Best Free Software for Making Music

Discussion in 'Software' started by Oysters, Nov 4, 2014.

  1. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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  2. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    In June 2017, we sampled the exceptional Eric Whitacre Singers at Air Studios, London, to create our first ever choir library, curated and conducted by Eric Whitacre. LABS Choir features ever-changing choral samples, created by combining three evolutions from this epic vocal encyclopaedia — the textures weave in and out of each other and evolve constantly as you play, offering you endless inspiration.
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  3. Legotron

    Legotron Audiosexual

    Apr 24, 2017
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    Just to remind you that how awesome and generous guy you are by supplying the information of free software
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  4. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    Snare Designer - Free Snare Drum Sculpting Pack for Ableton Live, Kontakt & Logic

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Snare Designer brings three legendary acoustic snare drums right to your desktop studio. Whether you are producing rock, electronic, jazz or film scoring, this free sound pack delivers a huge palette of percussive colors to your production.

    Snare Designer includes instruments of the classic Ludwig Acrolite, Mapex Birch and Pork Pie Little Squealer snare drums - programmed for individual microphone tweaking and detailed tone sculpting.

    The Ableton Live and Kontakt versions include a custom control panel that gives you access to direct, overhead, room and "trashcan" microphones.

    The Logic version loads as Track Stacks of the multi-mic recordings including all direct, room and special effect microphones.



    The Ludwig Acrolite was originally manufactured in 1968 as a student drum. Its dry, cracking tone, however, was highly coveted by professional session players and it quickly became a staple in the modern recording studio.



    The Mapex Birch has a solid, balanced and “woody” tone. It strikes with an initial punch and a dampening decay characteristic of wooden drums.



    The Pork Pie Little Squealer comes to the session with some real crack - wait, that doesn't sound right... Its high pitch tone and fast decay are perfect for sitting up front in mixes that require those 2s and 4s to pop.

    • Ableton Live 10 and higher, Kontakt 5 (full version) and higher, Logic 10.4 and higher.
    • 200 MB of free disk space

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  5. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    for the creativity there are no limits. I've made early this year one Job with 99% free software that got me money to buy a new computer + pro software, that produces me now more money for keeping growing! I hope this thread doesn't die and helps a lot of people/musicians to grow and support their career. Thx to the developers! :wink:
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2018
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  6. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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  7. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    A collection of dark, spine-chilling sounds ranging from hard hitting trailer impacts to adrenalinic tension builders, from dodgy glitches and distortions to disturbing, scene-setting atmospheres and scapes.

    • 1 GB of High Definition Audio Assets
    • 94 horror/thriller sound effects files (96 kHz/24 bit .wav)
    • 4 categories of sounds: impacts, risers & transitions, distorted glitches, atmospheres & scapes
    • 3 Kontakt Instruments* to individually control and mangle each category of sounds
    • All the .wav sounds in Relict are compatible with any DAW or audio software


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  8. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    Beat Farm: Free MIDI Beats
    Welcome to the Beat Farm

    Feel free to browse and download these free beats and fills. The Beat Farm is a side project offering high-quality MIDI beats to the public free of charge. These sets are typically unpublished material or sets we've done for the fun of it. If you like the grooves, please spread the word by linking to this page! Enjoy!

    Audio Demos

    If you're having problems with the demos, you can listen here.

    Chilled Beats 1
    8 slow, spacious grooves and fills suitable for a wide range of "chilled" tracks.

    Chilled Beats 2
    10 "chilled" grooves and fills with snare, clap and side stick versions.

    Hip Hop Beats 1
    10 grooves and fills with snare, clap and side stick versions.

    Pop/Rock Half-Time Ballad
    9 half-time grooves and matching fills suitable for pop & rock ballads.

    Funk Set 1
    19 laid-back and loose funk grooves and fills.

    Motown Beat
    11 versatile, classic grooves and fills

    7-4 Metal
    17 metal grooves and fills in 7-4

    DnB MIDI Beats
    15 DnB beats and fills

    DnB Beats - Studio One
    15 DnB beats and fills in "musicloop" format for Studio One

    Surf MIDI Beats
    MIDI Surf beats and fills. 8 and 12-bar hat and ride grooves plus hat and ride fills.

    Check back beats harvested weekly!
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  9. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    decent | samples

    Home/ Freebies/ Musical Wine Glasses [Kontakt]

    Musical Wine Glasses [Kontakt]

    The ethereal sounds of the musical wine glasses in a convenient Kontakt sample library. The musical wine glasses are played by rubbing one’s finger around rim of a glass to make them vibrate. Requires the full version of Kontakt (version 5.3.1 or later).

    Categories: Acoustic Instruments, FreebiesTags: glass, glass harmonica, kontakt, kontakt 5.3.1, wine glasses
    The musical wine glasses are played by rubbing a moistened finger around rim of a glass to make it vibrate.


