AVICII and other DJS Produce Hits Using Pirated Software

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by turbo, Feb 28, 2015.

  1. turbo

    turbo Ultrasonic

    Dec 24, 2011
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    Some news went out some years ago but i found some fresh news around the web. My opinion if you get money from music, you have to pay for them

    Sylenth1 Facebook's page:

    "It has come to our attention that lately more and more websites seem to repeat the 'news' articles about famous producers getting caught using pirated software. They show videos where Avicii, Steve Aoki and Martin Garrix are using illegal copies of Sylenth1. We'd like to share our view on them.
    First of all, we like to point out that every single one of these producers actually DID purchase a legal license for Sylenth1 years ago, some of them even before they got famous. It is of course very unfortunate (you could call it stupid even) that they used pirated copies in their videos, possibly because they forgot to install their legal licenses, or were simply too lazy to do so. However, none of them earned big money with pirated software as these websites claim.
    Piracy obviously is a major problem for our company, by missing revenue to invest in further development and otherwise because cracked versions usually are buggy and unstable and give wrong impressions of the software.
    Also, these videos have been dwelling around the internet for ages already. Spreading this ‘news’ over and over again just sets a bad example and makes it seem like we don't care about artists using illegal copies of our software. Believe it or not: We DO care and we DO take legal actions against piracy."

  3. Ralph97

    Ralph97 Newbie

    Feb 28, 2015
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    Let's face it. Nobody buys the software when starting off with music production (at least almost anyone does). However, I think everyone should pay for every single piece of software as soon as they're making enough money to afford it
  4. lerkjurk

    lerkjurk Platinum Record

    May 22, 2014
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    Behind you
    Yes i remember all this. Cracked in video but they own license (dev's say)! Yes, the copy protection is bullshit and crack version is smoother than legit. You get more options in crack version too, isnt that what one of these famous ppl said?

    If you own it and use crack version, you are pirate and you get banned from many forums. If you own it and use crack version in magazine or video, everything ok bro.
  5. pilz971

    pilz971 Kapellmeister

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Maybe slightly off topic, but, Avicii, in Buddhism, is the lowest level of their hell. A box, at the lowest level of hell.

    Take what you want, or leave what you don`t, from that little snippet of trivia. :wow:
  6. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
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    Floating Amongst the Stars
    some of these people are worth over 60 million :wow:
    but there all to dum-ass to use there own key wtf,
    maybe if there was just one ied say ok they made a slip up
    but there's a gang of them in on it and that said it all. *yes*
  7. AudioTiger

    AudioTiger Ultrasonic

    Jul 1, 2011
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    For me it's VERY simple. You must look at this from a company's point of view, and ***never lose this point***:

    They may approach this hype from two opposite angles:

    1) "These famous multi-millionaire producers, who are a reference for millions of fans and other new wannabe producers, ***WERE*** and ***ARE*** using pirated software, even now when they can easily afford to pay it, so I am going to do exactly the same they did and are doing" (= I am going to use pirated software. Period)


    2) "These famous multi-millionaire producers, who are a reference for millions of fans and other new wannabe producers, ***PAYED*** for the software before they were famous, but they installed a pirated copy as an exception, so I am going to do the same they did and are doing" (= I am going to pay the software, even now that I am not famous, nor a millionaire)

    Which of the two options above do you think a software company prefers to tell publicly? "They use pirated software. Period"? or... "They payed the software long time ago"?

    And now, the million-dollar question: which of the two options above do ***YOU*** actually think reflects the ***TRUTH***?

    Nuff said.
  8. odod

    odod Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    jeez .. old news .. read this

  9. Thankful

    Thankful Rock Star

    Feb 14, 2014
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    Well that word 'News' is key (oops). Let's see, for such a huge industry if you were'nt interested in warez and you wanted a site which told you about the very latest VSTs and such there's KVR and ... erm.. where else? Not many places. Apart from the cracked software the warez sites are the places where you can keep up to date with the latest software releases actually worth using, otherwise they wouldn't be cracking them. That side of the service is perhaps overlooked, but priceless. So I say thanks to sites like Audioz for keeping me up-to-date with the latest News on music software, and if my music-making hobby became profitable I know with certainty that I would still be going to sites like that to get the latest News and then buying them, most software has a trial period anyway, albeit too short yes. And as I have said before, the crackers now need to set a precedent. They need to extend the trial period to 3 months or 6 months and then that's it, it doesn't work any more, as a fair gesture to devs, and actually returning to the original motive for cracking software: to create a fair try before buy scenario.
  10. lukehh

    lukehh Audiosexual

    Jun 22, 2012
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    If I would own a software company and a famous producer is using a pirated version of my software in his video clips, I would offer him a free version with golden skin with a plate and his name on it. :wink:
  11. Army of Ninjas

    Army of Ninjas Rock Star

    Sep 24, 2013
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    A series of tubes
    They always forget one of my main arguments: people will pirate things they would or could never buy. When software can be returned for a full refund, they can gripe. Until then, people will use cracks. And they'll be right in doing so.
  12. databaze

    databaze Member

    Mar 1, 2015
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    I've yet to see a release from one of the main long standing groups that supports this statement.
  13. m2314

    m2314 Member

    Oct 10, 2012
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    This... and after you've made it, you're going to be kind of busy... and chances are that in a studio environment the user doesn't install his own ANYTHING so they can focus on creating...
  14. BlasterM

    BlasterM Newbie

    Sep 6, 2011
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    Paints pretty sad portrait of industry if 60 million isn't enough to buy 200 buck software..
    Wonder someone still makes software.
  15. stevitch

    stevitch Audiosexual

    Aug 27, 2014
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    It would seem, definitely, that if someone could readily absorb business expenses such as plane fare, nice hotels, lunches, dinners, computers, outboard gear, and whatever else these "big-name" dudes are flingin', then the cost of essential, career-making software would hardly be felt by their expense accounts. How much does a pro DJ/producer blow on an Industry-grade pair of headphones? No-dough Joe Schmoe can readily rationalize using "warez," but someone whose favorite coke spoon cost him more than some essential program he uses (and didn't pay for) - that in itself is criminal.

