Beatmaking Is A Legitimate Artform

Discussion in 'Music' started by black.afrika.zulu.x, Nov 19, 2017.

  1. ICWC

    ICWC Guest

    Thank you so much for your sincere reply. Nothing can beat love.:bow::mates:

    But as I said above don't let your musical palette be filled with just special colors. All colors are beautiful.:bow::bow::bow:
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  2. E.T.F

    E.T.F Producer

    Sep 25, 2018
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    1. i love it...its amazing to be able create a whole piece of music anywhere..
    2. my musical background was self taught guitarist, singer in band etc, that stuff bores me now, but ableton,!

    I like this challenge, but would like to invert it a bit...
    1. Why did you choose a "real" instrument over a technologically superior one you rely on for production anyway?
    a. you love it?
    b. or its much easier than other kinds (i mean come on anyone can play guitar and learn some basic western music rules)
    2. suppose you had a profound musical background, if so did you choose a real instrument over one with a much wider pallette (synths and drum machines and computers are cheap and accessible aren't they?)
  3. Thankful

    Thankful Rock Star

    Feb 14, 2014
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    I've been thiking about your remarks about using samples. I too used to think that it wasn't a valid art form to use other peoples' work to create your own art form. But when you think about it, the thing that sets humans apart from animals is that we use 'tools' (yes, some animals have also learnt how to use tools, birds, monkeys, but very few possess the idea for using tools). So then, all tools are valid. You could argue that musical notes are already created; a person tuned that guitar with sound-making possibilities and therefore created that tool for you to use. If you want to argue that it's wrong to use another person's 'art' to ceate your own art, then tell that to photographers and film-makers. They capture all life, which will naturally include art forms of all kinds - are they stealing other peoples' art to create their own art? I would argue that a sample is just another tool, notwithstanding legalities concerning their use of course. But when a film-maker films across a city skiline or shoots Time Square or Piccadilly Circus, with all the adverts playing on the walls, is that not stealing other peoples' art to create your own art? I would even argue that a person can consider themsleves a work-of-art if they have created a 'look' with clothes and accessories. Would photographing or filming them not constitute, in your view, a stealing of another's art. Your argument is flawed. And, by the way, I absolutely detest Hip-Hop and Rap, because for me, rapping is not a musical art-form, it should be marketted as Poetry to music. If rappers did that, they would achieve much more artistic respect and acceptance.
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  4. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Except technically rap isn't poetry since Rakim changed the game. It can have rime. It doesn't have to, and it has less and less. It can include poetic aspect, but again it really doesn't have to. You can have entire beat with the rapper having maybe a couple of rimes, and simply reliying on consonances on the grid, which is the most common way to write nowadays. Text with rimes every two lines, poetry ? You would have to go back to public ennemy to make that the common cannon for writting in rap.
    Rap isn't either "talking on a beat" which is a ridiculous and inacurate way to describe it or poetry, or it would be called poetry.
  5. Thankful

    Thankful Rock Star

    Feb 14, 2014
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    Good points Talmi. Peotry is the only genre I can think of calling a speaking form of art, or do you have a curious argument for the speaking in Rap being spoken in any musical keys? If Rap-speaking, whether one word/syllable or more, is not musical, and Rap-speaking isn't potery (for which you have made a good argument, although hard-research might uncover one-syllable or one-word line poetry), what art genre is it?
  6. statik

    statik Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2014
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    under your bed
    worst answer ever... it's the sane as when someone would ask "why did you start making music?" "because i wanna be cool"

    this is what we call posers...
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  7. black.afrika.zulu.x

    black.afrika.zulu.x Platinum Record

    Oct 23, 2017
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    I had fun making this a long time ago...

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  8. blaqmatic

    blaqmatic Platinum Record

    Sep 22, 2011
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    Divided States of America
    I find it interesting that the question posed is still being Argued...Since whether its a picture hanging on a wall..or music you hear
    down the hall or whether you hate or love it at all...Art is Life. It surrounds us. And just like beauty,Art is in the eyes or ears of the beholder.

    Trying to debate this is at the end...Useless. Because the very moment just one person believes something is art, it becomes art.
    No matter what it is. No matter whether it is art to you or not.

    Personally, I think the OP set you up for this infinity debate/argument. :rofl:

    And if you think I'm kidding...

    Time to abandon this train! :bow:
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  9. KungPaoFist

    KungPaoFist Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    I probably won't read all of the words you wrote but this beat is making my head gyrate like my WeHo friend's on dating apps. Hoping to have something to share soon muh-self. I've got a few ideas brewing from a Sister Act 2 soundtrack record I found in the alley while drinking beer with my uncle Bill.
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  10. E.T.F

    E.T.F Producer

    Sep 25, 2018
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    i made this track by recording smashing Stradivarius violins up with a 60th anniversary American Vintage 1954 Stratocaster then donating the shards to charity. And some vsts. Almost as artistic as when KLF burned that money.
  11. black.afrika.zulu.x

    black.afrika.zulu.x Platinum Record

    Oct 23, 2017
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    I enjoyed this.

