of all the presets to improve stability
    - Added new preset ARP Complex
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2022
  5. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    2022-08-06_120047.jpg - Asper v1.0 VSTi / VST3 - Free - 06.08.2022 - 12,4 MB - Windows only

    Experimental synth combining wave table, subtractive, phase distortion and physical modeling for sound generation. Idea was to add humanization to the sound on oscillator level in order to simulate behavior of real world instrument where each hit is different. It is not trying to simulate sound behavior like in analog synth, but rather to simulate Round Robin.

    Instead of complex modulation I decided to split wavelet OSC to two layers that each has it's own control. This way is you can easily control (for example) attack per velocity without assigning any modulation source. You can detune each layer, enable comb filter, enable pitch envelope or phase distortion to each layer individually. All blending control have individual shape setting for each layer or even inverse mode in order to have different amount or phase while using same MIDI CC or velocity.


    - One wave table oscillator
    - 118 wave tables that can be combined in multiple ways
    - Comb filter for both wave table layers
    - Advanced amplitude adjustment with break point control for better control
    - Phase distortion for each wave table layer with 5 different shapes and it's own detune
    - Mod section for Phase distortion with sync option
    - One noise sub synth
    - Round Robin simulation on oscillator level for both wave table and noise OSC
    - Set blending mode based on velocity or control with assignable MIDI CC
    - Ability to control shape for morphing, filter, FM amount starting from Exponential to Logarithmic
    - Filter with parallel or serial mode
    - Mod section for filter
    - Shaper, two modes
    - Saturation
    - Portamento for mono with adjustable velocity level for triggering
    - Vibrato module
    - Interactive GUI with mouse over for each element that can be changed or adjusted
    - Each control that have assignable MIDI CC have additional display for assigned controller
    - All envelope controls have additional 6 quick sub presets to choose from
    - Ensemble module for for unison or even reverb like simulation
    - Simple soft clipper to prevent clipping that can be disabled
    - Randomization for almost each subsection
    - Simple preset manager
    - One page with adjustable GUI scale, 80 up to 150%.
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  6. xorome

    xorome Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2021
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    Emergence grain delay


    A collection of plugins:

    Spectral Compressor can squash anything into pink noise, apply simultaneous upwards and downwards compressor to dynamically match the sidechain signal's spectrum and morph one sound into another, and lots more. Have you ever wondered what a 16384 band OTT would sound like? Neither have I.

    Diopser is a totally original phase rotation plugin. Useful for oomphing up kickdrums and basses, transforming synths into their evil phase-y cousin, and making everything sound like a cheap Sci-Fi laser beam.

    adds a bright crispy top end to any low bass sound. Inspired by Polarity's Fake Distortion video. [Crashes for me]

    is as boring as it sounds. It cleanly splits the signal into two to five bands using a variety of algorithms. Those bands are then sent to auxiliary outputs so they can be accessed and processed individually. Meant as an alternative to Bitwig's Multiband FX devices but with cleaner crossovers and a linear-phase option.

    Loudness War Winner
    does what it says on the tin. Have you ever wanted to show off your dominance by winning the loudness war? Neither have I. Dissatisfaction guaranteed.

    Puberty Simulator
    is that patent pending One Weird Plugin that simulates the male voice change during puberty! If it was not already obvious from that sentence, this plugin is a joke, but it might actually be useful (or at least interesting) in some situations. This plugin pitches the signal down an octave, but it also has the side effect of causing things to sound like a cracking voice or to make them sound slightly out of tune.

    Safety Limiter
    is a simple tool to prevent ear damage. As soon as there is a peak above 0 dBFS or the specified threshold, the plugin will cut over to playing SOS in Morse code, gradually fading out again when the input returns back to safe levels. Made for personal use during plugin development and intense sound design sessions, but maybe you'll find it useful too!

    Binary download here
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  7. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    RF-SoundFont is a FREE SoundFont (SF2) Player.
    • Amplitude ADSR Envelope
    • Filter (Low Pass with Cutoff and Resonance)
    • Reverb
    • Delay
    • Chorus
    • Glide (Portamento)
    • Vibrato
    • Stereo Separation
    • Main Panning and Volume
    • Mono Mode and Mono Retrigger
    • Octave, Semitone and Pitch Bend note selector
    • Velocity to Volume
    • Velocity to Filter Cutoff
    Free Download: NO LONGER AVAILABLE
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2022
  8. Citrik Acid

    Citrik Acid Rock Star

    Feb 7, 2016
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    Cool synth but he does not have an filter Env strange
  9. Legotron

    Legotron Audiosexual

    Apr 24, 2017
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    The Frequency Shifter is a software effect for Microsoft Windows (VST2/VST3/CLAP) and Apple macOS (VST2/VST3/CLAP/AU) written in native C++ code. The main features are:

    • Frequency shifting up to ±5000 Hz
    • Optional LFO with five waveforms and Sync to Host option
    • Four frequency ranges, three mix modes
    • Linked or individual control for both stereo channels
    • Double precision audio processing
    • Plug-in supports Windows and macOS (32 bit and 64 bit)
    The Frequency Shifter shifts the spectrum of the input signal up or down along the frequency axis. This effect is also know as "Bode Frequency Shifting" or "Single Sideband Modulation"; IMHO one of the most underrated and ignored effects ever.

