Best AntiVirus Software 2024

Discussion in 'PC' started by olson, Jun 22, 2013.

  1. nobodyspecial

    nobodyspecial Platinum Record

    Feb 4, 2017
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    OSX :)
  2. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    the best anti virus software is still NONE to use.
  3. Pereira

    Pereira Producer

    Apr 6, 2013
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    Fully agree :wink:....but on the DAW......Navigating internet worth a little more caution :woot:
  4. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    always do, checking downloads with virustotal, if im not sure about the origin. R2R releases only from our uploaders or direct.

    monthly checking with malwarebytes. been great since 5.5 years with that.
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  5. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Really, the best precaution is to use a VirtualBox VM for browsing with any OS, on any OS.

    However, I live my virus and worry free life with a lovely Debian with MATE desktop and a VirtualBoxed Windows 7 for experiments, keygening, making "no installs" for plugins and programs.

    My Windows XP and W7s are as clean as possible and only used for work. Still as fast as on the day I installed them. My XP is now 8 years old... runs like Speedy Gonzales. :rofl:

    Anti-viruses are tricky. I think they behave like viruses, actually... they slow down your OS considerably, unless you scan for viruses manually. Malwarebytes is pretty cool for that. Also, the virus detection ability and the use of resources changes for anti-viruses quite often. The last time I checked that Panda anti-virus looked pretty cool on paper, at other times Avira and Bitdefender, many years ago NOD32 was great... I'd suggest Panda, currently, if you really feel like you must use an AV.

    Albeit, try to just forget about it and try to defend yourself against viruses in some alternative way. You'll feel better, really. :wink: And you'll be more safe, actually. Anti-viruses can get disabled by viruses, so it's not 100% safe when you have an AV. It's actually more like 50:50 in my experience... and even if you manage to clean up the virus[es], your OS can still experience some very strange behaviours and re-installation might be imminent. :sad:

    Internet is Wild West, chaps. Has been for quite a while. Beware.

    Last edited: Jan 4, 2018
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  6. Pereira

    Pereira Producer

    Apr 6, 2013
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    So, nobody here uses Bitdefender.......
  7. OBKenobi

    OBKenobi Producer

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Used Avira for years, then it turned into spamware. Tried AVG, it also turned into spamware. Then tried Kaspersky free and it has worked great so far, because it lets you turn everything off when not using it, and doesn't force autoupdates like the others started doing. All that memory-resident stuff AVs have these days is 90% spyware and hype, you can get by with a firewall, or nothing if you don't download much. The fearmongering about getting viruses from webpages is especially ridiculous. That stuff relies on social engineering not on code that can break into your computer. ublock is enough to block 99% of that stuff, or 100% if you keep scripts disabled by default (whitelist only trusted sites).
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  8. Blorg

    Blorg Producer

    Jan 1, 2018
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    Meltdown & Spectre can access kernel mem, a more pedestrian solution (using an old, air-gapped laptop) seems to make more sense.
    not at all
    Windows Defender running
    With window open
    ME & Vista for the win!
  9. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    You are turning this into an OS bashing, Blorg. I would recommend against that. I've explained more than a couple of times why I use XP and W7 and why I'm going to use them until they rot. Why would anyone [sane] use a newer Windows for anything if it works well as it is? Are some VSTis working better, as in faster and more efficient? No. It's actually in reverse. You're being a Windows brainiac without any credibility. I know that kind very well. Go get your MSCE... :rofl:

    I would also like you to come to my place, install some newer Windows on all my computers and try using all the equipment I have with it [6 samplers, SCSI, firewire, mixer, 2 audio interfaces, 5 MIDI controllers, outboard hardware etc...], without any problems. I presume you also use Internet on all of your computers... good luck with that. :rofl: One day you'll remember what you've read here. :wink:

    edit: However, you're right about VM not being entirely safe, either. I know that. But it *is* the safest bet, aside from having another OS on another partition for browsing, preferably Linux or OSX. Using Windows for browsing is ridiculous, if you're a "normal" user. They seem to click whatever seems nice to click... :rofl: And you can get a virus just by clicking something wrong, so easily. :sad:
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2018
  10. aussie

    aussie Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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  11. johndoehizzle

    johndoehizzle Kapellmeister

    Jan 22, 2017
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    i like and use avira. never had any virus or any issues. i use the free version. i used avast in the past,but felt it was more of a cpu hog/ the main panel would take a bit to load for me.also avast has way more ad popups than avira.
  12. Nick12

    Nick12 Platinum Record

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Is Windows not doing this already automatically?
  13. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    It's best to take care of such tasks, like defragmenting, yourself. You don't want it to start defragmenting your hard disks in the middle of a session. Also, Windows defragmenter is quite capable and made by Diskeeper company, if I remember correctly. If you think you need something else, install something light and fast like MyDefrag. I use JKDefrag from the same page. It's an older version that you don't have to install. It's really fast and it uses Windows defragmenter as its engine. You can start it easily from your desktop. When I found JKDefrag, I stopped looking for anything else and that was quite a "while ago"... :wink:
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2018
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  14. Nick12

    Nick12 Platinum Record

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Oh, I didn't think about it actually. You're right. I thought it was fine until you started about doing it in the middle of a session. I can imagine what can happen. You don't want that, hahaha. Thank you for your answer by the way:wink:
  15. Blorg