    I also enjoyed making this beat a long time ago (I think I've improved since then):

  12. KungPaoFist

    KungPaoFist Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    This is going to have me meditating at the temple of boom some more... Love your special techiniques:wink:

    Beastly as ever, man, I've got some homework to do...
  13. ICWC

    ICWC Guest

    From 1950 on, to a considerable degree words and music became subordinate to the rhythms evolved from blues, Latin and Caribbean music. This increasing emphasis on rhythm is an ongoing process that we might easily perceive to be reaching its zenith in the ’90s with the advent of rap and hip-hop. A legendary singer/songwriter whose roots lie deep in the foundations of the Brill Building recently stated in an interview that the next decade would see the complete demise of melody. The outlook is so grim.:sad:

    And now music is equal to:

    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 10, 2018
  14. black.afrika.zulu.x

    black.afrika.zulu.x Platinum Record

    Oct 23, 2017
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    Newer young artists are eschewing rhythm in favour of melody...harmony is boring by the way, it's only meant for the background.
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  15. ICWC

    ICWC Guest

    I think I found the reason for creating this thread.:bleh::mates:
  16. E.T.F

    E.T.F Producer

    Sep 25, 2018
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    Wow, dont know what to start with here but there are some crazy outdated notions and biased assumptions in your comments ICWC!

    You quoted WeRAllFosterChildren's post but then did not address any of the great points brought up e.g
    "the assumptions baked into traditional Western European music theory"
    "rules are understandable, but still seem arbitrary"
    "Like any form of music, it's as easy or difficult as you make it"
    "the more complex your beats are, the less people will have patience to listen and decode them. It's listeners who prefer easier music."
    And then your comments:
    "From 1950 on, to a considerable degree words and music became subordinate to the rhythms"
    Before 1950 to a considerable degree rhythm was subordinate to the words and music...but now maybe perhaps we are a bit less wooden in western music and dancing is a natural human response to it.
    "This increasing emphasis on rhythm is an ongoing process that we might easily perceive to be reaching its zenith in the ’90s with the advent of rap and hip-hop!.????
    (listen to the complex works of mr bill or amon tobin or oldschool electronica eg aphex twin, coldcut. you dont have to like the music to realise that there is both harmonic and rhythmical complexity. It's just not to your taste perhaps? nothing reached it's zenith in the 90's, you probably just stopped listening to new music then!
    "A legendary singer/songwriter whose roots lie deep in the foundations of the Brill Building recently stated in an interview that the next decade would see the complete demise of melody. The outlook is so grim"
    I had to look up brill building! (wikipedia) "It is famous for housing music industry offices and studios where some of the most popular American songs were written. It is considered to have been the center of the American music industry that dominated the pop charts in the early 1960s"

    It's 2018, mate. Things have changed. Loads of great music is available free, there's loads of collaboration, thousands of great producers and musicians not just stuck in the past.
    The greedy music industry died for a reason. They stole more money from artists than its possible to imagine...Pop music is not superior to any "ethnic" or "electronic music. Rhythm and big dirty sounds, alternative keys, scales, tuning are preferable to many listeners and musicians.

    I hope I haven't offended you but this kind of musical elitism drives me crazy. There's lots of music i dont like but i grit my teeth and try to appreciate the production values, musicality etc in order to become a better producer myself.

    "The outlook is so grim?" not for music but maybe the planet...

    And now music is equal to:
    ummm whatever you can imagine as an audiovisual multisensory experience, the tools are available for download from sister site and if u expand your perception of what music is you can get a lot out of them and learn technique from some great people who will share their knowledge for free via youtube.
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  17. black.afrika.zulu.x

    black.afrika.zulu.x Platinum Record

    Oct 23, 2017
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    What is the reason, sir?
  18. black.afrika.zulu.x

    black.afrika.zulu.x Platinum Record

    Oct 23, 2017
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    Thanks fam! I've got a lot of homework to do. I've put beatmaking aside for a while until I can justify doing it.
  19. ICWC

    ICWC Guest

    Just kidding bro! :bleh:

  20. Can you index this statement to a particular culture or region? Or do you perceive that this change has somehow happened everywhere? I live in the Americas, and encounter A LOT of people who wholly buy into European musical traditions, and seem unwilling or unable to process that these are exotic, borrowed traditions. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but they are arguably not representative, traditional in a regional sense.

    I disagree with you there. I like some hip-hop, but I tend to find it - and most rock, and most techno - to be pretty rhythmically unsophisticated. That could come off as sounding dismissive/judgemental, I love a lot of those genres, but I just get annoyed at how hard it is to find the sort of music I want to listen to. Perhaps most galling is that the simple pulse and meter gets explained to me as making the music more "danceable", but it has the opposite effect for me.

    Do you really find hip-hop more rhythmical than Latin and Caribbean music? I don't, but I wish I encountered more that was. If anything, I think that from early 20th century music like bop and rhumba US pop music has become less rhythm orientated, more simplified.

    As a child, I hated music, because I always found the melodic and harmonic plays upon listener expectations to be too manipulative and presumptuous. Until I was lucky enough to discover 20th century atonal classical music. I felt so relieved to know that somebody out there understood real music! Music with an actual formal basis in time and density, rather than anticipating which pitch/chord would come next. So if you think it's grim times finding music to listen to, imagine how I must feel!

    I don't know, I think of music being equal to composition and structure, not pictures of instruments.
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