AudioSEX and AudioZ: Separation or other Solutions?

Discussion in 'Forum News and Updates' started by ned944, Dec 25, 2015.


Separation of AudioSEX and AudioZ

  1. Yes

  2. No

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  1. jhagen

    jhagen Platinum Record

    Apr 9, 2013
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    Hey guys stop this anal BS

    thanks god SAiNT is doing the right thing, this is audioz, the one and only.

    if you prefer to go to gearslutz u're free to fight all days with repressed mods

    don't think too much about how annoying is a request, stupid members, bla bla bla, fak fak fak, snif snif snif

    make music with WAREZ and go dance.

    download MP3 from underground music blogs, make a mix and be happy.
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  2. eddielee

    eddielee Kapellmeister

    Apr 30, 2012
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    I agree we should stop the BS ... but I think you are lost my friend This is Audiosex AudioZ is around the corner :disco::winker:
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  3. jhagen

    jhagen Platinum Record

    Apr 9, 2013
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    sure I'm lost :mates:
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  4. bluerover

    bluerover Audiosexual

    May 3, 2013
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    Just a reminder. What's the point of a forum such as this one? Discussion and knowledge sharing. Experience and information round table, and a bit of entertainment.
  5. ned944

    ned944 Audiosexual

    Jun 3, 2012
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    The Underground
    It would be ignorant to not mention any of the plugins or software we have taken from AudioZ and use on a daily basis, that is what this forum is for. discussing or music, production techniques, what works for you, will it work for me, how can i use the techniques you use to allow me to work faster, you know what i mean?

    When I mean warez related issues, I am only referring to the requests, PC vs MAC, Team requests, ect. you all know the garbage I'm referring to.

    this discussion is not and end all my opinion all or none, it is an open discussion to allow people to discuss what is an ongoing problem and voice solutions. We are a community, we should come together as a community and fix this. As i have stated this is not the end all of solutions just a focused starting point to breed a discussion and focus on a solution to fix a major problem. I am only one of thousands here, but if i can make my voice heard and inspire someone else to speak who in turn enables another to speak we can get somewhere.
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  6. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    well @eddielee at least I can say ned is trying to be a gentleman about it... and state his position clearly... some of us
    remain suspicious as to where all this nonsense is coming from lately.. are they disgruntled former allies of said Cat ?
    are they just streaming in coz of the cool new interface of X ? a bunch of disappointed wanker kids not satisfied Santa
    didn't bring the mac version... ?? :facepalm:

    I don't get the bickering tone from @ned944 on this one, I'll take it that he is genuinely NOT making a stealth attempt
    at bringing Cat back, even though @One Reason did mention that...

    a difference of opinion and trying to rationally clear it up is a little different than bickering, I think you understand that..

    I respect @rico888 's concerns as well, and understand his distaste at the idea of Sir Cat's return, which I doubt SAiNT would
    allow at this point anyway, the site would have to be transferred to someone else for that to happen, which we also don't need

    I'm tired of the cancer myself.. it's just gotten a little beyond ridiculous, I really think you @eddielee , and @ned944
    are more in agreement on this than at odds.. n'est-ce pas ?

    seems the question is simply ... how best to address this ? amirite ?
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  7. davea

    davea Platinum Record

    Sep 14, 2012
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    Rules god sake! That's all. All these new topics, these last few days, doesn't help at all. Calm down. Let's mods and admins doing their job, don't worry, sad or else. There are better things to do …
  8. rico888

    rico888 Producer

    Oct 4, 2015
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    You've been attacking since last October pal, and all the large red lettering isn't going to change the meaning and value of what you are and what you say. You may snow some people here, but I'm not one of them.

    You're now on Ignore. As far as I'm concerned you're just a re-hash of all the crap that used to go on here. And the superliquidsunshines's and all the rest that went on the attack in October who now give you "likes" for attacking some more won't change that or anything else. Sitting around evaluating other member's post history? What sort of clown sits around doing that? I mean really? Do you have a life or do you just sit around blowing kisses at statues of Cat in your home?

    Maybe you've been sitting out in that Florida sunshine too long. It's fogging your brains.

    Good luck to you. And respond if you like, but one of my Xmas gifts is that I'll never have to read any of your nonsense again.
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  9. ned944

    ned944 Audiosexual

    Jun 3, 2012
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    The Underground
    @Herr Durr You are right Sir
    this is not what I am trying to do.

    I don't believe @eddielee was disagreeing he was just pointing out that my conversations with @rico888 were not advancing the reason I started this thread in the first place, which I do agree with. @davea The rules are here yes, but they are not being enforced as it is becoming a burden on the MODS who are not here 24/7, and a better solution is probably needed than to expect a 24/7 staff presence. just opening up a good conversation to solve an ongoing problem. the first step is recognizing the problem and discussing it, then discussing a solution, That is what I am trying to facilitate here.
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  10. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    @davea what we are seeing though , may be because the mods don't have the approval to do much about it ( yet )
    I am willing to wait of course, to see if they come up with a good solution, I think the mods we have now are good guys..

    there has just been and onslaught of late, and it's really fouling the experience for us here...and yes many of us would like to
    see it addressed so we can get back to enjoying as before
  11. ned944

    ned944 Audiosexual

    Jun 3, 2012
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    I have also raised that question earlier @Herr Durr , and believe there may be some action on that front, but time will tell. They are good, and are overwhelmed and understaffed so to speak, so it is not their fault. It has just been an issues on everyone's mind as of late whether they mentioned it or not the bad sentiment of what has been happening is in the air, and i felt it need to be exposed, in a calm and productive manner.
  12. MaxSxB

    MaxSxB Platinum Record

    Dec 26, 2014
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    I'm not really participating to this forum (see my number of messages... but my registration date too !), but I think it would be a mistake to separate AZ and AS. A very huge majority of people here tries softwares from AZ and can discuss about them freely on AS. That's harder on Gearslutz and others because they are anti-warez (understandable) and like to suspect anyone of piracy. There shouldn't be obvious warez discussion here, I agree, but I think there's no place like AS to have so much informations about what we can find on AZ. Reinforcing the rules and punishments is the way to go imho. And by the way, I think the wave of warez-related topics will end in few days (or weeks at worst) when the iLok2 shock and e-licenser speculations will fade. And the latter may take more time because of the Virsyn release.

