Bedroom Laptop DJ/Producers low quality

Discussion in 'Education' started by DJ PUKKA, Oct 4, 2024 at 9:11 PM.

  1. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    What exactly is the essence of music? If you won't define it then I guess there's nothing else to say.

    End of thread I guess...Foster!
  2. Smeghead

    Smeghead Platinum Record

    Jun 25, 2024
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    If you think of the word "sound" in medical terms, as, inserting something into your urethra this topic becomes much funnier.
  3. saccamano

    saccamano Rock Star

    Mar 26, 2023
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    CBGB omfug
    Everyone is a critic. But I do agree with the initial assessment that much of what passes for popular music (among other genre's) these days is total garbage. Either production wise, or simply musically stunted, or both.
  4. You're Wasting Your Time

    You're Wasting Your Time Newbie

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    The essence of music is something that music producers and desk-sitters either at home or in luxurious studios fail to understand because if they understood, they would not have spent most of their lives on productions that have no artistic value. Until the essence of music is understood, baseless productions will continue. Unfortunately, music producers never try to understand it because their only goal is to produce. They produce thousands and thousands of things, but the essence of music is absent in all their works. If they add another thousands of other productions to their existing thousands of productions, they will not have the essence of music. The fate of producers and their productions is not good.
  5. Demloc

    Demloc Platinum Record

    Mar 10, 2020
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    The very essence of music is a guy typing tautologic and circular arguments in an (and his subsequentials returnals over time)
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  6. Barry T

    Barry T Producer

    Jan 20, 2019
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    Your math skills are veritably impressive. Is this why you're so good with notes?
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  7. Bassifondi

    Bassifondi Producer

    Jan 11, 2024
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    where flies linger
    It's called Music Business because it makes money. If Bach, Beethoven, and Berio were still alive today, they'd be in a supergroup together with Lady Gaga, spending their weekends in the tunnels under the Playboy Mansion.
  8. 11Fletcher

    11Fletcher Platinum Record

    Sep 12, 2016
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    If you don't like modern music on the radio and can't related to a younger generation who appreciate it, that just mean you're getting old.

    My parent in the 90s use to say that the music I listen back then was shit (I was into 90s hip hop, detroit techno and Nirvana, a basic 90s cliché but still kind of tasteful I like to think). That music is now see as golden age from those genre.
    Same with my grandparent, my grandfather was into jazz, but for him Miles Davis was some degenerate nonsense. The same way punk or disco was trash for older generation in the 70s or Elvis and the Beattle were to scandalous for older people in the 50/60s. Each generation think the music from their time was better, because it related to the past which our memorie tend to remind us mostly the good time. Today's music is the golden age from tomorow's midlife crisis adult.
  9. You're Wasting Your Time

    You're Wasting Your Time Newbie

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    Ordinary people and music producers who belong to this class do not produce anything of value. Music producers waste their lives in studios (bedrooms or elsewhere) and unfortunately don't know it. Ordinary people and their producers don't have the ability to produce valuable music.

    Also I was not talking about the general public's music that were produced in 20 years from 1970 to 1990. My issue is not generation at all. Generations come and go and produce with them products that have no value. By 20 years, I meant the space that ruled the music world. At that time, it was a strange atmosphere ruled by great composers. It was a special era when not many instruments were available, but because the composers of that era had great musical minds that made them produce very valuable works. Since the beginning of the 21st century, ordinary people have gradually started to pollute the world and the atmosphere of music with their mostly worthless products, destroying the achievements of the past.
  10. You're Wasting Your Time

    You're Wasting Your Time Newbie

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    Yes, it is simple math. Compare everything in these 24 years with those 20 years, it seems that it is ahead. In all respects, these 24 years are superior to that period, only in terms of backwardness, which according to the existing conditions, it can be said with certainty that this backwardness will never be compensated.

