Autotune for MIDI?

Discussion in 'Software' started by Digidra, Oct 23, 2023.

  1. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Op's question is not well formulated. He needs a VSt that would transpose a melody to a different key or mode.
    Which can be interesting as a research, experimenting tool, specially for someone who don't know about theory.

    Many DAWs have a similar fonction in their midi editor, as you can make it snap to a tonality, but most of them don't consider modal transposing.
    I'm almost sure that there is one Plugin that does this, but don't remember it's name right now.
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  2. xorome

    xorome Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2021
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    There's pizMidi midiForceToKey (VST)
    But like other have said, just use your DAW's transpose function unless you absolutely must have this as a plugin.
  3. RobertoCavally

    RobertoCavally Rock Star

    Jan 20, 2021
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    Ok, re-reading a couple of times this question, the Chord Prism plugin comes to mind. They promise it creates "..stunning melodies, basslines, and arpeggios over any chord progression." Maybe have a look at this:

    It does a lot more than that (maybe too much) and I don't really know how you would route your MIDI because you didn't specify your DAW. So, just a suggestion.
  4. Digidra

    Digidra Newbie

    Jan 15, 2014
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    Thanks I will look into that. But I don't need something created, I just need to change my existing melody in different scales and progressions. I'm using FL studio.
    I will also test Sundog and ReChord.
  5. BlackHaze1986

    BlackHaze1986 Rock Star

    Jun 25, 2014
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    In FL Studio:
    Strg+A to select all midi notes in the Piano Roll and then Shift + Arrow Up or Arrow Down to transpose if you want to go from major to minor or the other way around set the Scale Highlighting under View options and than move the notes which are not in scale to the nearest ones which are in the Scale :winker:
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2023
  6. lbnv

    lbnv Platinum Record

    Nov 19, 2017
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    I could say you want a plugin which adapt a melody to a chord progression.

    It's hardly achievable. In practice it's not possible in every case. Every melody has harmonic rhythm, that is implied changes of harmony (places where new chords could be appropriate). Melody and chord progression are coordinated. To put it more precisely a melody can have several harmonic rhythms (chords may change faster or slower, that is more or less frequently) and can be harmonized by different chord progressions. And melodies are different in such respect. You cannot adapt any melody to any chord progression.

    Musician mostly pursue the opposite, they try to change harmony (chord progression) for a melody. This is named reharmonisation. But I don't know tools that are capable to do it on the acceptable level.

    In the general case it's more natural first to write a melody and then to harmonize it (find chords). Not vice versa.

    But your efforts aren't meaningless. Sometimes it's possible. What you want to achieve is just to transfer rythmic structure of a melody in another harmonic context and change melody notes appropriately. If you work with short "pieces" (motifs) it should work. But nothing is guaranteed, the result may be uninteresting or even ugly.

    You could try to do it manually:
    - load a melody to one channel and a chord progression to another one (with synths),
    - try to change notes so that notes in the melody fit the chord progression.

    It takes some amout of time and efforts. But the result will be such as you want. And it will train your musical ear enormously.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2023
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  7. Trurl

    Trurl Audiosexual

    Nov 17, 2019
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    At SOME point you'll have to use your ear to correct certain notes. It just can't all be done automatically by mouse click.
  8. jojofun

    jojofun Ultrasonic

    Sep 26, 2016
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    You could try FeelYourSound - MelodicFlow.
    With it, you can send the midi chord progression on another MIDI channel, or lower octave, and have a midi melody snap to it in real-time.

    And for audio, I've found that zplane - retune works best for real-time, polyphonic snapping to incoming midi. The only thing better is Melodyne (when used with a Chord Track), but that's not real-time.

    Also, for extra tightening, retune can be used in conjuction with pitchmap, and both set to receive the midi chords.

    A shame, these are the kinda workflows one has to figure out since most DAWs are still not centrally built on Music Theory principles.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2023
  9. Digidra

    Digidra Newbie

    Jan 15, 2014
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    thanks i will try that. i think i now saw every midi plugin there is

    i did try it. it does the job, but unfortunately you cant import own chords
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2023
  10. jojofun

    jojofun Ultrasonic

    Sep 26, 2016
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    Well, the Melodic Flow (v1 on the sis site) I know allows you to use chords as a form of MIDI (melodic) filtering.
    This newer version is doing a few new things, and chord recommendations. Try v1.