Bandecho 1.0 crack

Discussion in 'PC' started by pinglebart, Aug 12, 2011.

  1. pinglebart

    pinglebart Newbie

    Aug 11, 2011
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    How can I afford improving my product if nobody buys it? Do you really think that I can work for months for free? I don't have a rich uncle. Anyway, I have a devoted beta testing team who are very good at giving me feedback and the same goes with the people who has downloaded the demo and then bought it because they like it. I trust their opinion before all the people who uses cracks.

    How old are you? 10?

    This is the talk of an ignorant person. Not to compare me to anyone, but to put it on the edge: so you mean that Thomas Bell's invention the phone was just crap because he was the single person behind it. Grow up.

    No. But a living in the future. Anyway, does it give you the rights to download my plugin for free?

    I was talking about me and my company. Don't take things out of context.
  2. pinglebart

    pinglebart Newbie

    Aug 11, 2011
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    MY additude stinks? Who's the idiot here...

    Thank you Jason. You're obviously the brain at this forum:)
    Thank you.

    Thank you but I'm afraid I have lost the eager to continue for the time being.

    I wanted to react to this forum because it is clear that you (like many others) doesn't understand the work and devotion a developer puts into the software, that be big or small. I don’t matter if you think that the software should be tested before buying it because I am on your side there. The same goes for me when I am interested in new stuff. The whole point it that there is a fully working demo that you guys obviously haven't bothered to check out. You seem to just download whatever the crack team throw at you without even thinking about the consequences for the developers. I know I can't change the whole community and I guess I can't protect me from cracks, but it is the whole attitude that is sick and not fair to me or any other hard working guy. Now, you can say that this software is crap and that there is so much better stuff out there. Fine. I respect that. But don't steal. Don't crack. Be a good guy because the good guys deserve respect. There might be a chance that the crack makes the software more well known, but the fact that it is now free and 98 percent doesn't buy it even though they like it makes this whole discussion pointless.

    I wanted you to hear this information directly from a small developer so you see the other sides of the whole problem.

    And to the people that send out pointless crappy statements like I am an idiot with bad attitude because I react when somebody steals my software; grow up - get a life - work and you will find out that if your small store was robbed in the future it is not very cool. It sucks. I don't bother to hear your opinion because you obviously don't know a single thing about trying to make a living.

  3. FishMixx

    FishMixx Newbie

    Jul 1, 2011
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    Deep in the heart of Essex
    I already had this plug-in a version was given away free with Computer Music but I haven't tried it out yet. :dunno:
  4. Pronto

    Pronto Kapellmeister

    Jul 21, 2011
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    pringlefart its funny how you only jump on the things where i'm slagging you off..yuo don't relate to the other things i that you in the photo on your do look like a have that cunty hair..its quite well known that once someone is born a cunt...there's very little they can do, but its still worth trying to get your little self out of the maze..perhaps this is something to work on before you start trying to make things which involve your's hoping you'll be dead in a few weeks..but here's a about letting us have a few more versions...just up until version 2.03 then you can take off?...what do you say?
  5. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    i would never buy/(use) ur plugin 'cos i'm saving on a virus ti snow and i have a bunch of other plugins which can do the job also - so u dont lose money in my eyes on me.
    yh and we are not the seeder of the audiowarez.

    ... write team assign a mail and ask for it if they dont crack ur plugin i'm sure they will give u an answer.
    ok then i hope saint will pu ur company on the blacklist and then ur sales are growing well ...

    cool CM brought the software for free - maybe thats the problem :rofl: why should i buy when i can get it for free from the CM issue dvd ;)
  6. Rico88

    Rico88 Newbie

    Jun 21, 2011
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    dude, I've got to tell you-- you are doing yourself no favors by coming here and spouting off this way. In fact, you're coming off like you are totally full of crap! One second you're saying you needed the money from this software to support your family, a few post later you're saying you intended to re-invest whatever you made on this plugin.... you're making no sense at all and are gaining no sympathy here.

    Learn to suck it up like a man, and be like any other company/software-author that is having their projects cracked and downloaded by a million people--deal with it! Instead of wasting your time here, bothering people that could care less about you, spend the time writing some software that people care enough about to buy whether there are cracked copies available or not. People aren't going to be interested in supporting you because you come here and cry like a little girly troll--they'll support you because you've actually created something good that they want. Do you seriously think you're going to guilt people into supporting you? Please....

    best of luck!
  7. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Hey man, like I said, Ive seen my themes, designs, art.. warezed all over the net for the past 8-10 years, I don't like it, but it's just how it is.. I've come to accept it.

