Audio Interface opinion poll

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by LiQ, Dec 11, 2023.

  1. aymat

    aymat Audiosexual

    Dec 21, 2015
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    MOTU 828ES
    I've owned it for 3 years. It is the most stable and flexible interface I've ever owned. Specifically I love the I/O and grid routing. I am a media developer by trade so I spend a lot of time editing audio and video, creating music as a hobby and sometimes for the occasional commission as well.



    Last edited: Dec 13, 2023
  2. arrr

    arrr Guest

    :woot: Personal insults now? Touchy subject for ya huh. OK boss, whatever you say. Fact is, your logic is fundamentally completely whack. Everything is the same.. nothing makes a difference .. :rofl:

    Ignored right back haha ..

    @Melodic Reality what he (and you to some extent) said is totally flawed. God forbid somebody makes a suggestion to make the thread a better more comprehensive source of information for others to reference while on the hunt for a quality interface. It all matters :winker:
  3. realitybytez

    realitybytez Audiosexual

    May 29, 2013
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    windows 11.
  4. ClaudeBalls

    ClaudeBalls Producer

    Jan 3, 2012
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    I'm in US. I started with the original silver faced quad model, but I have added a black faced 16 I/O quad model and a Octo satellite and an Arrow for traveling and making music on trains and planes.
  5. Melodic Reality

    Melodic Reality Rock Star

    Feb 18, 2023
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    I get your point, but I'm not any authority on this subject, this thread is just casual survey and our opinions and experiences are just that, our limited personal experiences. Sure, it would be easier to judge from where all that is coming from if we expanded more on who we are and all that, but I'm in no mood to convince anyone in anything or go in such depths, defend my personal opinion as an fact. if the thread was made in that light, I would pass on posting anything.

    if someone now challenged my opinion, like your Apogee don't have great headphone out, because he heard better, he's right, he heard better, but for my taste and limited experience, it does sound great, that doesn't mean anything, except that I find it great, maybe it's mediocre, but I have no clue because I only heard handful of them in my life. In this room with same speakers and cans I only used RME 9632 and that one, so that is only constant, than RME was used on Windows and Linux, Apogee only on macOS, I don't know how RME performs on macOS or how Apogee performs on Windows or Linux.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2023
  6. LiQ

    LiQ Kapellmeister

    Dec 9, 2023
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    Last edited: Dec 13, 2023
  7. LiQ

    LiQ Kapellmeister

    Dec 9, 2023
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    @aymat , woow this interface looks so sexy ...

    the high-priced motu interfaces are real workhorses in the studio.
    congratulate and thanks for your input.
  8. Utada Hikaru

    Utada Hikaru Producer

    Dec 8, 2015
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    - Presonus AudioBox iTwo
    - 1 year
    - The volume knob is not linear, there are some some ranges of the circle that turns up/down the volume more than others.
    - Hobby, but slowly getting this into a full time job.
  9. Blu

    Blu Producer

    Jan 9, 2021
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    It's possible but channels 7/8 will be "shared". Given 2 ADAT ports plus SPDIF I never ran out of spare channels for my projects. Newer interfaces such as 802/UFX have more benefits but I never felt the urge to upgrade. Great interface and one of my best ever purchases in audio gear.
  10. Blu

    Blu Producer

    Jan 9, 2021
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    WIth a Texas Instruments FW card it's rock solid. Not even a single fault from drivers in more than 10 years.
    • Interesting Interesting x 1
    • List
  11. fjodor

    fjodor Member

    Jan 13, 2022
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    Hey there,

    I'm also looking for a small one for the road which is thunderbolt/usb powered.

    - Uad Apollo 8p, but use multiple in different places.
    - around 5 years
    - advantages: uad (plugins, unison, quality, monitoring) disadvantages: uad (apollo plugins only usable in the studio, dsp limits, price)
    - professional
  12. LiQ

    LiQ Kapellmeister

    Dec 9, 2023
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    thanks for your experience report:wink:
  13. LiQ

    LiQ Kapellmeister

    Dec 9, 2023
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    a recommendation from me for all those who are looking for a small interface is the usb audio interface Tascam Series 102I.

    Absolutely great in all respects and expandable when it matters

  14. fjodor

    fjodor Member

    Jan 13, 2022
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    Thanks for your suggestion. Would you choose it over a uad volt, audient, focusrite, evo, black lion or rme? there a some many....
  15. LiQ

    LiQ Kapellmeister

    Dec 9, 2023
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    recommendations are difficult because i don't know your personal references. first look on the internet to see which interface has the requirements you need most, narrow down your choice and finally test your selection against each other in a music store. in my experience, this is the most sensible way to go.

    recommendations can be well meant but not relevant for you.

    i am NOT RECOMMENDING a PURCHASE for this interface, it is only a recommendation if you were not familiar with it.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2023
  16. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    Thanks for the info.Yes I had to get 2 MAC adapters ( thunderbolt to firewire 800 to 400 ) - to hook up my Old pro 40 to the thunderbolt port on my PC they are quite expensive but they work and work well.
  17. I've looked at Audiosex occasionally for many years, only just created an account (driven by my loathing of my interface), so hello everyone.

    Which audio interface are you using?
    Edirol FA-66, I'm guessing this could be the worst interface anyone on here is using?

    How long have you had your audio interface?

    What advantages or disadvantages have you found with your audio interface?
    + It does what I've needed it to do, it's basic but I haven't needed anything more for most of the time.
    + latency is low enough.
    + I've never had any issues with pops/crackles etc, it's been rock solid, apart from when it isn't...
    - They never updated the drivers so it randomly crashes my PC on Win10 maybe every few months on average.
    - It's shit.
    - There's one volume knob for both headphone and monitors.
    - I've grown to fear it, hate it, it's sat there waiting months at a time then randomly pulling the trigger and crashing my PC, when I get a new interface I might smash it to bits.

    Are you professional or a hobby musician?
    Semi-pro i suppose, mainly hobby stuff like 80% but I do some paid jobs, there's been times where I'm working full-time on paid audio projects for weeks at a time then nothing for a while.

    I've wanted something new for years but I always research and find faults with what I'm looking at and put it off again.

    I'm going to buy a RME interface in the coming months, I was looking at a Babyface Pro FS but I want more inputs/outputs, I don't want to use an expansion unit so I'm currently looking at the Fireface UCX II - I don't like the price (a grand gbp would seem fair to me, it's around 1200 though and it's just enough to bring out the tight Yorkshireman side of me), or the 1 headphone output though I'm guessing I could make an output on the back a second headphone output, and the levels screen looks potentially too small, and it's probably overkill in some ways for what I need but I want the RME stability and the Babyface hasn't got enough holes.

    Anyone here got anything to say about the Fireface UCX II? Is there any rumours of RME releasing any new interfaces in the next year?
  18. LiQ

    LiQ Kapellmeister

    Dec 9, 2023
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    come on, are you serious ??? do you want to wait until RME brings out something new !!! .... i would say ,enjoy the moment
  19. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    got my hands on it, amazing interface, huge step forward (and worth the price) over older UCX and UC especially when it comes to usability,
    in terms of connectivity, I don't think it's better value than bigger UFX II though, especially for your described use case with 2 headphones and all-in-one interface, I'd absolutely skip UCX II to be honest
  20. Don Gargon

    Don Gargon Member

    Dec 14, 2023
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    180260.jpg Used it for years steinberg drivers aswell
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