Audio Device setting - help needed

Discussion in 'Computer Hardware' started by DimChandeliers, Jul 17, 2012.

  1. DimChandeliers

    DimChandeliers Ultrasonic

    Jan 5, 2012
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    I seem to have messed up my audio settings.

    Windows XP
    Acid 6.0
    Phase 22 PCI sound card (with asio drivers)
    Soundmax HD internal sound
    Asio4all drivers

    I can't get Acid to record audio tracks. I don't know if i have to set playback & record devices in PC control panel
    or set them in ACID preferences. I'm trying to record audio track from a soft synth. The signal is not going through.
    The only signal I've been able to record is the playback from previous tracks, and only when "Stereo Mix" is selected in Windows mixer recording settings.
  3. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    @ Dim Chandeliers,

    Well, a first advice if you plan to mainly use your 'Terratec Phase 22' would be to deactivate your 'Soundmax HD Internal Sound', that's if I'm not wrong, the audio chip that is included within your Motherboard, isn't ?
    I don't know this 'Soundmax HD... ', but I can only guess that the 'Phase 22' has certainly higher sonic qualities.

    Normally, you can deactivate your internal sound card ('Soundmax HD') within the BIOS at the startup of your computer. Depending of your computer, you must either press 'F8', 'Del' or 'Esc' (the most commonly used). Then, along the diverse pages of your BIOS, you can find an option related to an 'Inboard Audio' (or something similar). If it's activated (ON), simply deactivate it (OFF), save your new BIOS settings, then reboot your computer for that the changes take effect.

    Now, when your computer is launched, it will solely find your 'Phase 22' installed in its PCI slot. Go to 'Control Panel', 'Sound & Audio Devices', then check under the various Tabs (Volume, Audio,... ) if your 'Phase 22' is selected. Normally it must to be, as now it's the only audio card available within your OS. If needed make the desired settings under each Tab (e.g. device volume, speaker settings, default device for Sound Playback & Sound Recording,... ). Select your 'Phase 22' as default device as much as available.
    When all these previous things are set and checked, open the 'Phase 22 & 28 Control Panel' (normally you must to find its icon in your desktop, if not, go to C:\Program Files\PHASE 22\... <-- ), then within it you can fine tune the own settings of your 'Phase 22' as follows :


    If you set your settings the way I've done in this snapshot, you'll be able to record external audio sources via your 'Phase 22' (guitar, bass, vocals,... --> 2 Line In), thus within 'ACID 6.0', then play back all your audio stuff as well (--> 2 Line Out). These settings are very standard, but at least you'll be able to record, play, output your audio stuff in a basic way. You can afterward set your own settings as desired (e.g. digital In & Out if you plan to use digital sources only, change the Sampling Rate --> 48kHz/96kHz in place of 44,1kHz,... ).

    When you'll launch your 'ACID 6.0', don't forget to set the Audio Settings ('Phase 22' as main audio device) within the 'Preferences' - or similar (I don't use this program since long time now, I don't remember the exact name ! :rofl:), and all will be fine now ! *yes*

    A last word is concerning the version of the driver for your 'Phase 22'. As I don't know if you have the last-in-date, it could be wise to also update it before to start up the previous steps to be sure to get the best performances of your 'Phase 22' as well as of its own 'Asio' driver.


    Here you have the last-in-date driver version : v5.28.03.24. It's not very recent, but it's the last-in-date provided by 'Terratec'. You'll find it easily on Internet if needed, simply launch a search within 'Google'... *yes*

    Hope it help ! :wink:
  4. deadhenderson

    deadhenderson Newbie

    Jun 24, 2012
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    Are you actually using the asio4all drivers? If you are, check your config there.
  5. zspin.stomp.shuffle

    zspin.stomp.shuffle Newbie

    Jul 30, 2011
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    try something else... *yes*
  6. DimChandeliers

    DimChandeliers Ultrasonic

    Jan 5, 2012
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    Thanks. I'll give it a try.

    My troubles started after I downloaded the asio4all drivers. I started messing with the various settings. :-(
  7. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    @ Dim Chandeliers,

    You certainly know that your 'Phase 22' includes an Asio Driver... use this one instead.
    I don't have anything against the 'Asio4All', a contrario, many users use it and as its name suggests : it's for all ! :rofl:
    It exists perhaps a few milliseconds of difference between them, but almost insignificant, and apart if you play your instruments, or whatever you want to record, as fast as lightning, the included Asio Driver will make its job perfectly... *yes*
  8. smartlad

    smartlad Member

    Jul 4, 2011
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    I've never understood why people with a soundcard, with its own asio driver, chooses to use asio4all? :dunno:
  9. DimChandeliers

    DimChandeliers Ultrasonic

    Jan 5, 2012
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    Ok everyone. Thanks for your help. Especially Studio 555.

    Stu - I couldn't edit BIOS because it's password protected. I bought the PC used.
    I did disable the internal soundcard in Device Manager. I also uninstalled the Asio4all.
    This left the Phase22 as last card standing. I set it everywhere I could. I went to ACID 6.0 preferences>audio device and the Phase22 was listed as "ASIO Phase22".

    So, the problem is, the softsynth and ACID won't work simultaneously. Both are set to use ASIO drivers in Phase22. That's why I downloaded the asio4all. Thinking I could set ACID to Phase22 asio and softsynths to asio4all. That did not work.

    Anyway, I was able to get back to my original settings with internal card set for record and playback, and Phase22 asio set for softsynths, etc. Everything is working as before. I can record audio tracks and monitor previous tracks.

    BUT!!! I have another ongoing problem that I will start a new thread with.
  10. smartlad

    smartlad Member

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Are you using the softsynth in standalone mode? Don't acid support vsti's?
  11. DimChandeliers

    DimChandeliers Ultrasonic

    Jan 5, 2012
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    I'm using standalone mode. Nver tried VSTi. Maybe it's time.
  12. DimChandeliers

    DimChandeliers Ultrasonic

    Jan 5, 2012
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    This is still driving me crazy. Because of my other problem (noise in audio recordings) I abandoned my original settings (internal card for recording & playback / Phase 22 ASIO for softsynths) in hopes of getting rid of the noise issue. I still can't get either ACID 6.0 or Cool Edit Pro to allow playback and record with just the Phase 22 as my device.

    I tried using the vsti synth, as suggested early, to no avail.