"Battle for Everything", created for a friendly forum "contest"

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by Amore_de_la_Vida, May 26, 2024.

  1. jynx

    jynx Rock Star

    Oct 23, 2015
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    Errr "ok "

    "There Better Be Beer My Friend"

    "Well me personally i think it should be a shorter time frame"

    Its gonna be very easy to overthink from a creative standpoint with that amount of space

    i understand people have lives carreers and such, However a short time crunch forces one to not overthink!!

    If its a friendly battle , then give a time frame which Denotes that!

    Me Personally, "Ive no Hardware these days"

    "No crazy expensive Pc Build"

    "Just An Extremely Average 7th Gen I5 "

    A much shorter time constraint forces one to not overthink what theyre writing

    "A trait im afflicted with i admit"
    Last edited: May 27, 2024
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  2. Amore_de_la_Vida

    Amore_de_la_Vida Rock Star

    Jul 23, 2021
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    The way by which you compose, being samples, or anything else (you can try also cooking utensils, why not? :bleh:) have absolutely no importance, only the result matters, and the emotions that it generates.

    All kinds of compositions / creations (be it only textual, poetic creations, or visual, why not after all?) are warmly and friendly welcome! :mates:

    See you all at the other thread, the official one where the "contest" will take its place!
  3. jynx

    jynx Rock Star

    Oct 23, 2015
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    Ultimatley what im saying is it should be a fun Non overthought Proccess, which can be easily overlooked if theres Toooo much time alotted to the project

    I mean, Fuck me if i work on something for 3 months my original ideas just buried

    "I just realised my mistake, i do apologise"

    "I dont know why my brain misread the time frame you mentioned"

  4. Amore_de_la_Vida

    Amore_de_la_Vida Rock Star

    Jul 23, 2021
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    I understand your point perfectly... but this is the Chief' Organizer's decision. She can decide exactly what she wants, and she have decided that the date will be July the 8th. All we have to do, is to obey and say:

    "Yes, Chief! Ok, Chief! At your orders, Chief! You're always right, Chief!"

    EDIT: Here it is! The official Contest thread have been created by @Lois Lane! See you all there!

    Last: Thank you so much to those that have taken the time to listen to my humble comp', it's really nice of you, if you have something to say about it don't hesitate I always read!
    Last edited: May 27, 2024
  5. Danie

    Danie Ultrasonic

    May 12, 2024
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    The main component of music is the notes and the rest are like garnishes accompanying it. This fact cannot be changed.:winker:
  6. Danie

    Danie Ultrasonic

    May 12, 2024
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    @Amore_de_la_Vida When I say music is all about the notes:

    Many people have tried to replace notes with other things, but nothing in the world of music can evoke emotions like notes. Notes are a bit difficult to think about and work with so huge number of people try to avoid them as much as possible.
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  7. saccamano

    saccamano Audiosexual

    Mar 26, 2023
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    CBGB omfug
    "Just remember this is only an Exhibition not a competition - so please, NO Wagering."

    (david letterman)
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  8. Amore_de_la_Vida

    Amore_de_la_Vida Rock Star

    Jul 23, 2021
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    I understand your point, @Danie , (and I love Muse! In fact, how to don't love these guys?) but some artists manage to create soundscapes, atmospheres, evoke moods and feelings... with non-melodic, inharmonic elements, ambient noises, spoken voices, etc...

    They are 100% Artists, they simply don't use the same pencils, paintbrushes, tools etc... as everybody else. Perhaps you would not consider them as "musicians" (in the accepted meaning people usually associate with this term), but they have the right to exist, express themselves this way and present different POVs to their audiences...