    Do not confuse the Frequency Shifter with a pitch shifter! A pitch shifter multiplies all frequencies of the input signal by a constant factor while a frequency shifter adds (or subtracts) a constant amount of Hertz to (or from) those frequencies. Thus, the harmonic structure of the input signal will not be preserved in the modulated signal, resulting in a raw, inharmonic, metallic, you-name-it sound the more you apply the effect. Even more, if you mix a slightly shifted signal with the original input signal you will get some uncommon phasing sound.[​IMG]
  10. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Wave Manuel is a FREE waveshaping synthesizer plugin VST3 [Win VST 1.0.6, Mac AU 1.0.6, Mac VST 1.0.6]

    What is Wave Manuel?
    Wave Manuel is a FREE waveshaping synthesizer plugin, available in VST and Audio Unit formats. Explore waves no one has experienced before – in stereo!

    The essence of Wave Manuel
    Wave Manuel’s heart is the unique variable shape oscillator with three parameters: “symmetry”, “saturation” and “shaping”. It can generate classic analog style waveforms (triangle, saw, pulse) but also anything in between – and beyond!

    Each oscillator parameter has a dedicated envelope and LFO for animating the shape. Envelope’s attack, decay and release have curve control for making things just right. LFOs can be used in stereo with 180 degree phase offset so let’s get SUPER WIDE!

    The sound can be shaped further with filtering and frequency modulation.

  11. xorome

    xorome Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2021
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    Cramit is an OTT-like multiband compressor.
    • 3-band upwards/downwards compression
    • Toggle for compression and expansion
    • Band solo & bypass
    • Independently adjustable up and down thresholds (hold shift to move both at the same time)
    • Pre and post distortion
    • 7 distortion types integrated into one slider

  12. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Fluctus is a free 3-operator FM synthesizer that's incredibly simple yet very flexible in the sounds it can produce.

    Key features:
    • 3 operators (with variable brightness control), soft and hard saturators, 1 multi-mode filter, ping-pong delay and phaser.
    • Streamlined single page user interface with scaling ranging from 100% to 200%.
    • Over 60 builtin patches in the factory ROM bank, accessible from the patch browser.
    • Full support for the new CLAP plugin API.
    • No copy protection or DRM.
    The plugin is available in both 32-bit and 64-bit formats for Windows.

    Supported hosts:
    • The new CLAP plugin format, including support for polyphonic non-destructive modulation. Confirmed working in Bitwig 4.3.
    • The native FL Studio plugin format, including support for slide/glide notes. Requires FL Studio 9 or newer.
    Visit the website for additional information:
  13. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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  14. Clem4

    Clem4 Producer

    Mar 23, 2021
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  15. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Full Bucket Music - Bucket Pops v1.1.2 [26-Aug-2022]

    The Bucket Pops is a software instrument for Microsoft Windows (VST2/VST3/CLAP) and Apple macOS
    (VST2/VST3/AU/CLAP) simulating the classic KORG
    Mini Pops-7 Rhythm Machine from 1966.
    It is written in native C++ code for high performance and low CPU consumption.

    Main features are:

    • That Oxygene and Equinoxe vibe!
    • 20 original rhythms
    • 15 modeled drum instruments (no samples)
    • Tweakable instrument parameters
    • Tweakable rhythm sequencer
    • Resizable user interface (not "N" version!)
    • MIDI Learn – all parameters can be controlled by MIDI CC
    • Plug-in supports Windows and macOS (32 bit and 64 bit)

  16. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Semitune - Pegboard v1.17.1 Mobile Audio App for iOS/ Android - Free

    Pegboard is a mobile synth designed to make playing music more intuitive. The app is a full-featured mobile subtractive synthesizer with a virtual analog filter. Use it as a melody writing app, music scale finder, or just as a MIDI keyboard controller. How you use it is completely up to you.

    The keyboard is arranged in a harmonic table layout. Scales you choose are highlighted for easy improvisation. Each chord has a simple shape that is the same in every key. This layout greatly simplifies playing chords, borrowing chords, and modulating between keys.

