Bassline Help

Discussion in 'Electronic' started by AB69, Jan 2, 2016.

  1. AB69

    AB69 Newbie

    Sep 14, 2014
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    Looking to make more than just a generic rolling trance bass line and I was wondering how the bass lines in these tracks are made

    1:00 minute mark

    1:24 minute mark

    As you can hear it's more than just a basic rolling 16 note trance bass. The notes in the first one make it seem like its rising or going down all the way until the end of each bar, and the second track's bassline sounds like it's going up and down near the end of each bar. I hope I am explaining that right.

    It could be as simple as just moving a few 16th notes up and down, or using an arppegiator, but I am not entirely sure.

    Any tips to point me in the right direction is much appreciated.

    Thanks and happy holidays
  3. neo lover

    neo lover Kapellmeister

    Nov 13, 2011
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    Try using Massive's step sequencer in sync & snap mode to modulate the Volume, Pitch and Filter Cutoff - On a single oscillator to start with - Saw tooth - Also add an envelope modulating the cut off again as if it was a kind of pluck sound - You'll end up with a plucking bass stab - adjust the step sequencer to achieve the repeating rhythms and pitch changes - Try adding in another oscillator to thicken or adjust the tone - Then further: Distort, EQ, Reverb Ambiance small, Compression, EQ, Delay, Compression ? That is how I'd go about attaining that type of sound ---

    No ?
  4. SmokerNzt

    SmokerNzt Rock Star

    Mar 2, 2013
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  5. AB69

    AB69 Newbie

    Sep 14, 2014
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    That's not quite it. I am not familiar with Massive nor do I have Omnisphere.

    I am looking to make something similar in Serum/Sylenth/Spire...

    It's definetely not a rolling bass line with triplets. I don't how to get the arppegiator pattern to groove like that.

    Can someone please help I have been trying to make similar type of bassline for a while now. I want to make something different than just a generic uplifting trance rolling bassline.

    I am trying to get it as close as possible or at least sound decent. I have Cthulu and can use it for the arp but I have NO idea how to program it like the track in my post.

    This is so frustrating how am I even suppose to learn and teach myself these things when I don't even know where to start? It's the worst part about making music. Hearing something and not being able to even tell how to start making a sound like that.

    How am I suppose to produce when I spend months and can't even figure out the pattern. And it's not like I am spamming message boards for easy answers. Jesus fuck sigh...
  6. gokkyofficial

    gokkyofficial Ultrasonic

    Nov 3, 2015
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  7. AB69

    AB69 Newbie

    Sep 14, 2014
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    ^That's just a generic uplifting bassline, nothing really like what I posted...
  8. kouros

    kouros Platinum Record

    Nov 7, 2014
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    I ain't no electronic music guy so I am probably very wrong but it sounds to me like the bass is being ducked (with a slow release) by the kick.

    Yeah I know, sounds too simple to be the correct answer. :rofl:
  9. AB69

    AB69 Newbie

    Sep 14, 2014
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    What do you mean by ducked by the kick? Like a sidechain or LFOtool? I already have that on the master bus...

    I'm not completely clueless lol. I am trying to get the up down pattern in the Numb The Pain track. I've tried different midi patterns with the 16th notes and I just can't seem to get it.

    I've honestly tried and it's not like I am asking you to send me a patch or midi file. I try to learn and do it on my own and be able to apply it to my self.

    Can someone please help me out. I need a ELI5 approach on this bassline

  10. kouros

    kouros Platinum Record

    Nov 7, 2014
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    Like a sidechain. Play around with the release.

    Are you sure the master bus is the place to duck the bass with the kick?
  11. The Teknomage

    The Teknomage Rock Star

    Nov 15, 2015
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    On the 1st track It sounds like an arpeggiator with swing. Not sure which software would do that, but could be done on hardware.
    from the start 1st 4 bars, transpose up 2nd 4 bars, transpose up 3rd 4 bar, transpose up 4th 4 bars, then transpose up 2 bars. transpose back down to the beginning key for 2 bars and repeat.

    Not sure about the 2nd track could be triplets with 7th and 15th/16ths transposed up, but later at one point it sounds like the triplets are tied, a bit later the base sounds to only be on every other offbeat.It's not such a clear bassline as the first one. Might see if I can reproduce it on the Electribe later.
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