    Let time pass, be strong and remain calm ! But don't take a decision that would hurt both AZ and AS, there's nothing good to expect with a separation !
  13. ned944

    ned944 Audiosexual

    Jun 3, 2012
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    The Underground
    Thank you @rico888, all input is valuable, and I am sorry if I have offended you in some way. take care my friend.
  14. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    Just to say why I am against the separation:
    - `cause it is nice to have a place where to discuss various releases from AZ, or to freely talk about that, lets call it "underground world" ...simple as that.

    Audio Sex without the relation to Audio Z would not be what it is... as someone mentioned, it would be prolly more like Gearslutz or KVR; and I find myself not at home there.
    That is the reason I prefer hanging around here. (don`t get me wrong; not that i hate GS or KVR... I just like it better here)

    I would be sorry to see Audio Sex change... and that because of few spammers ??? Come on...

    (i am not accusing now, but that smells to me more like "Divide and Conquer" ??? ...stupid thought, I agree, but hey, reflect upon it for a moment ?!? )
  15. ned944

    ned944 Audiosexual

    Jun 3, 2012
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    @MaxSxB there is not a problem with discussing the software as it relates to musical production. I am only referring to the requests, PC vs MAC, Team requests, ect. this is a music forum to not discuss the uses of a plugin such as a compressor or EQ is not conducive to the purposes of this forum. just because you got it from a warez site doesn't mean you can't mention it. discuss how to use, what EQ is better for this purpose or that, thats what this place is about. but don't beg or whine about why it isn't available for mac, or why the team didn't crack it for PC, or the like, do you understand what I'm talking about. I'm not saying Don't talk about the Plugin and DAWS we use on a daily basis, that is the foundation of what the forum is dedicated to learning, sharing techniques, how to use this plugin what is the mastering chain that works for you, what plugins are the best, just don't bring the warez side into it. like i stated. why won't the teams release this, request that, the typical Warez nonsense tht has been going on here as of late.
  16. ned944

    ned944 Audiosexual

    Jun 3, 2012
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    @Rhodes I do understand that, but there has to be a better way to control the madness that has erupted on here lately, and the Topic was just to get the discussion started, it is not the only solution. but a path to get working towards a better solution.

    I like AudioSEX for the community it Is/Was as well. definitely would not like to see it change in to a KVR or Gearsluts!!! but do not want to see it slide off the slopes into the other side of what its becoming either, would rather it stayed on top of the hill above all the rest!
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2015
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  17. Rwagner

    Rwagner Newbie

    May 24, 2013
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    Neenah, Wisonsin ----United States
    I have only been a member here for not to long. I don't really comment but I always come here for positive help and support and if I can help in any way I try. I agree with you ned944. Even know it looks like I haven't been a member for a long time I have been coming here for info for years and this is no place to ask for warez or even discuss warez. We have audioz to talk request and that is where is should stay. I am sure my opion doesn't mean much but I just would hate for this site to go away or be locked up. Hope you all had a Merry Christmas.....
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  18. ned944

    ned944 Audiosexual

    Jun 3, 2012
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    Don't worry @Rwagner I would not like to see either of those happen. defeats the purpose of what the site was created for!
  19. This whole thing silliness.

    Ned944 with 50 post on this thread all to suggests a right arm be separated from the left. AudioSex and AudioZ is just that, a right and left arm, same body.

    Always same here, a parade of peeps all who know better than founder of these sites.
  20. MaxSxB

    MaxSxB Platinum Record

    Dec 26, 2014
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    @ned944 Totally agree on requests, forgot to mention that. AZ's section is enough ! And whining is useless as no one here (except a few) can do something about a thing not cracked. Every post on AZ is a gift and whining = being a spoiled brat, nothing else. I must insist on the fact that discussing about a cracked plugin we're using is really uncomfortable on another forum (to me). I think it's easy to be detected as a "pirate", because I often read something like "how can you spend X$ on Y plugin and not being able to use it". Then you get the usual anti-piracy speech (again, understandable and true !) and all what's left to do is go away. No one here will have this kind of reaction, that's why AS and AZ should remain linked...
    ... But without requesters and whiners :D

    Last thing, I think there's kind of a paranoia growing lately, and a topic is too quickly suspected of requesting. The exemple that comes in my mind is the one about iLok2 plugins not cracked, where OP said he wanted to follow the progress. This isn't, to me, a problem. The problem is the requesters responding. And again, the solution of a separation is too radical. We musn't put everyone in the same bag and, as we say in France, "put water in our vine" = be a little more tolerant and patient (without accepting everything)

    Sorry if I went a little off-topic (or full retard), I can't judge my english essay with a hard day of work behind me and I wanted to say what's in my heart.
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