Beginning to feel guilty...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by MrAnonymous, Aug 10, 2014.

  1. MrAnonymous

    MrAnonymous Producer

    Feb 18, 2014
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    Anyone else ever felt guilty for all the stuff they pirate or the links they share?

    Don't know why but today feeling guilty as f*ck. :(

    No i didn't make this thread to make me feel better or justifie it to myself.. just curious.
  3. rhythmatist

    rhythmatist Audiosexual

    Sep 5, 2011
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    Chillicothe, Ohio, USA
    Done both. All pretty much legit now because I got the Adobe suite, and a new computer, mostly because my finances improved. But things work better, continuous updates, integrated with all their other tools(starting to work with Premier). And that cloud crap can come in handy, but I never felt guilty when I had to "fight my battles with the weapons available". Did I think about it? On occasion. Not saying I am one, but artists/creative types are going to do what they have to. But the things I created are out there for free, and so far, I have not made any money from them, so I guess it evens out somewhere. I miss my sausage fattener, and some Waves stuff, though. those things are still in my old computer if I need them, but I am trying to keep my new machine fairly clean, organized, and dedicated to it's main task. Plenty more important things to worry about, if that worrying helps, but it usually doesn't. Try visualizing world pancakes.-Peace be upon us all.
  4. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    If you feel guilty, buy one lib/FX you can afford, you'll feel much better. :wink:
    Just the day before yesterday I purchased 2CAudio B2.
    One step can and does make a difference *yes*
  5. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Life is too short for feeling guilty over trivialities, just be honest with yourself on what you can afford. Simply take some steps in the direction you're looking to go and don't worry about the rest of it.
  6. pilz971

    pilz971 Kapellmeister

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Yep! Constant little nag for me is a certain passage from a certain book, the quote starts "Thou shalt not...." :unsure: :(

    Fortunately, we are ALL very far from perfect. What Andrew said makes an awful lot of sense, try and give back, what you can, when you can. Also, how much of that which you "acquire" do you actually use. I know heaps of DL`ers who grab the new this or that, install it eagerly, open the GUI, give it a couple of knob spins, then close it out only for it`s sweet little launcher never to see the light of day again. Is hoarding 0`s and 1`s on your HDD really worthy of stress?

    As Algae points out, worry never solves anything. Usually only makes EVERYTHING a damn sight worse.

    Repentance is a great balm for the heavy soul!!! :beg:
  7. GangamStyle

    GangamStyle Ultrasonic

    Oct 31, 2012
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    Sounds like it may be time for you to build a system using only free stuff so you can really compare whether you need all the fancy expensive things or not.
    I did this, and then ended up purchasing my main daw.Then slowly, more stuff.
    Slowly and surely i will end up with only things i have paid for and completely utilize. (that's the idea anyway, true to the try before buy mindset)
    I still like to have a play with the newest,fanciest stuff, but if i am honest with myself, nearly all of it i won't ever need, and the stuff i do goes on my list.

    There is so much free stuff now out there, that 90% of what you need is guilt free!
    The other 10% is hard work, like anything really.

    Don't stress it anonymous bro!

    :break: :mates:
  8. jhagen

    jhagen Platinum Record

    Apr 9, 2013
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    you make money with this stuff? feel guilty

    you make lot of money with this stuff? you thief

    you are just happy to waste your time make some noise? you relax
  9. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    We even have some excellent free resources right here. i HIGHLY recommend uhe's TyrellN6 as well as TAL Noisemaker.
  10. duskwings

    duskwings Platinum Record

    Jul 26, 2011
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    no i don t
  11. Alpha0ne

    Alpha0ne Producer

    Jan 26, 2012
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    I allways feel guilty when i watch filmstreams here in internet. But then after a while I go to a dvd rental right at the corner and pay for films i watched. I dont rent them again. I just pay for the films i watched for a rental fee of 2 days.
    But anyway i feel guilty because some films were not on dvd yet. :(
  12. ovalf

    ovalf Platinum Record

    Feb 27, 2012
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    One thing that I waste sérious is comparing FX, Daws and vstis and I do that I always discover that when we have a concious about what we want, we need so little...and there is só many things free nowadays thats imoral :dancing:
  13. demian777

    demian777 Newbie

    Sep 9, 2013
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    ...Feeling guilty when buying some stuff...
    (long live the audioz/sex!)
  14. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.

    I can understand your feelings + what you mean. But guilt is the wrong definition. *no*
    You never can be guilty for something that's not in your hands to change. IF there's an ORIGINAL guilt it's that one coming directly from the developers just when they think + plan to add annoying copy protections no-one wants to have! Having gone through hundreds and thousands of software codes I really can tell you that they spend useless hours of work with applying copy protections – that will get cracked anyway. There's no reason for feeling guilty for THEIR mistakes.

