AudioZ and PC Releases

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by eddielee, Sep 13, 2015.

  1. mrfloyd

    mrfloyd Producer

    Apr 22, 2015
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    Catalyst said:

    "If even a hundredth of the people opened up a thread about how they can help instead of rehashing this subject to death, we'd be in a completely different position than the one we presently find ourselves in."

    Does anybody know approximately how many of us here bought premium accounts just to be able to enjoy the sister site?

    Suggestion (and forgive me if this was already suggested in the forum or if it is against some rules that I am not aware of);
    I guess buying individual pcs of software to supply teams is too challenging for most but I believe those of us who buy premium accounts might be interested to invest the same amount in some kind of "group buy - donations" (setup in some intelligent way to protect donators) thus creating a yearly budget that the teams such as R2R can freely use to purchase upgrades and newly released apps. If there are say 1000 of us (and I have no idea how big or small we are) who'd be willing to help with 50 to 100 annually, that would amount to quite substantial budget, 5 to 10k, probably enough for most important upgrades and releases over the year. Would that be doable?
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  2. TinTin

    TinTin Platinum Record

    Nov 16, 2011
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    simple , no
  3. It doesn't matter what you do. If you're a leecher, you're a leecher, and it comes over like Gollum singing both halves of the You're the one that I want duet from Grease, to himself...

    Oh pretty please, please my precious...
    and we wants it fecking now!

    It'd piss me off. Perhaps it would be worth creating monickers for the human beings in the crack team, like Sandor was in Radium, at least then there'd be people at the other end, not something that can't be seen, like a dark corporation.
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  4. mrfloyd

    mrfloyd Producer

    Apr 22, 2015
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    Why not?
  5. eddielee

    eddielee Kapellmeister

    Apr 30, 2012
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    well i was going to leave this alone and seeming everyone has an opinion right or wrong about what i was trying to say i would say this and this is purely from my perspective it may be wrong it may not...

    its because ......
    some peeps on here would lose there elitism status .. Its easy to dis people mock them and judge them when you hold all the cards ... "servers which only a few have access too" if you did what you suggested then that would actually give people right to question as they would have an invested interest ... I would love to help and as i have seen people on here tell me to stop being ungreatful and generally judge me one way or another not one has told me how i can help ... because i think we would all be willing to some point ...

    Although i am a bit green round the gills i used to be part of a scene and use to run an ftp server with a group around 10 years ago (i wonder if snert is still around ?) anyway I never reember the community being this agressive and harsh towards each other, even if you made a mistake asking the wrong questions or doing the wrong thing ... I know this forum is for the music production side not really for a platform for AudioZ and maybe thats why most got mad at me ...

    saint maybe another forum for AudioZ its self ? i dunno

    PS who changed my title back ? lol
  6. mrfloyd

    mrfloyd Producer

    Apr 22, 2015
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    If this is so I'd like to know from those in the know (Saint?).

    I hope that you are not right because that would mean that all those "ungrateful" people do not actually have a sensible or practical choice to give something back and have to leach (and bitch) only.
    BTW a "system" could be setup so that those who give/pay do so by giving teams the full right to chose how to invest and what to release. It's only donation and not an investment and it isn't a risk since we already got more than we had a chance to give back.
    If some polls are made from time to time that could be just to win more supporters and keep them involved.
    I'm trying to be practical here and would appreciate if others join this discussion, especially admins.
  7. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    warez for money really is a big no-go.
    to buy (also as group-buy) software and give it to a team for cracking is another thing.
  8. mrfloyd

    mrfloyd Producer

    Apr 22, 2015
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    Theoretically, if the sister site is setup to share from teams to people it could work the other way around that is to collect donations from people and share purchases with teams. Again those in charge of collecting donations might have the full right (if they wish so) to chose what to purchase (as, I imagine, they already have input from teams of what is worth trying and what isn't, what is needed etc). Right?
  9. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 21, 2011
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    i did. i believe it's a question that may be of interest to some members, so i'd like them to easily find it.
  10. Medrewb

    Medrewb Platinum Record

    Oct 11, 2014
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    Nice discussions!! I would really like to see the website of "the internal release" though, like screen capture or something but I guess thats not possible :wink:
  11. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    what you mean with website?
  12. Genric DeFaulde

    Genric DeFaulde Noisemaker

    Mar 26, 2015
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    To all in this thread: There are a lot of assumptions going round. That's not helping anyone, but instead just fuels the flames. You want to help? Try being helpful instead of calling others names. You suspect someone of starting a flamewar? Keep an eye on it and react when neccessary, but please don't start the very war you're claiming to prevent.