    Music theory apps tend to impose constraints and can be uninspiring. Pegboard will give you an intuitive feel for harmony and allow you to come up with your own amazing riffs all through improvisation. Most of the app features are free. The synth is fully playable and programmable in the free version.

    Included in the free version:
    • Over 400 unique scales.
    • 70 factory presets.
    • 8-voice polyphony.
    • Two oscillators, a LFO, and noise.
    • 4 effect modules.
    • Unlimited use, no ads.

    Included in the pro version:
    • Save your own presets.
    • 8 row modulation matrix.
    • MIDI in and out.
    • Friendly email support.

    The pro version is available as an in-app purchase. It will allow you to use the app as a MIDI controller. You can then connect the app to your DAW or another synthesizer. and
  17. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Surge XT 1.1.1 VSTi - 28.08.2022 - 164 MB - Free

    Changes in Surge XT 1.1.1

    We released Surge XT 1.1.1 on August 25, with a collection of small changes and improvements which we found either late in the 1.1.0 cycle or after release. We recommend all users upgrade to 1.1.1.

    Regressions from 1.0.1 and Breaking Changes

    • Restore the correct operation of the Airwindows AD Clip effect
    • Waveshaper effect incorrectly scaled the input level, which means that the simple test of sine -> voice level waveshaper had a different response than sine -> waveshaper effect. Remediated this by correcting the input scale on Waveshaper effect. This may result in increased output level of patches which use the Waveshaper effect

    Performance and DSP
    • Added a JUCE patch which allows sample-accurate MIDI CC and pitch bend messages in VST3 plugin (especially important with long block sizes)
    • Set the velocity of reused voices correctly in monophonic play modes
    • When “Continue from current level” envelope retrigger option is used with Mono FP play mode, portamento would not reset when a gap between two played notes occured (non-legato)
    • Revert a set of integer modulation changes which were nascent in 1.1.0, but which have also caused pops, clicks and incorrect unison settings when changing filter, voice, and oscillator types while there were active voices playing

    • The name of the accessible overlay for the FX slots contains the effect type name, as well as the slot name
    • Correctly labelled Previous and Next wavetable jog buttons (they were backwards)
    • Deactivated additional accessibility announcements (oscillator name, patch name, etc…) by default, since an unknown bug makes them speak for Windows users, even with accessibility features of Windows turned off
    • Correctly named the “Arm/Disarm” buttons on the modulator buttons when states change
    • Step sequencer announces when the value of a step is on an exact 1/12th for pitch-based sequencing
    • The wavetable info (available in wavetable display’s context menu) is now accessible on Mac
    • Changing the LFO type will now send an accessible notification to update the screen reader state
    • Effects routing grid now properly handles key presses (Shift+F10), and

    • Filter 2 Offset mode, when copied via “Copy scene” command, now properly sets up the target’s Filter 2 cutoff
    • The Filter overlay now correctly uses Filter 2 Offset and Resonance Link options when drawing the frequency response curve
    • Any keystrokes pressed while the Patch Browser is scanning content are now handled by the browser itself, avoiding accidental forwarding of keystrokes to the DAW
    • Added a new option to the Patch Browser context menu: “Reveal in Finder / Show in Explorer”, for quick drag and drop sharing!
    • We will now correctly set default zoom to 100% when no default zoom is set
    • Mousewheel on all the various previous/next jog buttons will now scroll through the relevant data (regression from Surge 1.9)
    • Since we now have action history (undo/redo), we will not prompt the user by default when loading a patch while the current patch is dirty
    • Right mouse click on the Wavetable menu will now wavetalbes for just the currently selected folder
    • When loading a patch, Surge will try to locate the loaded wavetables in the wavetable menu, enabling previous/next jogging, correct checkmark display, etc.
    • Virtual keyboard velocity now always spans 1 … 127 when clicked via mouse
    • Added a new keyboard shortcut (default Alt/Opt+A) to arm and unarm modulators, which also deprecates the Workflow > Tab Key Arms Mmodulators option (so we won’t be showing it anymore)
    • Renamed legacy filter subtypes more logically to Standard/Driven/Clean (instead of Clean/Driven/Smooth)
    • Paste with Modulation option is now undoable

    CLAP Support
    • CMake install rules for Linux will now install CLAP flavors, even if you don’t use .deb or RPM
    • Mac installer will now have CLAP selected by default; also, all options are now alphabetized
    • paramsFlush() implementation for CLAP is now safe to call when processing is happening, even though this probably shouldn’t happen

