Berlin Diaries: U-he Headquarters

Discussion in 'Software' started by theDingus, Dec 26, 2014.

  1. theDingus

    theDingus Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2014
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    Riding the U-Bahn from the East of Berlin to the West there is a definite change in the scenery. Maybe you could also relate this change in scenery to the change from analogue instruments to software instruments.

    U-he started out as the story of one man who made some plugins for his own productions then decided he would sell them. Until recently Urs Heckman also answered all of the support emails. But as the praise from industry professionals came flooding in, the business grew and he is no longer able to answer every support question personally. However the company still has a very low key, almost DIY feel to it.

    Urs Heckman also has one hell of a synth collection in their office, although he says they dont know where to put them, he also states:
    "That doesn't mean we will sell any of them"
  3. virusg

    virusg Rock Star

    Jan 4, 2012
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    near you
    not that their software sounds like the real synths they have, emulation does not mean the same sound ...i find U-He making here too much wave to sell some soft ...they are making progress yes but not so close to replace some analogue gear in our studios
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