    ...And I understand perfectly that it's not your favorite kind of tea, but hey, Art is vast and plural. As many different voices as there is Artists on the surface of the Earth, or stars in the night sky...
  9. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    North America
    you can bet on that....
  10. Danie

    Danie Ultrasonic

    May 12, 2024
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    The elements you mentioned were mostly due to the fact that those people were not able to work with notes and chose other methods out of necessity.
    Suppose someone paid a lot of money to buy hardware or downloaded a lot of software, but he is unable to work with notes. What does that person do in this situation? He looks for alternative ways so that the expenses he has made in terms of money and time will somehow create credit and fame for him. Many alternatives are not by conscious choices.:bow:
  11. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    With a statement like that I'll wager you're making book on the outcome...and just you try to contest this. :winker:
  12. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    What is your concise definition of a note and can you please give us a concrete example with various pieces of music...a few that use music with notes that satisfies your thesis that people do not know how to use them and a others that you feel shows how a composer correctly uses notes and what exactly are the differences. Without that contrast your posts are mere gibberish at best.
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  13. Danie

    Danie Ultrasonic

    May 12, 2024
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    Explaining things like this to people who have no interest in them is of no use. Various hardware devices and strange methods have been invented over the past years to try to distract people from understanding notes, and unfortunately, they have been largely successful.
    The value of notes has been greatly reduced because they are only used as fillers along with other elements and if they are not available, they are replaced by other things. In this situation, talking about notes and explaining them is pointless, because in the end, non-musical methods will dominate the music.
  14. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    So no, you are refusing to explain yourself and are just cowardly trolling along a muudy path, wetting it down with buckets of gibberish muck you foist on so many threads without explaining yourself and for whatever reason that I cannot fathom. I obviously have an interest as well as a multitude of others. Tens of millions of people write songs and compose and play traditional musical instruments such as pianos, clarinets, trumpets, guitars and all of the others that you well know and do not lean on non-musical methods. I can't even say that you are narcissistic as you don't proselytize to spread what you seem to think of the truth. So I'll ask you one last time...

    What is your concise definition of a note and can you please give us a concrete example with various pieces of music...a few that use music with notes that satisfies your thesis that people do not know how to use them and a others that you feel shows how a composer correctly uses notes and what exactly are the differences.

    If not, please just leave your nonsense at the door and participate like a human being and not a bot.
  15. Amore_de_la_Vida

    Amore_de_la_Vida Rock Star

    Jul 23, 2021
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    Wow, so much literary talent behind this phrase... If you didn't already wrote a loads of books, please stop everything you do right now and please publish tons of novels, short stories or essays, I would be your first fan and most enthusiastic advocate! :beg::beg::beg:

    (Even if, to be realistic and stick to the truth, I must understand probably 50% of what you say... Because alas, my English vocabulary must be around one or two hundred words, the good days...! Of course translation tools exists, but they cannot even approach the richness of your language...)

    I tested loads of translation tools, but even those who make tons of advertising with the magic acronym: A.I. cannot interpret some phrases correctly... Just a short example, with DeepL (for example) try to translate in French this simple phrase: "You ghost me for weeks!"...

    (This dialogue is extracted from a tv series: "Lucifer", at the times I was with a team in the process of creating unofficial French subtitles for it)

    ...the answer of DeepL (or whatever online translator you could find) was completely anything ("tu me fantômes pour des semaines!"...whaaat? :facepalm:)

    The correct translation, which respects perfectly the rhythm and the quality of the dialog, I already knew it: "Tu m'as ignoré pendant des semaines !" or, better, because shorter, but still elegant: "Tu m'as ignoré des semaines durant !".

    (For those who read this: if ever you write in French, never forget the space before and after a double punctuation like ; : ? or !)

    For everything that possesses even a little Artistic quality, like dialogs from tv series or Cinema, never trust an automatic translator: trust only humans which understand the context and - very important! - the story behind a simple phrase, and try to do their best to render the tone, the feeling, etc...

    If I would have to sum up this message, I would simply say: "I'm stupid, but I LOVE literature!" :mad:

    Concerning our friend @Danie, could we agree to disagree? IMHO this discussion leads nowhere...
    Last edited: May 30, 2024
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