    Blorg Producer

    Jan 1, 2018
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    Gosh, how did I miss this tasty morsel?
    For the same reason people trade in a perfectly good horse buggy for a car. While both get you from point a to point b, a car does it in such a way as not to make children point their fingers and laugh.
    Not sure what you mean. Win 10 boots faster, has better memory management (, and, best of all, it's the *current* OS.
    Good thing you didn't brag about that other fancy certification, teh GED :)
    Microsoft certified system engineer can't install his own Windows? Can't say I'm surprised but no matter, I'll walk you through without leaving the house or even billing you. Ready? Let's do it.
    5 MIDI controllers, 5 HW samplers:
    How quaint! hardware samplers needing computer integration. And 5 of them? what do you do with them all (other than hoard)? Into the trash they go!
    ̶M̶F̶M̶ ̶d̶r̶i̶v̶e̶ SCSI:
    ? Dead standard, but works as well on 10 as it did on previous versions.
    As in not a control surface? One of those things with a crusty old Mac running automation for scratchy faders? At least now that SCSI weirdness starts to makes sense.
    2 audio interfaces:
    Both your Digi 01 & Digi 882 got a few good years left, I take it?

    P.S. if not obvious, I'm kidding. I really don't care what you use for gear/OS. Just think it's hilarious how passionate people get about this stuff.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2018
  16. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    I'm not passionate about a freaking OS. You are. :rofl:

    I am passionate and care a lot about my gear and programs that I need to run it, though. If that's not logical to you... You know what they saying about people's opinions. Everybody's got one. If you or I, or anyone else said an opinion about something, that doesn't make it true. For someone it is more true than for others and for someone it is utter BS. :wink:

    Philosophically speaking nobody is right and people evaluate things in a subjective way, according to so many factors it is useless to count them all, but mostly influenced by the fact that a lot of people use the same things like we do. It's called "pack mentality". I never was into packs... but I also find it comforting when someone agrees with my views about something, especially the things I love the most - music and music gear. :wink:

    I'm also one of those who buys his gear and sticks to it generally. Why would I change my TC SK48? Because it is Firewire?? It is ridiculous. Loads of people use older, old and *very old* gear. I also happen to really like this interface. So much that I'm still looking for another one. :)

    Cheers! :headbang:
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2018
  17. Flow

    Flow Member

    Mar 21, 2017
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    Dunno, occasionally my Avast warns me of miners and some malware when I visit some not so respected websites. I understand that bitcoin mining is possible from website visitors alone, don't have to download anything, am I correct?
  18. Darkhorizon

    Darkhorizon Member

    Jun 13, 2017
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    Dear SineWave,

    Been following your posts about having a virtual OS to surf the net and such. I would really like to try Virtual Box, but I'm not that proficient at computers. Would you care to point me to a site or place where this is explained...

    Im running Windows 7 and using pro tools and Nuendo. I have a main drive and a second one for heavy kontakt libraries. Everything is fine but my antivirus slows down my pc and I am one of those (sorry!) who uses his Daw while using the net. But im willing to stop doing that...

    My idea is to have a clean Windows 7 system for my 2 daws and use VM for browsing, accessing mail, downloading, etc...

    Could this be possible?
    Would you be kind enough to give me a hand to get me started! (you can pm me if you like)

    Thanks for your time!
  19. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    It's not very complicated, Darkhorizon. It just sounds like it is. :wink:

    But it does take some time to set it all up, because you have to install the virtual operating system in the VirtualBox. Thankfully, Windows is easier to set up in VB than on a real PC since you don't have to install any drivers aside from the VirtualBox ones, so called "VirtualBox addons" that come with VitualBox installation.

    So, basically, you have to install VirtualBox app first. Then mount the ISO of the operating system you want to install in it. When you choose "install new OS" from VB, you will have to choose the type of OS you want to install in it and set up some preferences, like the amount of CPU cores, RAM and graphic card RAM and how much hard disk space you'd like to dedicate for the virtual OS. One tip here: for better performance choose fixed amount of HD space. If you're using SSD then don't worry about it and choose "dynamic HD". :wink:

    After installing the OS from the mounted ISO this virtual OS behaves pretty much as any other OS. You can even enable 2D and 3D support, so you can play games in it. Although, it will never work as fast as the real OS, but it is usable. You have to remember that this virtual PC/OS is using its own set of emulated "hardware", so you won't be able to use any audio/ASIO hardware except maybe USB ones. [I haven't checked] Well, for browsing you don't need it anyway and for testing the plugins installing Reaper and setting it to WASAPI audio driver will do just fine. You have to install a browser, set everything up to your liking and make a screenshot of the virtual OS - that is the point at which you always want it to go back to when you close the virtual OS. You can use it just as your main OS, but then you'll probably have to reinstall it at some point when something goes wrong. By making a screenshot of it you can always go back easily to a point when everything worked properly. :wink:

    The last thing to do is making a shortcut on the desktop for it [from the VirtualBox], so you can start it without starting it from the VirtualBox itself. Just a doubleclick on its shortcut and you'll be surfing the net safely in a couple of seconds. :wink:

    So, basically, that's it. :)

  20. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Good explanation geek comrade ;)

    How's the graphic performance of VBox vs VmWare? It's been quite a while since I last checked.
    I use a lot VBox but only for Linux server.

    PS. Sorry for the half-OT
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