August 2016: Kazrog KClip 2 and KClip 2 Pro (-> 2.0.1; 2.0.2 soon)

Discussion in 'Software News' started by mild pump milk, Jun 16, 2016.

  1. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    Kazrog LLC released KClip 2 andKClip 2 Pro – the sequel and enhanced version, respectively, to our highly regarded flagship mastering clipper plugin for VST, AU, and AAX formats on Windows and Mac operating systems.

    KClip 2 (a free upgrade for KClip 1 owners) adds much-requested features such as metering and waveform display, in addition to gapless internal bypass, preset functionality, 32x oversampling (double the original), and inverse gain linking. KClip 2 Pro expands upon the feature set with 4 soft clipping modes (smooth, crisp, tube, and tape), offline render mode with up to 256x oversampling, 5.1 surround support, and expanded factory presets. Also, oversampling algorithms quality improved.

    What’s new in KClip 2 and KClip 2 Pro?

    - All KClip 1 features
    - Oversampling algorithms and filtering quality improved
    - Waveform displays
    - Clip process amount metering
    - RMS metering
    - Smooth soft clipping mode, that is a classic mode from KClip 1
    - Crisp soft clipping mode (Pro only)
    - Tube saturation soft clipping mode (Pro only)
    - Tape saturation soft clipping mode (Pro only)
    - Oversampling up to 32x
    - Oversampling up to 256x offline (Pro only)
    - Offline render mode (Pro only)
    - Inverse linked in/out gain toggle
    - 5.1 surround support (Pro only)
    - Internal gapless bypass
    - Cross platform preset load/save
    - More factory presets for Pro version
    - GUI update
    - Other improvements, fixes


    August 28, 2016: Kazrog updates KClip 2 family to 2.0.1

    This update adds the following new features:

    • Adjustable FPS for the waveform scope.
    • Waveform scope enable/disable toggle.

    This update fixes the following issues found in 2.0.0:

    • Crashing WaveLab 9 under some conditions.
    • Waveform displays causing visual lag in OS X 10.10 and 10.11 in Pro Tools 12, Logic X, and some other hosts.
    • Overall unreliability in Ableton Live due to CPU overload.
    • Magix Sequoia offline rendering is non functional.
    • Magix Sequoia CPU spikes changing modes.
    • Some users are reporting sudden CPU load increases after bouncing in some hosts.
    • Switching between soft modes on Mac is wonky.

    This update contains the following issue (also present in 2.0.0):

    • Waveform displays not functioning in some WaveLab versions.

    KClip 2: $20
    KClip 2 Pro: $60
    Upgrade Price from KClip 1 to KClip 2: Free
    Upgrade Price from KClip 1 to KClip 2 Pro: $25
    Upgrade Price from KClip 2 Standard to Pro: $40
    *Pre-order includes KClip 1 download.
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2016
  3. jayxflash

    jayxflash Guest

    I find iZotope's Maximizer clip (mode III) way better than KClip.
  4. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    Don't mess up limiters and clippers.
  5. jayxflash

    jayxflash Guest

    I couldn't care less if it's clipper or a clipper combo. As long as K distorts as soon as you drive few dB in it, for me is useless. I get better results with Logic's own clipper.
    • Interesting Interesting x 1
    • List
  6. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    @mild pump milk Thanks for the news.:yes:
    I personally didnt like v1 but v2 pro seems promising.

    @jayxflash I got better results with clipper in The Glue.
  7. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    Kclip: 2 Pro
  8. imnotgivingmynametoarobot

    imnotgivingmynametoarobot Member

    Jun 11, 2016
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    But you can't compare the 2 - they're not used for the same thing. A limiter limits the peaks where as a clipper clips the peaks. The latter will of course create noticeable artifacts. You can't use a soft clipper the same way as a limiter.
  9. jayxflash

    jayxflash Guest

    It's the same as previous, just with waveform display. And The Glue has no clipper, it really is just a SSL compressor emulation.
  10. jayxflash

    jayxflash Guest

    Correct, but the IRC III in iZotope Maximizer can clip in addition to limiting. Nobody read user manuals these days...
  11. jayxflash

