AudioSEX and AudioZ: Separation or other Solutions?

Discussion in 'Forum News and Updates' started by ned944, Dec 25, 2015.


Separation of AudioSEX and AudioZ

  1. Yes

  2. No

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  1. ned944

    ned944 Audiosexual

    Jun 3, 2012
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    you should explore the sections of the forum then because it is not about warez. it about community and music my friend. and I don't want to decide what it is about at its core, SAiNT set it up this way, He decided that it was about the community for musicians and the producers to talk about music, production share their knowledge , learn, grow. he set up AudioZ for warez. So if your not here for the music, then you would probably be more interested in the material available at AudioZ.
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  2. abletonmax

    abletonmax Ultrasonic

    Jan 10, 2015
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    It's warez dominated at the moment because of the increased activity by the warez teams.
    Prior to December, the releases were less frequent and so were the requests.

    Most of the Ilok stuff has been released now, so it will all should go back to normal shortly.

    Most of the what is been requested is now the synchrosoft stuff which probably won't happen any time soon.
  3. ned944

    ned944 Audiosexual

    Jun 3, 2012
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    discussing plugins such as what is a better de-esser, or what compressor to use, is not what i'm talking about eliminating, so lets get that straight. a music board/forum without talk of the tools to use would not be very useful would it? I'm talking about, " warez links, requesting Warez software" , "Requesting Cracks", "Complaining about the teams", Why is this available for macs", Why isn't this available for PC", Why can't they crack E-licencor", "is R2R dead", "when is nexus gonna be cracked" why is this cracked for windows and not mac", @Kwissbeats , you have been here long enough to understand the point of what I am talking about. The immature and childish antics on this forum drags it down for the daily users and needs to be brought under control. You are a fairly regular user, you see it day in day out, you shouldn't have to , you shouldn't have to ignore it either, it should just be eliminated. Period. We all use the cracked products we get from AZ, and the discussions on here involve those products but it should not involve the products as warez is concerned, only as they are used in there music and production related process. Do you understand that?
  4. DarthFader

    DarthFader Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2014
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    Presently, it seems that freedom of expression, freedom of speech and the protection of human dignity are out of balance with one another at AS. Would anyone at this virtual meeting of minds care to suggest a weakening of one or more of those principles?

    In essence, no right is an absolute right. Freedom of speech does not include freedom to invoke hatred. Freedom of (artistic) expression does not give an artist an absolute right to create a work that ridicules another person, state, or belief. Human dignity does not have an absolute power to prevent constitutional and lawful process.

    Absolute power to ban, or approve, something in complete absence of a constitutional appeal process is a bummer. In the long term, it's a no-win scenario.

    I think what's needed here is an acceptance that forum moderators with a benign SAiNT at their helm are a council. What has emerged, though, is a requirement of members' advocates.

    @ned944 You know what they say:

    "Never give a sucker an even break"
    Edward Francis Albee (1857 - 1930)
  5. ned944

    ned944 Audiosexual

    Jun 3, 2012
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    The Underground
    I'm just trying to appeal to the members as a whole to open their eyes to see what is being clouded by ever present deluge of madness that is permeating AudioSEX over the past days, weeks, and month. it needs to be controlled. and someone needed to speak out about it. not with hatred but with calm and reason.
  6. chopin4525

    chopin4525 Producer

    Jul 23, 2013
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    We can easily ignore users or messages without problems but one point of moderation is to keep the forum readable fro anybody who enters. If i have to look for a topic or a reply in between a series of useless threads/messages it gets annoying.
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  7. ed-enam

    ed-enam Rock Star

    May 21, 2015
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    @ned944 I agree with mostly everything you say. In whatever situation and specially the current - just like you said and I second - that a strict moderation is required no matter the forum is part of or not part of Z . Please note that 'strict' does not mean banning instantly or mods bashing and insulting members or one mod rule but implementing the regulation in relatively non lenient way with modification of some of the forum's ways of expression like removal of unwanted voicing like 'dumb', 'funny', 'love it' etc. A provocative post should be subject to delete but if someone is still adamant he could be given a chance to delete his own post or be given a warning (which of course mods must be doing) before taking final action. To run the forum it requires traffic and Z seems the source of it... well mostly. That's all what I meant to say. Thank you for your understanding.
  8. rico888

    rico888 Producer

    Oct 4, 2015
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    I'm sort of laughing at your long, drawn-out response to my post above.... I remember back in October, in a thread SAiNT started concerning Catalyst and changes on the site, you went on the attack with me then, and for all your talk of wanting to make the place better, it seems you want to continue that now. The funny part is, to show me how wrong you think I am, you quote yourself ten times over as proof!!! I'm not going to agree with you any more than I do now just because you start quoting yourself over and over again. And I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but quoting yourself isn't much proof of anything.

