AudioUtopia cracked ilok2?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Aggrotech, Dec 19, 2015.

  1. ClaudeBalls

    ClaudeBalls Producer

    Jan 3, 2012
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    I want to add to this discussion regarding iLoks and developers and the likely massive loss of sales that will be the result of this weeks releases. I bought and paid for all of the Eventide products and I am happy about it. I use them everyday and they are very reliable and I look forward to the next release from them. I most likely will buy it to support them and do my part to make sure they stay updated and release new products.

    On the other hand I also bought all of Slate Digitals products over the years and I couldn't be happier that this release could be a deathblow to his company. Like Avid, Slate is moving into the "subscription" model like Adobe and others. For a "small' fee of $19 per month, every month you get access to most of his products (along with his future releases which he is touting on a completely unrealistic release schedule). At the moment his subscription service is optional. Of course he can change the terms, pricing and availability at any point he wishes, and make it subscription only. (Just like AVID can.) At any point in the future they can raise the rent as much as they want and there is nothing anyone will be able to do about it.

    If other companies join this subscription business model the artist side of the audio community could be wiped out like the record business was. Being held hostage to whatever software publishers want to charge us every month and not having the capacity to own our software would be a nightmare 1000x worse than what everyone bitches about iLok's drawbacks are. Just for a moment imagine having to pay EVERY developer $10, $15, $25 EVERY month to use the assortment of plugins, DAWs, instruments, libraries and other apps that you use every day. Imagine having to pay every month to rent your system or you lose access to all of your projects, you lose access to all of your past work, your clients work.... it would be devastating. Imagine having to have internet access on every audio system every time you boot up your DAW or else you are locked out. Pay every month whether you have clients or not, whether you have money or not. If every company used business plan like the one Slate is operating to have daily access and use the tools I have now from the 30 or so different companies I would be paying 30x$20 every month. That is $7200 per year. Every year. (30 different companies is probably on the low side, when you count instruments and sample libraries.)

    I hope this destroys Slate.

    I hope more people in the community realize how bad this trend could be. Just picture being locked out of your DAW and not being able to reach customer support on a weekend and not being able to pay your bill. Imagine having to give Steinberg your bank account numbers so they can do a direct withdrawal every month or you risk getting shut out. Avid can get away with it because 99% of actual professional studios use pro tools exclusively. Just like with Adobe and Photoshop. It has been immensely profitable for Adobe so I expect every other company with a dominant marketshare to begin implementing this system soon.

    Losing control of owning software and being forced to pay the most that companies can get away with would be a nightmare for musicians and simply for people everywhere. This is a very dangerous trend for civilization and artist in general.

    I say fuck Avid, Slate and their greed and anyone else that dares to force this system on musicians.
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  2. bronko

    bronko Newbie

    Dec 19, 2015
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    Motu machfive 3 for windows pleasee:) jes oke os x , am windows. Test plugins to Cubase 5 all works ok, not McDSP nottt:(
    and Xpnad2 super sinth ecvivalent hipersonic2 , and much better for PT and vst for cubase please:)
  3. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    For the most part I agree with you. There are however some of us who can and do buy software, but choose not to buy this stuff, for various reasons. Most of us buy some software. I can't afford everything all at once, but I will buy the stuff I use most, stuff from the developers I find particularly customer friendly, and the the people I otherwise decide deserve the monetary support they ask for. Cracking teams - now THAT keeps everybody honest. In a market without them you find abuses like PACE and Avid. People who will overcharge and when there is a problem continually pass the buck to one another in a neverending runaround. Ilok2 is the reason Avid is allowed to charge upwards of a thousand dollars for a DAW with a perfunctory bare minimum of midi capabilities and that just added FLAC support in a recent update. A DAW that until recently also limited its customers to proprietary hardware to use it as well. I couldn't disagree more strongly with the guy who says Avid deserves the money. Fuck those Avid - they get by on extorting the consumer based on a fixed demand set by arbitrary industry standards.

    Even those who are not as abusive as Avid... my biggest gripe is with the Audacity to force you to spend your own money on a worthless trinket whose only purpose is to protect their interests and punish you for other people's transgressions. You don't just pay in money. You pay in processing resources. AudioUTOPiA's Pro Tools reportedly is more cpu-friendly, starts up faster, and runs more smoothly. Surprise surprise - bypassing loads of license checks actually makes the program work better. Who could have guessed?

    I actually like Slate more than the others in this regard. They also have pretty fair priced bundles, one which includes an ilok and is at least sold cheaper than if you bought it separately. Unfortunately I'm not all that interested in Slate stuff. It's just more vintage this... analog modeled that. So I'll pass on buying (or installing) that one for now.

    In addition to paying for the ilok itself, the customer pays for ilok's protection by paying an inflated price for the actual plugin, since the dev has to pay PACE (I would guess handsomely) for their protection.

    I could probably go on if I wanted to, but this reply is already much longer than I intended. But in principle, I agree with what you were saying. Lots of people bullshit about why they're not buying software.
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2015
  4. returnal

    returnal Rock Star

    Jun 2, 2014
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    I couldn't agree more. If things continue on this trend we're in trouble.

