Bandcamp Bought By Epic

Discussion in 'Industry News' started by quadcore64, Mar 11, 2022.

  1. Recoil

    Recoil Guest

    @PifPafPif "The grabbing hands grab all they can" Yes :yes: it's definitely a sister site :hifive:
  2. zalbadar

    zalbadar Kapellmeister

    Oct 24, 2011
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    all i can think about is Epic games' court cases.

    But first the Epic store for PC. it was created copying Steam. When it was first released as it wasn't popular they decided to make a lot of games Epic store exclusives for the first year of it's release. this included games that people had pre-orded on steam. so people found out 1-2 weeks before a games release that they would not be getting it for a nother year as t was now a Epic store exclusive for the first year and they had bout it on steam.

    Now as for their court cases. the main one is the case they had with Apple. all mobile phones have stores to buy apps on. Apple has a line in their contracts that say all purchases must be made through the appple store. it's a security for users payments and also a way to monitor quality, in theory.

    Epic in their great wisdom decided that this did not apply to them and created a app that was a store and sold their apps on a store you could get from the Apple store. Yes this store gave more to the games creator but also had more for them selves. (these numbers aren't quite right because it's been a wile since this happend and I can't be bothered to re-research it but for an example: a £10 game on the apple store 35% when to the games creator, 40% to epic the publisher and 25% to apple / the same game would be £9 on Epics store with 45% going to the game creator and 55% to epic the publisher).

    The end result was Apple blocking all Epic games apps and a lont of teen agers being upset about Fortnight not being on Iphone any more. I believe they are still contesting the case they lost last year over this.

    they also when to do the same thing on Playstation, android and XBOX but stopped and back tracked after Apple's response. If Sony or Google/Microsoft tooh the same action as Apple, Epic games would be no more.

    Their other court case is over loot boxes in games. this is mostly evident in the FIFA football games. There is a great part of the UK parlementy hearing where the epic representative says "loot boxes and suprise mechanics are not gambleing" and when asked to confirem if he thinks "that they are ethical" by the Judge. He responds with " no they are totally unethical".

    They will try to make money from Bandcamp, all we can do is wait and see how.
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  3. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Personally not speculating about what Epic may do. Hoping that another musicians platform does become muddled & useless.

    Epic, like Apple, have the right to control revenue streams however they determine. Apple did not become a multi trillion dollar entity by being nice and, have recently faced the legal backlash for some of it's actions. Public backlash for all companies/corporations would go a long way.

    The problem with that approach is that most people want what they want, when they want it. Even of it means the average user of a product or service will face higher costs as a result. Capitalism & consumer behavior at it's worse.