    My original comment (that you say is so wrong...) said that there were 'people who wanted this place to be like it was when Catalyst was here'. And so when One Reason (just as an example) says.....

    ...... the point should be clear that what I was saying was correct. One Reason is just one example, but I've seen many other posts on AudioSex that contain similar comments. So no, I don't believe there's anything wrong with me or anyone else saying that there are some people here that feel they'd like to go back to what things were when Catalyst was here. I never said you were one of them, but in your usual attack mode with me on that issue, it would seem that's how you choose to read it. That's too bad for you, but it doesn't make me wrong. It just means you want to continue the very sort of attack you now post here you claim you want to be cleaning up.

    I discussed a number of things in my earlier post on this thread. Some of the points have to do with Catalyst, many do not. That's more YOU making this about Catalyst, then me. Do I think some of what's going on involves him and/or his legacy here? Absolutely! You can't seriously deny that, and there are any number of members here that have mentioned him.

    It may not be what YOU think your post was about, but for some reason you think its your place to deny what other's make of it, then attack and tell them they're all wrong and starting a problem. Sorry, but that seems to be something more going on with you then me. If I, or anyone else for that matter, reads something here and has certain thoughts about it, they're entitled to do so, and if you don't like it, that's too damn bad for you. You can disagree all you like, but your desire to disagree doesn't make you more right or wrong than anyone else here, it just means you don't agree. I can do so in a civil manner, it would be nice (but apparently beyond you) for you to try do so as well.

    I'm almost embarrassed for you that now you want to take the position of telling people what they can or cannot post on a thread you started. It's no wonder you were so fond of Catalyst. Hitler is as Hitler does. And if you weren't just going on some BS attack you would have been commenting similarly to One Reason as you have with me. BUT YOU DON'T, because its not about what I'm saying, it's about your childish desire to start in one more time. If you don't like what I have to say, there's an ignore button. Feel free to use it. I won't be hurt, because its precisely where I'll be placing you.

    In the end, you've made my point for me. A lot of the negativity going on here is still about people holding a grudge related to Cat. When you're going on the attack the same way you did last October, you're just proving my point.

    P.S. Should I start going through all your posts and make some editorial observation about them? Who the &*$#! do you think you are?
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2015
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  9. nadirtozenith

    nadirtozenith Rock Star

    Nov 20, 2011
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    navigating between nadir zenith vectoring upwards
    hello, all caring members :hug:,
    seems to be very true, sadly... :bow:

    perhaps one solution could be not trying to mix that whole matter into threads happening at the present, having nothing to do with happenstances long past... :bow:

    this here self of mine fails to see, how lenghty wordweaving, containing devaluative assumptiveness, marked with typographical enhancements, might do help to solve the present situation in any conceivable manner, except making one feel even more self-righteous. :bow:

    of course, these are the most coveted, the best marketable, of all character traits, shown by the best paid persons, at the service end of the professional audio industry. :bow:

    later edit, post scriptum, it seems the aggressively assertive oh-so-reasonebleness should also be included, mistake corrected. :bow:

    even later edit, post scriptum, the method of compelling someone, with cleverly veiled aggressiveness, to be on the defensive, in order to seemingly be on the winner side, should also be included, mistake corrected. :bow:

    hopefully the last edit, welcome, Bennett.Jackson, as the most likable sockpuppet operation here around, long time not seen but sooooo fast to evaluate with the dumb box... :bow:

    does this post have anything to do with your highly esteemed presence on this site? :bow:
    does any of the above touch you on some sensitive point? :bow:
    care to elaborate perchance? :bow:

    pray do wish all the best for all of us... :bow:
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2015
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  10. Oysters

