Best cymbals for metal in EZDrummer-SD2?

Discussion in 'Software' started by venndi, Feb 17, 2015.

  1. venndi

    venndi Ultrasonic

    Jan 16, 2015
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    I read somewhere that the best cymbals have the metal foundry, what is your option?
    If it's true, then can I install only the cymbals? The metal foundry have 5 disc, and its 35GB, which is huge, and my SSD on what is the OSX and all softwares, are just 120GB, so I want install only the cymbals, if it's possible.
    On which disc are the cymbals?
  3. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    With Toontrack and XLN Audio, you cannot install separate drums and cymbals. XLN released drums pieces early on but stopped for some reason.
    Never realeased cymbals though.

    FXPansion BFD3 has greatly improved cymbal samples. BFD installs into separate folders allowing you to remove the ones you do not want.

    Another option is to use a sampler that loads multi velocity presets/intruments. There are plenty of user created sample sets out there.
  4. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    New EZ drummer 2 accept to mix elements from several kits.
    So i advice you to use EZD v2 and mix elements from different EZX metal kits.
    It will integrate better than any other solution, and more than enough to be realistic.
    To me, Metal Foundry and such are useful only if you spend hours mixing your own drum sound.
    I prefer already mixed EZX and Kontakt solutions ;)
  5. BigEmptySky

    BigEmptySky Member

    Apr 21, 2012
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    In all honesty - the best advice I could offer is to try out some of the Metal expansions for both EZdrummer and/or Superior Drummer and listen to what you like and listen for the cymbal sounds you are after. You may find that cymbals from another SD SDX or EZdrummer EZX may suit your needs and might sound better to your ears - so you may want to try some of those as well.

    There is no way to figure out what disc the cymbals are on in Metal Foundry. I have installed it and in the "Sounds" folder, after installation, the files are all named "soundb1.obw - soundb24.obw" so there is no way to tell. Metal Foundry is a Superior Drummer SDX and all the SDX's for SD have the same type of naming convention.

    Even with EZdrummer you cannot "pull out" any specific cymbal or drum.

    I understand that you only have a 120GB SSD and that is also your main HD. If you ask people here, I believe most all will advise you to install large libraries on an external HD. I have all my sound libraries installed on an ext HD. With only 120GB you are pretty limited. I am not saying you can't get by with that but as you are learning you will need to be rather frugal with what you install.

    I would also advise buying an external HD for backing up your main HD. If you ever have problems with your main HD you will always have a backup (providing you do daily backups) to boot onto/revert back to. Trust me you will thank yourself by doing that.

    Hope that help you out and good luck with whatever route you go!!! :wink:
  6. venndi

    venndi Ultrasonic

    Jan 16, 2015
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    Hey BigEmptySky :)

    I was think that I can install expansion only on HDD, on which is the system...When I install the expansion, then I just chose another hard drive?
    But will recognize the SD2.0 the expansion, if its not in the right place?
    I have an 120GB SSD and 1TB HDD...
    You recommend a 3rd HDD for backing up OSX files? This you recommend becouse of hackintosh, or for windows is also

    Thanks mate :wink:
  7. BigEmptySky

    BigEmptySky Member

    Apr 21, 2012
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    Hi Venndi,

    I am specifically speaking of OSX as that is what you initially asked about and I am making an assumption that the same would be true for Windows. Since any Hackintosh is running OSX that would be the same as OSX on an Apple Mac.

    So if I understand you correctly you have an internal 120GB SSD and an external 1TB HD or are they both internal? I am not entirely clear on your hardware setup. It would be helpful to know your setup.

    1. It's been a long time since I installed the SDX's for Superior Drummer so my memory is somewhat hazy but I do believe that the SDX installers give you the option to install them on an external HD (yes, they do, now that I recall).

    2. Superior Drummer will recognize where you installed any library. Not moving a library but when you install one to your HD. After you have installed SD SDX's you can simply move them manually to another HD (an external HD for example) and within SD's options you point it to the new location. I've done that and it works fine.

    3. It's EZdrummer that wants to install on you main HD (at least version 1.x.x does). Once you install EZdrummer you move the library to an external HD using Toontrack's application "SoundMover" in your OS X Applications folder, in the Toontrack folder. That is their official way of moving the libraries to an external HD or any other HD. Once you have used "SoundMover" then when you install any other EZX it will be installed to the new location.

    4. I always recommend that people have an external HD for backing up their main OS HD onto. That way you always have a safe backup in case of an HD failure or some other unforeseen problem. You could also have external HD's for backing up your music libraries to if you decide you require that level of safety. I have 2 externals specifically for backing up my main boot HD and I rotate backups. Call me nuts but I've seen the disaster that a hard drive failure can cause when people don't do backups and believe me they are frantic that they've lost all their data. For me, I prefer the peace of mind knowing I have at least 2 functional backups (which I regularly test). Plus HD's are rather a low cost item these days so there really is no reason not to perform backups of your critical data.

    This is how my main machine is setup. The main internal HD is partitioned into 4 partitions. The 1st one is my main music system which is always ready to roll. The 2nd partition is for testing new releases of music apps/plugins etc. Once I know for certain that any newly released music app or plugin is working on my 2nd partition I simply clone it to my main partition and I am ready to make music - no troubleshooting required as I've already done that - if needed. My 3rd partition is specifically for running newer versions of OSX. The 4th partition I have Windows installed via Apple Boot Camp. My main partition is running Snow Leopard (10.6.8) as I have found that to be the most stable version for the music apps, plugins etc. that I use. I boot into OSX Yosemite 10.10.2 or into Windows for doing everything else I need to do.

    I have my backup application setup to run everyday at a specific time to backup those partitions. All my music libraries - like Superior Drummer SDX's, EZdrummer EZX's, Kontakt libraries, Spectrasonis Omnisphere and Trilian plus other misc. stuff are also backed up to an ext HD. So if I have any failure all I need to do is plugin my backup and I am ready to go. I also have a UPS installed that gives me about an hour of time to properly shutdown all my hardware and for power protection (yes, I recommend one of those as well). I used to work in IT and Networking and thats where I learned these lifesaving tricks and tips from.

    Hope that helps you and good luck!!! :wink:
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