    jayxflash Guest

    My bottom line: Kclip + limiter is worst than iZ maximizer alone.
  12. imnotgivingmynametoarobot

    imnotgivingmynametoarobot Member

    Jun 11, 2016
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    The "clipping" setting doesn't turn the limiter into a soft clipper. It just limits in an aggressive way, which can cause clipping ... as described in the manual :bleh:
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2016
  13. jayxflash

    jayxflash Guest

    Flawless victory.
  14. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    Yes, the glue is the ssl emulation, but here is the button called "Peakclip in", which clips the signal exceeded 0 dB. If the glue compressor section makes nothing at all, and you just makeup gaining, it works as clipper only. Use oversampling and it will give you better results. Cytomic made some signaltest pictures posted on gearslutz, showing that his 16x oversampling clipping from the glue is much better than 16x oversampling clipping from kazrog KClip. But the glue has more oversampling number. As I remember, 128x. And Cytomic's signal test screenshot shows 128x has much higher quality results than Cytomic's 16x, which is better than KClip 16x. So, if kclip2's oversampling has been rewritten and 256x will beat Cytomic's the glue one, it will be better than Cytomic's oversampling algorithm. But we should know, higher samplerates and higher oversampling can lead to bad sound. There is a lot of threads on gearslutz etc. Especially by FabienTDR, proving that high sample rates and high oversampling don't always work. Don't think you are the best with 192khz with 256x oversampling at 64 bit float double precision))
    Another one which is better than kclip1 - SIRaudio Tools StandardClip.
  15. jayxflash

    jayxflash Guest

    Thanks for clarification regarding The Glue, makes total sense.
  16. Oysters

    Oysters Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2015
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    Oxford, England
    poor KClip getting no love here.
    heard good things about it elsewhere.... but.... AS is always right!
  17. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    OUT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    About KClip Pro features 4 soft clipping modes:
    • Smooth: This is the classic mode from KClip 1. In Smooth mode, KClip is a pure hard clipper unless the Softness control is set above the default 0%. When the Softness control is increased, this mode provides a very smooth transition between soft and hard clipping.
    • Crisp: This mode is based upon a famous blue ADC/DAC hardware unit's digital saturation process. Many mastering engineers have used this type of processing for years to increase perceived loudness and excite masters. The preset soft clipping curve going into hard clipping helps to bring mix elements to the forefront for a very "in your face" sound. This is especially great on pop and hard rock / metal mixes. Don't overdo it!
    • Tube: This mode is a hi-fi tube preamp emulation based on the algorithms from our Thermionik line of guitar amp emulation plugins. While this mode can be used lightly on a master, it really shines on individual tracks and buses.
    • Tape: This mode is a tape-inspired algorithm that aims to recreate the beneficial aspects of the tape sound (warmth, saturation, presence) without any of its drawbacks (wow & flutter, fidelity loss, hiss, etc.) This is great both on masters and individual tracks and buses.
  19. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    Days later there will be an update to 2.0.1, with some stability improvements, better support for several hosts, other fixes and optimizations
  20. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    There are 2 news about new KClip 2 family:

    1) August 28, 2016: Kazrog updates KClip 2 family to 2.0.1

    This update adds the following new features:

    • Adjustable FPS for the waveform scope.
    • Waveform scope enable/disable toggle.

    This update fixes the following issues found in 2.0.0:

    • Crashing WaveLab 9 under some conditions.
    • Waveform displays causing visual lag in OS X 10.10 and 10.11 in Pro Tools 12, Logic X, and some other hosts.
    • Overall unreliability in Ableton Live due to CPU overload.
    • Magix Sequoia offline rendering is non functional.
    • Magix Sequoia CPU spikes changing modes.
    • Some users are reporting sudden CPU load increases after bouncing in some hosts.
    • Switching between soft modes on Mac is wonky.

    This update contains the following issue (also present in 2.0.0):

    • Waveform displays not functioning in some WaveLab versions.

    2) version 2.0.2 is already in progress.
    Kazrog about further updates: Further enhancements to the scope itself, as well as more options for quality and alleviating CPU overhead will be coming in KClip 2.0.2 and beyond. I do also plan to add a threshold control as that's been a very popular request.