    I do have this theory that some software companies secretly "pirate" or "crack" their own software, in order to get people who can't pay for it, and thereby wouldn't use it otherwise, to be using it, on the prospect that their skills and knowledge of such software might lead them to a professional level, whence they could afford to purchase the software. If some companies aren't practicing this, they are likely tolerating it to an extent. It's unrealistic to think that some guy who works a wage-slave job is going to be able to "legally" keep up with the developments and evolution of music-creation software and digital-music production techniques if he's fiscally preoccupied with keeping his crappy car running, putting gas in it to drive to work, paying rent on the apartment he'd moved-in to with his girlfriend but she moved-out with 11 months to go on the lease, and so on.

    In order to be able to keep up with technology-basesd culture, one must be able to keep up with the technology, which can entail things like having to know what an iPhone does, being able to accept text mesaging on one's phone, whether Mac or PC is the platform to use, and the like: you gotta own your own the toys in order to play with the other kids. In regard to media production, there is a whole lot of technical stuff to know in order to use the software, no matter how much the software seems to make it easier. It's just that, without it, one's knowledge gets no workout and one's ideas go nowhere.

    I know poverty-level young people who are unsure about things like having a PayPal debit card, owning a cell phone, and other things which most active participants in this society take for granted or consider basic to getting by in everyday life. Some people can't get jobs because they don't own cars - and can't get hired for jobs to which they can take public transportation or even walk, because some employers require their employees to own cars just "to get to work." There are progressive eccnomic tiers of matriculation into technological culture, but everyone is having to answer to the same rate of progress, which is dictated by advancements in technology. The have-nots grow progessively left-behind as technology marches on. "Warez," whether truly illegitimate, or tactitly tolerated or covertly disseminated by their developers, do serve the purpose of keeping the "stragglers" current with the progress, even if a step or two behind it. How else is Joe "No-Dough" Schmoe gonna learn to use Ableton and Sylenth?

    When he advances to touring around the world as DJ Joe Schmoe, however, he'd better be paying for that stuff.
  16. vaiman

    vaiman Platinum Record

    Sep 2, 2011
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    So using the above theory I can just take a tennis racket from a store without paying... but when I'm on the tennis tour I should pay for my rackets, balls, shoes etc?

    Don't stone me to death lol. Just hanging it out there.
    I'm no saint and I've used dodgy software before, but I've been legit now for a few years. Using that excuse is just bullsh1t in my eyes.
    There's plenty of software for free and stuff that doesn't break the $50 mark. If you have such a burning desire to make music then you'll use the tools you have and save for the ones you don't.
  17. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    They really bought it first OR just get caught, and Lennar endorsed them ?
    We will never know.

    The point is there are so many ppl buying their software, some DJ sells don't weight anything by themselves.
    But using them on an official video is selling more plugs...to ppl with fewer money.
    That's called free advertisement, even if (may be) Lennar lost a single sale.

    That's the fun of capitalism : Everything count in large amounts. And the great mass provide more money than the few rich ones.
    Best system would be to pay MORE when you are rich....but you know, i'm a f*kin french communist :rofl:
    Because those DJ/producers probably earned a lot of money, enough to pay a free Sylenth to anyone on this forum. If you see what i mean.

    Or may be i'm just a jealous **sshole of honest ppl eating potatoes to buy all their plugs. I don't know.
    On my side, i have a newborn to feed, an unemployed woman and a 5 years old daughter. With my minimal french salary :bleh:

    PS : On the funny side, U-He said publicly he NEVER endorsed anyone :wink: Lennar never made such a claim...
    PPS : a very nice DJ/Producer speaking about piracy on an official Image Line video. That's where you realize Image Line and Zardonic are nice ppl
  18. Crater

    Crater Ultrasonic

    Jun 25, 2014
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    Those pop "artists" probably buy their tracks from ghost producers.... so why would they have a legal copy??
  19. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    Ghost producers are the equivalent of ghost writers and ghost photo treatment pros.

    Yes, there are Indian companies providing photo treatment services for really cheap.
    A lot of wedding and stock photo makers use those services.

    Because it takes a lot of time and skills to treat pictures, like mixing/producing and writing.
    Rob Papen can be called "ghost synth maker", too :rofl: (i love RP branded synths BTW).

    All those ppl's names are just brands.
  20. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    This is just a way for the Lenner to say hey they all bought it so why should not YOU do it.
    I bet non of them is having a legal copy.
  21. aleksalt

    aleksalt Producer

    Jul 1, 2013
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    I came here from the future...how are you, guys with your legal/cracked plugins?
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