    Avid also has a long history of acquiring companies and slowly bleeding them dry without any regard for said dev's original userbase. Considering everything Avid's doing with ProTools I'm shocked people want to keep using it . . . It's not like there aren't other options out there.
  5. bronko

    bronko Newbie

    Dec 19, 2015
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    and please air structure 2 sampler :) best sampler PT
  6. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    Congratulations AudioUtopia :cheers:
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  7. darknight

    darknight Ultrasonic

    Apr 8, 2013
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    I guess these cracked dlls load faster than their original ilok "protected" siblings.
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  8. darknight

    darknight Ultrasonic

    Apr 8, 2013
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    Also the McDSP original installers are a lot worse than audiotopia ones. Not even let you select where to install.
  9. vladdrac

    vladdrac Kapellmeister

    Dec 20, 2015
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    Be thankful for what you have!!! If they want to release altiverb, they will release altiverb. If they want to release sound toys, they will release sound toys. Nexus won't happen. Stop asking!
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  10. F3r

    F3r Producer

    Oct 19, 2015
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    South America

    HERE STEP 2) Therefore warez requests and linking are strictly prohibited.

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  11. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    ...and the party continues on AZ... all the plugs are coming :woot:

    What a wonderful evening :chilling:

    Once again, thanks AudioUtopia, DECIBELLE, R2R, Horseman, PiRAT... EVERYONE !!!
    A Day To remember :drunks:

    Wish You guys to test them thoroughly and to make some great tunes with them... and than perhaps, when You make a few bucks, buy the ones You like best :shalom:

    Have a nice Time all!!!
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  12. vladdrac

    vladdrac Kapellmeister

    Dec 20, 2015
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    Yeah, please buy the stuff you use and make money with. Support hard working developers. :mates:
  13. netrag

    netrag Noisemaker

    Dec 20, 2015
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  14. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Dude all of your posts have been requests. It's been well documented that many/most crackers do not appreciate that. I think it's time for you to stfu and leave
  15. Enoch007

    Enoch007 Kapellmeister

    Jun 16, 2011
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    I really don't mean to be that guy, but does anybody know if this means iLok2 for Mac will more than likely be cracked soon too?
  16. bigwords

    bigwords Ultrasonic

    Oct 5, 2015
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    I actually have an error on the Slate Digital stuff too, but I'm sure it's because I already bought half the Slate plugs and have them in ilok2. I'm gonna uninstall everything from slate and do it over. I'm sure that's the prob for me. Did you ever purchase any Slate products, or even have some of their "free" things they offered before? If so, just uninstall all of them and reinstall.
  17. LuckySevens

    LuckySevens Platinum Record

    Sep 23, 2012
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    3rd planet from the fireball...
    iLok2 crack won't work... issues galore will ensue once you install any of these iLok2 plugins!!
    You will regret the day you did this and feel as stupid as you look!! You impatient and ungrateful newbies "crack" me up!!!
    Ignorance is bliss...
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2015
  18. Off The Record

    Off The Record Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    Some reality run by narcissists unfortunatley
    I woke up and found myself in Heaven, Absolutely Superb!! seems 2015 is the best year yet :thanks::chilling::speaker::grooves::metal::headbang::wink:
  19. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    Why such a bitterness ?
    Can`t You just enjoy the moment and at least congratulate AudioUtopia for the achievement ?

    When someone crosses the line first, He/She deserves an applause and celebrations !!!
    Than later if it happens that He/She was cheating, We shall curse and hate; but for now, AudioUtopia is the winner of this race!!!

    So, Hail AudioUtopia ! :shalom:
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  20. MrMPH

    MrMPH Member

    Jul 11, 2014
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    I agree that subscription models and being held hostage to them "Changing & charging whatever they want" is a scary future to dream of - all the "horrible possibilities". Personally, as a designer as well, I remember all the commotion during the Adobe CC switch. The way I look at it, I feel like it allows them to budget better because the revenue stream is more consistent ( compared to a one off purchase. ) I dont think theres ever an issue with being "locked out" because internet connectivity is never "guaranteed".

    Low and behold, Adobe still has offline activation backdoors in place, and people can still crack whatever .dll file it is that verifies such information.

    What about Netflix and the movie industry? Instead of "killing" the industry, it actually opened a lot of eyes to consumer response, willingness to watch media at home, and a lot of other important behaviors that have since then led to a bunch of new business opportunities and more work for more actors.

    Ultimately, the more we "fear" the future of things like this - the slower we can adapt, overcome and innovate. Yes I believe that more companies will follow this model. Proof of concept, right? But, as much as youd like to play this out to greed - Id like to play this out to investing in a better future for music. Its not like the guys who run these companies ARENT musicians.

    Imagine schools buying bulk subscriptions which they can share, or music labels buying subscriptions that they can share, etc. At the rate that technology and engineering is progressing - one off purchases will be way too expensive very soon IMHO. How often does a new Ozone come out? Lets look at ableton live's release history:

    Live 6 29 Sep 2006
    Live 7 29 Nov 2007
    Live 8 02 Apr 2009

    Up until recently, they were releasing a new version every 1-2 years (Im guessing due to popularity which led to ideas leading to innovation).

    I don't think it will break our banks and "ruin the industry" as much as we fear. I'm by no means trying to say you sound crazy or anything, just trying to play devils advocate. Hell - someone just tried to increase the price of AIDS medication because peoples lives depended on it, not saying greed doesnt exist in this world :)