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  10. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    Elektron monomachine by Psychmachine

    Published: October 16, 2018

    Type: zip Size: 6.72 MB

    The Monomachine combines several types of synthesizers with an intuitive beat-box-style programming interface. Think of it as five synthesizers in one package with a flexible sequencer and plenty of real-time controls for a unique twist on desktop music machines! It has 6-part multitimbral capability which allows for up to 6 mono-synth sounds at once, or a single 6-voice polyphonic sound.

    The SuperWave synthesizer, which is analog modeled, gives warm and thick sounds made from unique algorithms that makes sounds free from the artifacts normally associated with digital processing. Traditional (and 303-like) saw and pulse waveforms and sub-oscillators give you fat bass synth and lead sounds, while the ensemble is specialized in creating polyphonic textures, chords, and harmonies.

    The Mono-synth SID is based on the synthesis of the legendary SID chip, from the Commodore 64. The SID 6581 machine offers one oscillator of high quality synthesis, complete with ring-mod and sync. Just like the original, the oscillators are derived from an extremely fast main counter, giving the crisp highly recognizable sound.

    DigiPRO offers raw digital waveforms, which can be put into animated life. The BeatBox, which is a part of DigiPRO, offers a percussive toolbox shaped in the traditions of the Machinedrum E12 synth. The sounds of DigiPRO WAVE are harsh and electric and stand out in the mix.

    FM+ is 21st century FM synthesis. It implements world class frequency modulation algorithms that address the complexity problem normally associated with FM. All three FM+ machines are based around a number of custom made FM blocks. The machines have been handcrafted, each with its own personality.

    VO is inspired by classic voice modeling methods using formant synthesis. The goal was not to recreate any existing voice or speech synthesizer, but to create a new way of building and controlling a synthetic voice in a way that suits musicians. VO-6 is the VO incarnation of the Monomachine. User controllable between pulse or white noise, formant filters and a set of predefined consonant-like sounds.

    While the Monomachine’s 6-part beat-box-style sequencer can be used to create your own synth grooves, it offers six additional MIDI tracks that can be used for controlling external MIDI gear. MIDI control data can be generated realtime, with parameter locks and with LFOs. Each MIDI track offers a full implementation of the Monomachine arpeggiator.
  11. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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  12. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    Linux armv7l
    REAPER v5.961 - 7MB
    ARM 32-bit HF (raspberry pi 2+)

    Note: Linux builds are experimental and unsupported. Please read the included readme.txt for more information.

    Linux i686
    REAPER v5.961 - 8MB
    x86 32-bit

    Linux x86_64
    REAPER v5.961 - 8MB
    x86-64/AMD64 64-bit
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2018
    • Winner Winner x 1
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  13. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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  14. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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    goldmine super thread.......thx a lot mundano
  15. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    thx to @Oysters !!!
  16. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    TL;DW: DeEss is the best de-essing solution there is. A go-to utility plugin.


    Now it can be told: I’m just back from PatreCon! I’ll have more of that (probably just on my website and youtube, as it won’t be a product release) but let’s just say: what I’m doing with Airwindows has powerful motives. I want to give people the ability to do their music and production, I want to give both the popular and unpopular tools so you can express yourself regardless of your resources or whether you’re niche or mainstream or WHATEVER. It’s important enough to me that I don’t care what it costs me, and I mean to do it right: it’s the right thing, for the right reasons, with the right determination, and I’m setting it up (with the open source) so it can’t be taken away. You’ll be able to have stability in your production life, and pick out stuff you can count on that won’t go wrong on you, letting you have control of your musical world. In a very real sense you own that (heck, you own the source code).

    Turns out, I chose well when I chose Patreon for handling this, my life work. To some people you could paint me in a nice (perhaps over-nice, hard to credit) light by saying ‘oh, Chris is kind of like Jack Conte the founder and CEO of Patreon’. It tells a story though it also implies I’m set up for some kind of epic success story and sounds like hype.

    But for you guys, you kinda know about ME and not necessarily Patreon: you do that because I ask you to, but you maybe don’t know Jack about Jack, or why it would matter. You want plugins, and you’ve got to know how I am because I keep making them for you. However, I went to Patrecon (big gamble, wrecked my finances real good) because I wanted to hear what Jack Conte talks about in private, get a sense of what Patreon’s really like, maybe even talk to him and see if he hears me, gets what I’m about. It could have been a mistake for me: I could’ve gone and found they didn’t really care, just wanted my fees and were watching to see if I became big enough to get behind.