    Oysters Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2015
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    Oxford, England
    Personally I have no interest in warez and actually would quite like there to be no warez related topics, but I understand it is part of the lifeblood of this forum.
    it has got a bit unbearable recently but it will pass... I hope.
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2015
  11. GuestStar

    GuestStar Ultrasonic

    Feb 8, 2014
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    The forum is like really life. They are adults and kids. A good idea as someone metioned is to separate like in really life the warez related items problems/discussion to a subforum so you do not need to see this items. This will be the kindergarten garten area (childish) .
    Who knows that this people will become also adults and the pay back with they knowledge to this forum when they will become adults.
  12. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    Guys, i agree, it is an interesting discussion, but stop worrying, i believe @SAiNT and the mods knows what is to be done.
    A few spam attacks can`t undermine the community... it is just a temporary annoyance that will go away, one way or the other.

    Ignore it and follow the threads You are interested in.
    Have a nice time all! :cheers:
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2015
  13. ned944

    ned944 Audiosexual

    Jun 3, 2012
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    My intentions @rico888 are only to preserve this forum for what it is, nothing more nothing less. I'm sorry if you do not see, that. I did not and tried to avoid dragging or making this about the whole "bring back cat", past tyranny subject on purpose, because i didn't want that to overshadow what was the main issue i was trying to bring up. which was the warez issue that seems to be prevailing here on this forum. I like AudioSEX and would like to see it return stronger without all the childish antics that have overtaken it as of late.

    I am currently involved in helping @ArticStorm , @( . ) ( . ) , and @claytonr on the current AudioSEX Ambient album project. so as you can see, I am an active member on this forum, not just someone who pops up to post negative remarks in posts, and contribute on a regular basis. I may have pointed out your remarks like I did, in a manner that was overkill, only to distance myself from the idea, that my proposal to separate the 2 sites was somehow related to any ideas of Catalyst and the ways he ran this place in the past. nothing other than that.

    Why are you trying to make this about Catalyst? what is your purpose in that? that is not what this is about.
    Catalyst is gone, he is not coming back, end of story. I just wanted a good conversation to start about a site I care about to start so some focus could be placed on an issue that is starting to grow at alarming rates. I have spoken to 2 mods about this already. I have been polite, rationale, and positive. so why must you try to subvert this with issues that died months ago?

    I have no problem with you. I have no problem with anyone, just want the forum that I love to be free of the warez crap that's choking it for the people that enjoy it on a daily basis. I come here every day. not looking to fight or stir to trouble, do you? Do you contribute here? or do you just lurk?

    I care about this forum, and the people here. So don't try to make this about something it's not.

    I'll post the links again in case you didn't see them

    Official Ambient Album Thread

    Ambient Album Project - Tutorials And How-Tos

    i participate in this forum and contribute here, so don't try to convince others that i'm someone I'm not. or that this is somehow tied to issues in the past tied to Catalyst, that is not true. I care about AudioSEX, and enjoy being here. so please look thru my posts, you'll be surprised to find, that other than this thread and 3 other posts all of my posts are contributions of music and music related comments to the community.
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  14. rico888

    rico888 Producer

    Oct 4, 2015
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    That would be nice, but apparently the intention of your earlier post related to me was to just make a statement that was an out-and-out attack. In doing so, you show yourself for what you really are. You can try to cloud the issue now with a bunch of other topics that have nothing to do with what we've been discussing here (like the 'Album Project'), but no one should be fooled by that; an attack is what it is, and you underscore the hypocrisy of your entire approach here. Specifically, you want to complain about some of the recent content here on AudioSex, and then demonstrate you're no better than that of which you complain, by going on the attack with another member for really no reason at all. If anything, those that are willing to examine what you said will recognize that you undermine your own cause, not anything concerning me. Not much point in complaining about abusive content here on AudioSex when you're busy offering your own abuse, is there?

    It's interesting, because if you had actually read the post of mine that you childishly have so much difficulty with, you would have recognized that we agree on 90% of what's going on. But instead you focus on this business from the past, when you and a few of your friends here clearly went on the attack before, and now you want to do it all over again. But honestly, I have no real problem with that, because the post of mine you referred to was polite, on topic, and certainly didn't single you out to put you down or start in. It just didn't. In the end you are saying a good deal more about where you're at, then anything about me. I have faith that those that are willing to actually read those posts, and not just your attacks, will reach the same conclusion.