    The current world is full of pollution. The pollution that has been created in the world in these 24 years is equal to the total pollution of the previous millennia. Today's music world is also heavily polluted and one of the main reasons for this pollution is the production of music producers and software developers. Pollution must be prevented in any way possible, otherwise everyone's soul and spirit will be harmed.
  11. Mr.Mister

    Mr.Mister Member

    Sep 4, 2024
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    It's not only music. Look at Disney. They managed to even ruin franchises like Star Wars and Indiana Jones.
    Or have you ever (tried) to find a good "Kindle Unlimited" book? It's absolutely shocking, what total garbage is leading the best sellers.

    Literature for women always was total infantile garbage, because women..., but today everything is sh.t, because: the matriarchy.
    Dime novels from 30 years ago are like high literature and complex novels with sophisticated plots and characters compared to today's 'literature'.
    Then even dime novels had a (male!) publisher who not only understood the business, but had some self esteem and professional knowledge.

    A production process without professionals involved: everything over time turns into sh.t, the masses enjoy the sh.t, and demand more sh.t. The bottom drops out, and in the matriarchy, with all men being removed, there is no force left, that can keep up the quality levels.

    There is a reason, why there are no matriarchal cultures or nations. They cannot compete and go extinct.

    And since most men in the west are still very far away from even recognizing, that giving women power is a sure way to doom and lose everything that worked and was taken for granted, sadly things will have to become much worse until the majority will recognize it.
  12. Moogerfooger

    Moogerfooger Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2016
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    Paper plate music. Here today gone tomorrow. That’s the majority of today’s registered & copyrighted music.
  13. zalbadar

    zalbadar Ultrasonic

    Oct 24, 2011
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    I thought is was the current culture of the commectial enviroment was resulting in extream egotistical behavior.

    You work in a studio and people around you will hear your work, cast opinions and give advice.
    You take it on board because you've hear their work, see them as your peir and accept some of their advice. Even if not admitting it.

    Work in a bedroom, see no one, no one listens to your work unless you ask for them to so the result is you're image with no compromise and not commercial.
    To make it sell the industry exploits the fact people like what they've heard before.

    Think about it, how many somes hit number 1 after the instrumetal version has been used as a background while radio announcements as said?

    How much of the dance chart is an amazing old song prostitutionalized, the bit you love given to you again and again without the intro, bridges or unmemorable verses. Just like a Prostitute give you the sex like your last relationship without the boring movie or night out you had during your relationship.
  14. You're Wasting Your Time

    You're Wasting Your Time Newbie

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    A new wave is needed to change the situation. But what is certain is that people sitting on chairs in the studios cannot make waves. Maybe they need to get up from their seats and shake themselves, maybe this way a wave will be created. One person cannot produce a strong wave, the number of people needs to be more. What do you think, on a specific day and time, we should all stand up and create a synergistic wave. The wave created in this way probably will cause a massive change. Is Tuesday, October 8 okay?:unsure:
  15. You're Wasting Your Time

    You're Wasting Your Time Newbie

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    The reason for this is simple. Men create war and violence in society. All wars and dangerous conflicts throughout history have been the result of male rule. Maybe by moving the society towards femininity, they want the energy in the society to be reduced and relative peace to be established.

    If their energy is not restrained, men will create indescribable violence. Maybe this is one of the reasons why today's music is not for men. Music has become feminine and there are no traces of masculine energy in them. Men produce more violence than women in their behavior and words, and they like to be the same in movies and music, but every time they start listening to music, they hear traces of femininity.

    In these 24 years, music has become very feminine. The various elements required to make a piece of music feminine are abundant in most musical works. Of course, the new generation may not have a problem with the femininity of most of the music, because the new generation has lost its masculinity. But the older generations, whose masculinity was a part of their being, are fed up with the music of the new generation.

    Unfortunately, today's societies are very lazy and they show this laziness and lack of movement in their music. In general, the vocabulary of bedroom producer is born of the new generation. People who are not ready to get out of their bedroom and interact with the real world by walking.

    Today's people use their legs less because most of the time the hips are in contact with the ground and there is a lot of adhesive force in the middle. Perhaps the solution to this problem is to not allow people to touch their buttocks with the floor or the bed. If the hips are in the air, maybe the music problem and many other things can be solved.