Barrattaudio announces Equavescent for AAX

Discussion in 'Software News' started by lbarratt, Aug 13, 2015.

  1. lbarratt

    lbarratt Member

    Feb 13, 2015
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    Finally Equavescent AAX is here.......
    At time when a digital eq was a digital eq, Equavescent Beta1 introduced it's original natural analog 12dB slope. Our most highly imitated eq shape has evolved over the last 18 months introducing the world to even further new advancements in filter design. Users can hear the different developmental stages of Equavenscent in Version 3.01. Equavenscent's clarity and openness cannot be achieved by capturing analog hardware with an FFT. The errors we have eliminated would be part of such an FFT capture.

    Many users have commented on the sound over the last 18 months.

    I will start with the only poor comment we have had on the sound of Equavescent.
    "I honestly couldn't hear a huge difference with Logic stock EQs.”

    Here is a variety of the some of the many positive comments on forums about the sound of Equavecsent

    "The sound is fantastic, the clarity and focus is amazing no matter how much I boost or cut at any q at any frequency the sound remains coherent and detailed. I can open up space in the mix and carve out frequencies easily and with no undesirable side effects. There is some seriously good maths behind this eq. It adds space and depth to a mix like nothing else I own!”

    "The GUI is wack, but the sound ... nothing else like it IME. Even big boosts like a 20dB 5k hi-shelf still sound natural and artifact-free, as if recorded that way. The latest versions aren't too bad on CPU, either, at least for high-frequency work. Very interesting plugin with a lot of oddball stuff going on under the hood. "

    “ Played around with some more settings until it sounded really nice and I was liking it quite a bit. Then, I de-activated it and was a bit shocked. A certain clarity and smoothness that I have only previously heard when going all analog - went away. So I clicked it on again and there it was. It sounded really good - and strangely the other plugins sounded better in conjunction with the Equavescent and each other as well. I clicked it on and off again probably 20 times trying to figure out what the hell was really happening. To tell you the truth I have no idea what it is that's happening but I know this: it sounded better with it on and it made each of the other plugins sound better in their own right. This is in much the same way as it was when I first tried to make an all digital plugin chain - to see if I could get away with it. I got it sounding pretty damn good I thought, and then added some high quality hardware into the chain. It was "oh, well yeah, that's how it's really supposed to sound!". This is the first time I have ever experienced anything like that with a plugin."

    There has also been much discussion about the ugly interface. I have said I wish we were all as good looking as Eoisis.

    Give the demo a try. To try it, download the plugin and open it, wait for the short timer to finish, agree to the disclaimer and hit the x to proceed to the UI for a fully functioning demo.

    Version 3.0 impulses are a hybrid of FIR with BIquad filtering. The impulses are a little crazier than Version 2.0. This is because our unique windowing equalises over a very short number of sample to preserve maximum transient. You can switch between different versions in the fft pull down menu. Switch to earlier version for smoother looking shapes.

    Thanks for your time.

    PS Equavescent users will be able to download a Live zero delay version in a couple of days.

    Last edited: Aug 13, 2015
  3. nadirtozenith

    nadirtozenith Rock Star

    Nov 20, 2011
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    navigating between nadir zenith vectoring upwards
    hello, Lachlan,
    congratulations! :replace_me:

    will be back to this thread, indeed. :yes:

    wish you the best... :bow:
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