    What says the most about you though, is that for all these other topics you now want to tell us about, like the "Album", which is more off-topic from your original post than anything I've said here, you fail to address the clearest point of my prior response to you. Were you looking to be fair, and not just some guy attacking another member here, you would have explained why when One Reason brought up Catalyst you had no complaint, no attack, no problem, but when I did you decided to write a whole novel about it, and made a stink that's as bad as anyone you yourself have complained about here on AudioSex. What can I say, let's toast for the New Year to your hypocrisy.

    I don't need to do that. You did it all on your own.
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2015
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  15. eddielee

    eddielee Kapellmeister

    Apr 30, 2012
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    Like I have suggested before why not just have a section in AS were warez can be discussed and a rule it cant be discussed outside thats area then everyone can stick to there points of interest and there should (in theory ) be no clashes .... although as some have said sometimes we do give power to the trolls with replying ... I really dont know what the answer is but I just feel all the bickering is destroying what could be a good community ...

    @rico888 I like you man you have some decent input ...but man you really need to let this cat thing go ...thank god he has gone the only thing keeping him alive here is peeps talking about him
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2015
  16. ned944

    ned944 Audiosexual

    Jun 3, 2012
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    The Underground
    I'm am not attacking anyone here @rico888 this is about Warez and warez related stuff, not about abusive language or anything else.

    So here you go;
    Catalyst is not coming back here, it would not be good for the forum, and any suggestions that he should, would be counter productive to solving the issues at hand. What happened with him is done, its in the past, it's over. It is time we moved forward. I did not want to bring it up to avoid what is happening now with you.

    So I have said it and i'll repeat it.
    having Catalyst back is not going to happen, and any suggestions towards that reality are counterproductive to the situation at hand, which is getting the forum back under control and functioning as the great resource it was

    was that clear enough? does that clear up any hypocrisy? I'm not attacking you I'm tired of you trying to point this conversation towards catalyst which it is not about. I cannot change anyone's attitude Catalyst. they are what they are. I can however try to keep everyone's focus on the issues at hand, the fact that the warez issues as of late are clouding the overall friendliness and usefulness of this Forum. and the fact that i brought up the album was showing that I participate and care about this forum. End of story. You may not like me @rico888 for reason in the past, but I'm okay with that. I just want the forum to be free of the warez issues that seem to tear it apart and cause all of the fighting and ill will that goes on here. Separation may not be the final solution but its a conversation to start finding an answer that works. Not the problem starting talk that it seems you are engaging in. If i'm wrong in my assumptions of you're tone I'm sorry. but you are most definitely wrong in mine.
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  17. eddielee

    eddielee Kapellmeister

    Apr 30, 2012
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    @ned944 I think you have made your point also and by carrying on with this you are contradicting the very point this thread was created ...

    E.G trying to stop the bickering
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  18. eddielee

    eddielee Kapellmeister

    Apr 30, 2012
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    @Kwissbeats @ superliquidsunshine @chopin4525 @ Mostwest

    I see you disagree guys thats far enough but can you a elaborate why ?
  19. ned944

    ned944 Audiosexual

    Jun 3, 2012
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    The Underground
    @eddielee as I explained earlier mentioning warez is ok if you are discussing a plugin or DAW in a music or music related/production related sense. it is not okay if you talking about it from a warez related sense such as why isn't this for MAC, ECT. ad nauseum.

    I think some misunderstood my meaning on that issue. The requests and compaints for teams is the issues i was referring to, I am fine with discussing the latest release of Fabfilter Pro C 2 and how it is used in my latest mix, or applied to your latest production. or why Studio one, is crashing with said plugin.

    PS. I agree @eddielee, have moved on from that will not continue with it anymore. enough said.
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2015
  20. eddielee

    eddielee Kapellmeister

    Apr 30, 2012
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    @Kwissbeats I dont understand this comment you say to you this is all about warez so are you a hoarder or a musician .... cause if your a musician this seems a silly comment to make
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