    Infrastructure and Miscellaneous
    • Moved build infrastructure to Ubuntu 20 LTS, since Azure is deprecating Ubuntu 18
    • Replaced static const auto one = _mm_set1_ps(1.0) with just const auto one = to avoid a static lock (thanks to The Audio Programmer Discord community for catching this!)
    • Moved HalfRateFilter to sst-filters library; it is shared between Shortcircuit and Surge
    • Spupress mousewheel gestures during mouse drags to avoid nested begin/end edits with Mac trackpads
    • Changed Mac signing in order to allow Formula modulator to work in standalone on macOS 10.14
    • Mac installer won’t allow installing to a non-system drive now
    • Fixed a crash when closing the plugin window in REAPER while the Patch Browser menu was open
    • Reviewed various other timers and delayed objects in order to avoid crashes similar to the above one
    • Correctly read XDG defaults so that XDG data for DOCUMENTS_HOME correctly follows the specification on Linux
    • Fixed a problem where Surge would enter an infinite loop when the stored key mappings would advertise a keymapping for an unknown function

    • New wavetables from Philippe Favre
    • Updated Formula tutorial “09 Example - Crossfading Oscillators”
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  18. BlackWinny

    BlackWinny Platinum Record

    Aug 21, 2022
    Likes Received:
    Very close to Paris, France
    AcidDose Xhip + its huge collection of effects
    • (the developer currently faces issues with his web server. For he moment you can get the synth here for Windows, here for OSX, and here for Linux, and the effects here for Windows, here for OSX, and here for Linux, I'll remove these additional links when the issue is fixed).

    Audiolatry Grand Piano XXL Free (don't be afraid by the ugly GUI, it is a great emulation of a Yamaha C5 piano with 16 layers of velocity !

    Blamsoft VK1 Viking

    Blaukraut Charlatan

    Cherry Audio Surrealistic MG 1 Plus

    CWITEC TX16Wx (the free edition is awesome in its own)

    Digital Suburban (Pascal Gauthier) DEXED... and my collection of more than 3800 DX7 Sysex files (more than 122.000 presets) without any dupes.

    DiscoDSP OB-Xd (on Windows and OSX it is free for non-commerical use! You have nothing to pay!)

    All the plugins made by Full Bucket Music, all freewares and incredibly good.

    Graywolf BlueARP

    Greenoak Crystal

    Ichiro Toda Synth1 (for the download section, just browse down the page)

    Keolab Spicy Guitar

    KX Studio: all their plugins and mainly the modular synth Cardinal (browse down the page or check this page for the last release)

    All the synths made by KX77FREE

    Leslie Sanford Cobalt

    Manda Audio MT Power Drum Kit 2

    Martinic Combo Model F

    Martinic Combo Model V

    Matt Tytel Helm

    Matt Tytel Vital

    ML-VST (Martin Lüders) PG-8X

    Nils Schneider K1 V

    Novation B-Station, V-Station, & FX-Suite

    Phuturetone GR-8

    Oxe Soft OXE

    Sampleson CollaB3 (in fact it is physically modelling, the plugin is only a few dozens of Mb size)

    Sampleson SUB Analog Drums (same remark)

    Seaweed Audio Fathom (the Mono version is totally free)

    Sonicbits Exakt Lite

    Superwave P8


    Taron Lord of the Springs

    The Wave Warden Odin 2

    Togu Audioline (Patrick Kunz) TAL-NoiseMaker

    XSRDO Analogy XSRDO

    All the freewares made by U-He :
    Triple Cheese
    (and all the the u-he Patch Library for these U-He synth)


    And you add a free DAW (and awesome !) : BandLab Cakewalk (which is the new name of the famous... Cakewalk Sonar !)

    And you add ASIO4ALL - Universal ASIO Driver For WDM Audio

    And there you are !

    And all these products are of professional level ! All are awesome, and all are 64-bit ! And almost all are for OSX as well as for Windows ! And they all have tons and tons of presets available to help you to learn the synthesis or to directly use them !

    And... Total of the invoice : ZERO DOLLAR !
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2022
  19. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
    Likes Received:

    TugGlicento is an audio effect plugin for Windows (VST3), Mac (VST AU)
    it can play multiple effects simultaneously, by triggering box TugGlicento can be as gentle or as noisy as you like


    • Variable speeds for each line
    • 5 Band independent moog filter (edge of self resonance)
    • 5 band ADSR and LFO (syncable) for filter
    • Effects for each line
    • Variable beats for each line.
    • Variable duration for each line.
    • Matrix.
    • Randomization.
    • Presets.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Interesting Interesting x 1
    • List
  20. BlackWinny

    BlackWinny Platinum Record

    Aug 21, 2022
    Likes Received:
    Very close to Paris, France
    Very interesting, I'm saving this to download and try next week.