    Fact is, If your not making enough money off your plugin to keep it going.. then stop, find some other form of income, or, offer your services to a larger plugin designer.

    Most of the people that actually do purchase their audio software, aren't frequenting sites like this and most that download for free, weren't going to purchase anyway. *no*

    No matter what you do, or say, no amount of 'please don't crack my plugins' is going to help. To have thought that this wasn't going to happen.. was naive on your part.

    Serenity. :thumbsup:
  8. Yubidi

    Yubidi Newbie

    Jun 16, 2011
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    Wow !!!!
    I recognize an amateur when I see one.
    Cool down man...; improve your product,like Poulin did, and só many alike.
    There are so many,but this was the first name that came to mind.
    (And most of them are still free,by the way to begin with).
    And thanx to Poulin, Redwirez came up with an improved version.. now to be downloaded.
    He-they´re the one(s) who should be angry, not you !
    And only then you should be proud, people actually tried to crack it.
    I don´t see the point of cracking yours anyways...;it´s more of the same.
    What was yours again?
    A tape echo-reverb ???
    Nothing special (although I haven´t downloaded it,cause I have some great plugs already).
    Let´s get you blacklisted everywhere !
    Until you actually come up with something interesting.

    Over here you should ask for help how to improve your product.
    Maybe there are people, who can help you.
    In being inventive,maybe ?

    Take care.
  9. CapnCrunch

    CapnCrunch Newbie

    Jun 28, 2011
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    Bjarte I understand what you are saying but most of what has been said by others is the sad truth also.I did not download your plugin either since I don't need it.What I use to track music,I own.I am also not afraid to admit that I downloaded the very cracked products I use today before buying them.I would have never known about most of them without sites like this one.These type of sites can help a company's product get known faster than any other form of advertising and doesn't cost a dime.The issue here is ethical........something you are not going to find in any warez site,period.There are always going to be people who will download cracked programs,movies,games,apps,etc.Until you and all the other companies can stop the crackers from cracking,the scene will never die.Without warez,warez sites can't exist.The manner in which you posted was only asking for trouble.You should have just requested that your product be promptly removed and this thread would have had nobody saying a goddam thing.So,everyone,please show this man some respect and try to refrain from making any rude comments.
  10. thc9

    thc9 Newbie

    Jun 24, 2011
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    I won't even try it out ... somewhat disheartening attitude ... and with all due respect ...
    There could really be a lot to learn for Bartje from reactions he qualifies as childish or irresponsible ...

    Putting money before the valuability of his "product" (if something is good it will be appreciated that's the real VALUE of a product ... from THERE one could think of ways of making it a rewardable business ...)

    You don't act like somebody really interested in giving his customers something of real value for them (something they truly USE, that responds to THEIR needs better than other stuff ...) sounds much more like just another "product" on the market because YOU think you can make a buck/a living out of it ... by making your little company and using the same old Bullshit Marketing tricks( a 7 Days Demo ?!! a Demo ??? evaluation ? industry blah blah )

    ...and the best part is the moral one ... (good guy, bad guy, don't steal ...)

    I'm glad if people with this mindset give up doing business ...
    I Think you should grow up and get a life, get a whole different perspective of it .

    Really don't mean to be disrespectful, hope that you can take the positive out of it and turn the situation around in the sense that you'll be Thankful to people instead of being hurt and thinking they're all assholes ...
  11. Lord Gaga

    Lord Gaga Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    Ok, no more "childish" comments (which were in fact more humorous spades than pure wickedness - but it seems that even if they're still naive, our Norwegians friends lost their sense of humour in the last days...).

    So FACTS only.

    First you've said "I had a few sales the first week before the crack. After = none".
    Now you say "the fact that it is now free and 98 percent doesn't buy it...".