    And if some people are feeling like that - they laugh about them behind closed doors - as long as they earn loads of money with selling plain software copies.
  15. New Model No.15

    New Model No.15 Newbie

    Dec 16, 2013
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    OK, please let us know how much money you have made with warez? what is the real reason for the guilt?!?

    OH NO! those Hollywood producers have to wait 15 minutes for a blowjob from another underage actress to secure her part in the film!
    WHHYYY! THIS WORLD IS SO UNFAIR! Yea i can understand why you are so sad my friend!

    This is really the worst travesty in the world, call in the human rights groups & foreign aid because the this shit is REALLY IMPORTANT!

    there are real problems is this world, and then imaginary ones.

    The people who should feel guilty are the people you are stealing from.
  16. Millenium

    Millenium Producer

    Jul 14, 2011
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    Well said Andrew :wink:

    To be honest,I feel guilty for all the library that I bought and never use while people are starving in the world :(
  17. SonicBoomer

    SonicBoomer Producer

    Oct 6, 2011
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    That's why it's a try before buy. Go out there and support these guys if you can.
    I've been where you are. Now, I like it, I buy it. Period. :wink:
  18. Thankful

    Thankful Rock Star

    Feb 14, 2014
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    MrAnonymous, you have every right to feel guilty.

    When someone creates something that has potentially an infinite supply, like digital software, and you obtain one copy of this infinite supply, it cannot by universal definition be considered stealing, I'm pretty sure that the stealing dynamic has to include deprivation of some sort, and in this case it would need to be argued whether that person is being deprived of as sale when you obtain your free copy. For every single person who obtains a free copy of this infinite supply you would need to prove that they would have bought the software if they hadn't stolen it. Of course, we have the laws standing in the way of this view, but they are made by the biggest crooks in our society anyway, so morally, I feel no guilt at all, maybe a little bit of pleasure that I fucked them back for all the cruelty they inflict, have inflicted, and will continue to inflict on us - until the day we get rid of that poison called governments from our societies.

    But I prefer to think about the positive gains that software developers enjoy through warez: the 'charity' job that warez does in bringing software to thousands of people who would otherwise have never seen any of it, because they could never afford it. The careers that have been launched and talent nurtured because people were able to try/use software, people who were out of a job and couldn't afford to buy software but were able to get themselves back on their feet again because they obtained a software to write letters, design a CV or make a demo, the unimaginable joy and pleasure that it has brought to people, it goes on and on. None of this is justification for using something without paying for it, but a lot of good has also come of it. I also think that computing in general would never have been so appealing outside of games for the youth, were it not for the enormous amount of awareness and free publicity of software available through pirating. And then there's the huge amount of free publicity that software companies gain through pirating, and that is priceless.
  19. savadious

    savadious Ultrasonic

    Nov 26, 2012
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    I mainly feel guilty about downloading p0rn... I mean.. those people worked very hard so I can see some skin and here we are oogling over them for free. Now.. Thats guilt ! :wink:

    2nd note..
    I like to organize my music gear by source. If I land a project I then double-check to make sure ALL my sources are 100% legit and paid for. I do agree that it would be a bit sleazy to have a billboard charted track yet cheap out on software tools/utilities that cost about as much as the average dinner !

    OK.. now back to the skin flicks... ya... now.. THATS some guilt ! :mates:
  20. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Just because you don't make money with this stuff shouldn't negate guilt.. It's theft either way.

    Music software is designed, marketed and sold to hobbyists as well as to professionals.

    I can imagine maybe 2% of people that DO buy the stuff, actually end up making money with it.
  21. Levitate

    Levitate Producer

    Nov 27, 2013
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    I'm not so sure I agree with that.Theft involves a product coming up missing.In this case it's getting cloned.But I understand the arguement.A product is getting distributed without purchase.But...

    I see it as more of an exploitation of a technology more than theft.How many yrs has this same old tired arguement been going on? If they didn't want this to happen they(the big companies) having the big $ they have, should've taken some precautions to protect their product.This is nothing new.Companies still trying to blame the pirate because they didn't have better technology to protect their product.Which seems to me is not addressing the real issue at all.Computers were designed to share information freely.

    Didn't Bill Gates pirate dos?

    And seriously it's like getting mad at a hacker because he took advantage of an exploit and/or open vulnerability using metasploit and got access to data he wasn't supposed to.Instead of concentrating on fixing the vulnerability,let's blame somebody.
    And you see what they are doing to the 2 guys that did something similar just recently.

    And what if I modify something and change it because it can be changed,and made it do something it wasn't designed to do? Is that theft?
    Even if I own it? But I own it or have it in my possesion, I can do whatever I want with it right?

    I'm speaking as with code or hardware even too I guess.

    I don't know,I don't really have a pro or anti piracy standpoint really.
    This just kinda got the gears turnin a lil :wink:

    Peace all!
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