    Some of you should read The Situation Is Hopeless, But Not Serious: The Pursuit of Unhappiness and Ultra-Solutions, or, How to Fail Most Successfully by Paul Watzlawick.

    Money 4 warez

    Your intentions may be good, but this is a very bad idea. On multiple levels.

    I may be wrong assuming the scene is still what it was, since it's a long time since I was an active part of any scene. But back in the days it's all been about competition and showing your skills as a hacker/cracker. Those few who were in it for the money were shunned and driven out of the scene pretty quickly. Hacking some protection was more like a sport. Being smarter than the guys programming the protection and beeing faster than your fellow hackers. Finding smarter solutions to remove or circumvent the protection. Also the younger hackers more than often simply feel like giving back.

    Then there were those who thought software should be free. Like any other fruit of the mind. Copyright is evil and crap like that. Sometimes the hackers themselfes thought this way, sometimes they simply knew someone thinking like that. But those "free the warez"-guys were the ones sharing the work of the hackers. To offer someone with this mindset money for more warez is a downright insult because you'd completely dishonour their intentions.

    The last and lowest level, mostly not even regarded a real part of the scene itself, is the mass distribution. There are several ways of doing this so I'll bring it down to paid and free. In my eyes those who exclusively upload to premium-hosters, use paid registration or any of that shit are the lowest scum. They're in it for the money and they make money without any real contribution off of the work of the hackers. Then there are those who distribute for free - like AudioZ. Again: To offer money to those who think warez should be free may not be the good idea you think it is.

    Another important reason is simply security. As long as AudioZ (or any other warez site) is only offering links it is absolutely legal in most parts of the world. It's only sharing information. But if some warez site started collecting money for warez or offering ddl from their own servers it would be an illegal service and shut down pretty fast.

    Always remember: Try before buy. You got the money and like it, by all means buy it. Otherwise there may never be a followup product you also might enjoy.
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  13. mrfloyd

    mrfloyd Producer

    Apr 22, 2015
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    Teams seams to be disappointed about people asking for new stuff and nobody willing to supply the stuff to crackers. So now they seldom share what they already have. So my proposal is addressing this issue.

    Regarding legal issues I'd say if there is a will there is a solution.
    Everything may remain the same on Audioz as it is with added option (page) to donate.
    This donation may formally be for a piece of software (community made kontakt library or community audio CD). Once the donations accumulate some members of community (lets say some of those who already share most of the stuff) get the money to purchase whatever teams want and share with those teams who previously shared with them the stuff that we got "here".
    Maybe I am missing something but the logic is if those who share on Audioz get stuff from teams they can certainly give new stuff to teams as well.
    The money is being spent on purchases so nobody is making money out of donations and teams get more stuff to have fun with or to compete or to share, whatever they find most appealing.
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2015
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  14. TinTin

    TinTin Platinum Record

    Nov 16, 2011
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    simple no means simple no and @eddielee your always mentioned "elitism" status are typically leecher thinking , like a kid which does not get the toys . it has nothing to do with "elitism" , really nothing . you should thinking twice and third and real not behind the screen .

    the audiowarez scene has changed drastically to very very bad , look arround there are many people which uploading warez , freeware and make mirrors just for the reason to make money out of warez uploads , they say its for the community but its not the only reason are making money from warez uploads , and believe me if hoster starting to don´t pay people for warez uploads those users are the first which will gone from your so called community . and not to forget all those begging , why is this not cracked , where is the win version , where are the mac version and so on and unbelievabale request you can read everywhere

    and try before buy was really back in the old days , now its more likely to 75 Percent "try forever and never buy" , ther are too many people arround which think "why should i buy this when i can get this for free ? for the money i have saved i can just buy a new PC or just a new HDD to fullfill it with warez downloads "

    really such things you hear and see very very very often .