    1. You admit that 2% of all people who download your product will buy it afterwards (100% - 98% = 2%).
    2. You're a liar : 2% is not equal to "none".
    3. I will estimate (like you've done, without any valid statistic) that 100 000 people will download the crack. It will make 2000 sales (2%) @ $ 50 = $ 100 000. Not bad at all for a zero cost marketing...
    4. If your first statement was true "a few sales the first week before the crack. After = none", then all the big names would go bankrupt. Take NI for example. All their product line is cracked and works 100 % as legit one. Are they crying ?... NO.
    More : the cracked Kontakt is able to run ALL protected libraries. Is that mean libraries' developers are closing their shop ?... NO.
    5. Stop taking us for dumbasses.
    6. FU !
  12. Pronto

    Pronto Kapellmeister

    Jul 21, 2011
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    bart, what you are doing is fair enough....its reasonable to make a simple request with a simple explanation of your circumstances ....that you'd appreciate people not using a cracked version of your plugin; its about all you can do.I'm sure a lot of people might try the same thing if they were developers.and after all it has been taken off this you got a result...its the way that you did it that about thinking about your approach the next time you need to do it?
  13. thepopenale

    thepopenale Noisemaker

    Jun 15, 2011
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    From your website:

    About Bjarte Ludvigsen
    Bjarte started out as a professional drummer at the age of fifteen in a band called Poor rich ones. 
    This band recorded several albums, toured Europa and USA and won a Grammy award. 
    After working as an engineer in one of Norway’s best studios he decided to build a studio of his own: Tinnitus Recording. 
    He’s been recording and producing bands for thirteen years now and still loves it!
    He also work as a headmaster at an institute for Sound and Music production where he teaches the students the skills of recording and composing.
    Youre not broke as fuck like me and many others. I understand you feel ripped off, but christ, dont imply youre gonna be hitting the welfare line anytime soon because of this. Anyway I have no interest in a tape-echo plugin so, good luck to you, but :dunno:
  14. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    there are a lot more other companies were the whole product line is cracked and they are still getting an income and stay alive.
    i'm sure if some1 likes ur product - he'll buy it if the money is off for ur product.
    also get some pro artist in ur boat to let them spread ur products all over the internet.
    i know Mat Zo did this for Schaack Audio Technologies and their Transient Shaper ;)
    i'm sure some artist will help u from all genres if ur product is it worth ...
    i cant tell u if its worth for me ... 'cos i'll not try it out ...

    so feel good saint will put u on the blacklist ...
  15. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Not a hype? uh!? somehow this little conversation mention your plugin to people who never ever would have hear of it.
    Isn´t that hype or what?
  16. Yubidi

    Yubidi Newbie

    Jun 16, 2011
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    All and all...
    Is there anyone willing to help improve Bart(Bjarte) his product(s) ?
    Let´s stop the anti-Bjarte here for a sec..
    @Pronto; Take it down a notch.. please ?
    He´s one of us,but doesn´t know it yet...

  17. Pronto

    Pronto Kapellmeister

    Jul 21, 2011
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    you think i come across as too heavy-handed Yubidi?....i see your point for the first posts, but in my last post i was more moderate and i hope it can be seen that i was taking the piss earlier.
    I'm not a fan of the club mentality...when you say 'one of us'...he's not one of us, neither am i, nor am I you.
  18. nidza61

    nidza61 Noisemaker

    Jun 9, 2011
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    Bjarte, This whole story has intrigued me and I visited your site to see what kind of tool to work. What you said about bandecho sounds good.
    I am interested in the following:
    When transferring old vinyl records, when removing noise, clicks, it often happens to get lost acoustics and recording sounds empty and sterile. I think your tool would be useful, provided that it is possible to adjust the value of not more than a few milliseconds. Have you considered this possibility.
    Of course, I know that there are other effective ways and tools, but to focus on badencho tool ...
    I'm interested in what the result obtained by such use of your tool. How is that procedure useful for old vinyl remastering.

  19. Vader

    Vader Platinum Record

    Jun 15, 2011
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    I've got this from another place, and, it sucks!!!

    The developer have all the right to come here and cry, but, we must thank you to ASSiGN, as, they have cracked and make this piece of shit known by all.
    I also think that he's lying, wen he says that spend 2000 dollars on this.
    My god, it's Synthedit plugin!!!

    I just have one thing to say to the developer...... Stop crying like a baby, and make good plugins!!!

  20. DjPeterMunch

    DjPeterMunch Newbie

    Jun 13, 2011
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    I agree with Yubidi, everybody chill :)

    I would suggest that Bjarte accepts the fact that all Plugins eventually get cracked, and move on. How?

    Change the business model... Take a look at the Open-Source community. Donations via Paypal etc. might be a better solution for a company like his. As he mentioned, it is very expensive to build uncrackable plugins, so forget about it and try to find a better way.

    The musicians using his plugins have accepted that their music gets shared (aka "stolen"), and know that the money will not come from music sales, but touring. We have had to accept it, and move on, as well.

    Over and out! :mates: