Audio Interface With Actually Good Drivers? (Windows)

Discussion in 'Soundgear' started by vuuru_keg, Mar 17, 2020.

  1. SEnki

    SEnki Producer

    May 22, 2013
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    I have a scarlett 6i6 and it's not bad. No driver crashes or issues. The latency could by better, but using other drivers with it like asio link pro makes tings much better. I'm gonna try that FlexAsio driver and see what that's about.
  2. Trurl

    Trurl Audiosexual

    Nov 17, 2019
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    I can say I've been using an old Scalrett 6i6 1st Gen live forever and never had the first hiccup out of it, WIn7 or Win10. Not that that is relevant to anyone doing serious studio work but if you could get one for say, $50-$75 just to gig or something I'd say jump on it.
  3. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    I've not done serious multitracking recording ensembles and bands for years and don't expect to do so and will most likely replace my 8 year old Silver Babyface within the next 6 months if the world doesn't implode and civilization fails to collapse. For a few years have sideways glanced at the SPL Crimson because of its architecture, solid build and warmish preamps but have not stared directly into its big brown eyes as it is my perhaps false perception that latency could be an issue as well as it not playing as well on a Windows machine compared to some Apple product or another. Is your B room hooked into Win and if it is have you had success using it with virtual instruments and plugins in real time? Too, what was your reason for not moving the RME to B when you replaced it with the Crane Song?

  4. johnw

    johnw Kapellmeister

    Feb 11, 2012
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    Tascam US 366 still working , solid drivers , many ins and outs (digital too) ...
  5. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    I have it hooked up to a Mac with PT, and on Windows 7 Lite/10 Lite with Renoise, and Pro Tools. I have another Windows 10 Lite with almost every other major DAW. I have used the SPL for years in the 3 systems with virtual instruments, and plugins without any latency issues. That is even before I started to run it over Dante. The new V 3 is even better than the one I currently have. I demoed one for 2 months, and it is solid. The decision to keep the SPL in B was financially driven. i was not implying that SPL is better than RME nor the othe way around. We simply could not keep on spending on audio interfaces, and decided to sell the RME which was replaced with a Crane Song Solaris Quantum. In a commercial facility you must try to offer clients the best you can afford, and as good, and solid, as the RME is the Crane Song tops it. Indeed, in our Crane Song its reference clock has less than 1ps (picosecond) jitter. If you don't think this is impressive read what RME states in its website common jitter values are 5 ns, while a very good clock source will have less than 2 ns. If we were to convert Crane Song's jitter to nanoseconds it will be 0.001 ns. We will eventually replace the SPL with another Crane Song.
  6. pizzafresser

    pizzafresser Producer

    Jan 7, 2017
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    The USB 2 type-B socket sucks by design and will get loose over time.
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  7. merko

    merko Member

    Dec 29, 2015
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    Get a MOTU, great drivers.
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