    It wasn’t a mistake, it was one of the most brilliant ideas I ever had, and I ran with it by doing some of the most terrifying stuff I’ve ever done. I told Sam and Jack (Sam Yam is the OTHER co-founder) about how I got to go see my Dad before he died thanks to still running Airwindows. And I doubled down and thought out some ideas about what Patreon means in practice, and I went and pitched those same guys on these ideas, knowing that I am just a broke 50-year-old with no health care and no credentials for counseling Silicon Valley founders. Turns out I saw Jack’s keynote… his PRIVATE keynote, the one where he asked people not to record it this time because he was going to get extra real… and he was already leaning towards the direction I saw. And I took him further along that path.

    They got it. Seriously, they got it.

    I can’t tell you everything (and none of it involves me no longer needing you; nobody’s offering to make me a silicon valley guy nor was I asking to be one: that is NOT what this is about and I wasn’t asking Jack for money or even promo) but what I can tell you is, turns out Jack Conte is a guy like ME, and that means very specific things. And what he’s doing with Patreon in general is very akin to what I’m doing with Airwindows, and he is every bit as brave as I am. I believe it’s gonna work, and that it matters: it matters hugely. I’m going to do everything I can to help Jack after what I privately heard at PatreCon, and if you’re a musician or producer also on Patreon I want to help you, too, ‘cos we’re very much all in this together.

    Okay. DeEss.

    If you need the best DeEsser, and especially if you know how to use them, this is the one you want: full stop. It’s the best one, it’s simple and quick to use and now it’s entirely free. It’s MIT license open source, so now everybody can ‘steal’ it. There’s a guy making GUI skinning tech for plugins, and he has the code for it: you’ll be able to use it and make whatever GUI skin you want on it, pay the (GUI) guy to sell that, or GPL it and use his (and my) tech free.

    The Airwindows DeEss works by tracking slew rates, not by filtering and frequencies. It keeps a string of recent slew rates, and if it sees high slews that keep going back and forth (flipping direction) that’s how it triggers. It doesn’t trigger on things like square wave or sawtooth waves, because those aren’t going back and forth fast enough to be an ess. It’s purely mechanical: the trigger for DeEss happens instantly and way more powerfully on real esses, making it extremely easy to set. It’s not fiddly, just crank up the effect so you can plainly hear where it hits and use that (don’t overtrigger, for the bad esses you’ll get a HUGE powerful trigger even when everything else is totally clear of de-essing)

    Then you use the ducking control and the treble rolloff to tailor the kind of esses you do want. The tone thing lets you have darker esses that are still very audible, and the ducking control means you can retain the original sound but duck it as much as you like. It should be possible to template it: since it triggers so powerfully on real esses, if you’ve got a working setting it should always work. De-essing is now a solved problem, for good. Use good taste (avoid ‘lisping’ effects) and de-essing is easy.

    I already mentioned Patreon, so I think we’re good. I use that to live. I hope you like DeEss :)
  17. I Patreon Chris. His stuff, like this innovative de-esser is but one example of highly creative and non cpu taxing plug-ins that he now freely distributes to anyone and anybody that enjoys no nonsense as well as professional tools.
  18. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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    airwindows infamous famous secret top tools
  19. Legotron

    Legotron Audiosexual

    Apr 24, 2017
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    Steven Slate Drums 5 Free

    SSD5 Free Overview:

    • Experience a taste of SSD5 with full functionality and one incredible Deluxe 2 kit for free.
    • Non-expiring demo.
    • All New User Interface Built from the Ground Up.
    • New Master Volume Control.
    • New SSD5 Drum Playback Algorithm.
    • Drumkit or Pad Cells View allows up to 32 drum instruments.
    • Completely reworked Routing/Mapping System.
    • Supported on macOS in AAX/VST/AU formats.
    • Supported on Windows in AAX/VST formats.
  20. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    EQ E87V2

    0.00 $

    • Instant download!
    • Secure payment!
    • Royalty-free!
    • 24/7 Support
    Read more ...

    V2 EQ E87

    Add warmth and character to your analog audio / midi

    The EQ is an equalizer E87 for Windows (VST 32/64 bit) and macOS (VST, Audio Unit 64 Bit).

    The equalizer E87 was developed for one purpose: to provide a discreet and transparent equalization with the option of a similar color. Know something immediately, "Color" function is not "based on" or an imitation of a similar machine. We used a house script associated with "hardware" machine (linear pulse) to feel the effect of the analog alone can give us. We also added a "saturation" effect, which is a digital saturation. Both effects combine to perfection.


    • Equalizer High quality very transparent.
    • Button "Color" for adding analog character to your audio tracks.
    • Button "Saturation" to add a digital saturation.
    • Very low latency.
    • Very low CPU consumption.
    • And more
    Available for Windows 32/64 bit version (VST).

    Available for MacOS in 64 bit (Audio Units and VST).

    *** The version for MacOS will be available later.