    warez are not legal , but on the other thing i agree here completly

    again @eddielee

    and also group buys may work with 2 or 3 people privately you 100 percent trust , but it would never work on public warez sites , do you really think that developer sleeps and don´t follow such threads and would nothing do against ? and also one mad people are enough to destroy everything , and you don´t know the people in real , just behind the screens by writing into Forums . there could be hidden also join some developer just to collect informations about your called warez group buys , and then "bammmmm"

    this was and is since the beginning of all the warez scene , but as you say you know it , and again it has nothing to do with your "elitism" thinking .
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2015
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  15. remix

    remix Platinum Record

    Dec 3, 2011
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    and after all these thousands of words have been written...

    nothing has been resolved...

    nothing changes...

    good music has not been made...

    what a waste of time for everyone involved...
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  16. mrfloyd

    mrfloyd Producer

    Apr 22, 2015
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    If the donation page is for the same community software, 100s of legit donators would be completely detached from the whole thing. At the back end a few contributors would purchase and share both ways, they already do but mostly one way and in the meantime there is no additional activity on any page except for the shares that are being released as they were for many years on Audioz. If a hidden developer joins to purchase/donate for community audio CD he will get audio CD and will not get any further than that. No donator will. When his (hidden developer) stuff is released he'll see it as he does now and the links will go down as they go down now.
    So I fail to see a problem if the system is setup correctly.
  17. eddielee

    eddielee Kapellmeister

    Apr 30, 2012
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    Like i stated at the beginning it was just an opinion, and your totally right 99% of people who use audioZ are leechers but if they could help prob 99% of those leechers would (I believe ) and nine times of out ten its because they think "what can i do to help "? that has always been the case too with the warez scene ?? and what would the warez scene actually be without these leechers a very empty place ....would I class myself as a leecher ..mmm I dont really download much at all believe it or not I do use the site to try before I buy and occasionally try things I could never afford ...but then your right I dont contribute either so yes by definition I suppose I am a leecher.. but this has always been the case with warez scene too ...

    basically all i did was ask a genuine question the thing that annoyed me most was being called ungrateful and being accuse of having some hidden a gender ... which was not the case ...and not the case for most of your so called leechers either, most are grateful
    your right the warez scene has changed alot ..its hard for myself now I have been forced to think about it to really know what the warez scene is anymore what used to be a friendly meaningful thing has been corrupted by peeps trying to make money ... but I never intended the discussion to go that way i was just asking basically what happens in AudioZ if everyone stops releasing ... but in hind sight i suppose that was a stupid question warez has been around quite a long time and will be for quite a long time to come i would imagine ?

    my last point to you all is does asking stupid questions help ? NO
    but neither does insulting someone
  18. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    Not a COMPLETE waste of time. I at least found the village idiots and put them on ignore.
  19. Medrewb

    Medrewb Platinum Record

    Oct 11, 2014
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    In team assign's nfos they were looking for crackers and they mentionend "forum" at some point. I am guessing r2r have some kind of web page where they upload their releases, so if that exist would be nice to see just the screenshot of their site or should I called it "the scene website" to me its more like the movie "National Treasure" thing you want to see but not really sure :mates: sorry if I am being a noob :disco:
  20. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.
    I've seen it coming: The End of the old open public warez/crack Scene.
    Maybe a new, better one will come up with more freedom and tolerance!
    I don't like it having Forums with threads that get closed, it makes no sense.
    Then all this people ranting about Hex-compare methods, about "stealing" patches etc.
    Remember: Crack Teams or individuals have no rights nor exclusivities!
    And why should people not have the option to Hex-compare and self-crack
    when they
    see that Teams deliberately stop releasing updates using almost terrorist methods?
    Please choose real Democracy
    – not all those dummies.
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