Audible difference between DAWs?

Discussion in 'Mixing and Mastering' started by Ted Smithton, Nov 21, 2017.

  1. beatmagnus

    beatmagnus Guest

    The thought processes and tests on this subject are interesting. I think the issue isn't that distortion is added by a DAW but how each one processes the pans and combining of audio files and tracks during playback. There is definitely a noticeable difference when you transfer stems from Logic to Live with Live sounding a tiny bit thinner. If you render the same stems from Live and port back to Logic I would think (or hope) they would sound the same as they always did in Logic.
  2. dbmuzik

    dbmuzik Platinum Record

    Apr 15, 2013
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    You didn't do anything I described. If you can't even interpret the description on how to do the test.. your ability to understand what someone tells you is what's nulled.

    @thecow.. your response is nothing related to what I said to do. How do you get the impression I'm suggesting to render A to create B.. then pull B up in another DAW to render C? That's wrong. Clearly I've been suggesting the same thing over and over in this thread in as many ways as it can be put. You render source A in one DAW to create B.. Then render source A in a different DAW to create C. Then, you pull B and C up together in the same DAW and do a null comparison. You use a spectral analyzer on the master channel to see there is in fact a low dB of audible variance in the spectrum. This is the correct way to compare the output stream of 2 "different" DAWS.
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2017
  3. Lambchop

    Lambchop Banned

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Let's see...

    Huh, good so far...
    You would like to see a spectral analysis of nothing? Here you go, Tiger.

    Feel free to keep digging :)
  4. thecow

    thecow Guest

    That is exactly what I said...
    there is a 'minor' difference with multiple tracks and process due to calculation/summing algorythms,
    and a less minor difference involving pan law (especially, live is bad in this area, but it seems they don't care).

    But, it is a (scientific) fact that if you render a SINGLE file with no process, you will end up with the same exact file as original...
    You could bounce/render it 50000 times in every DAW possible, it would be the same, resulting in a null file (if phase are aligned of course) in a null test.

    @dbmuzik, there will be no difference between B and C...calculation will make the same file (it's like if you multiply something by 1)
    you can make B exp50000 and C exp50000, meaning rendering each one (in their respective DAW) 50000 times, they will be the same. Now, about what you call stream, offline rendering is not considered as "stream", but calculation. Streams can indeed be different due to daw inherent "audio interpolation" ;) , which would imply recording (not rendering) to compare,
    It is enough to look and vertically zoom at max on the wave file to see there is nothing, and if you ever see something in your spectral analyzer it is that you have noise somewhere (bad gear/mute your input). Stop exposing your crap here please...
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 22, 2017
  5. dbmuzik

    dbmuzik Platinum Record

    Apr 15, 2013
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    Your stubborn desire to be right destroys the credibility of your selective snapshots and videos. I know the game. Stick to what you think. I've already spent too much time commenting here. BTW.. I have no choice but to let the offensive shit slide some choose to inject in between. That comes with the "virtual" territory. You couldn't walk one city block where I'm at.. that's the reality. Fix your mouth to call somebody stupid and you'll get folded in half. Have a nice day.
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2017
  6. Lambchop

    Lambchop Banned

    Jul 19, 2017
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  7. john olsen

    john olsen Newbie

    Aug 21, 2017
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  8. reybeatz

    reybeatz Newbie

    Feb 8, 2016
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    I use FL , reason and ableton

    They all sound the same

    The plugins are the ones that make the differences
  9. Blair Atkinson

    Blair Atkinson Member

    Apr 15, 2017
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    Without a doubt there is a difference, I've used ProTools for years and Ableton,Fl Studio,Studio one and Harrison for 2-3 years Now. Maybe summing or something.
  10. Blair Atkinson

    Blair Atkinson Member

    Apr 15, 2017
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    Question? If DAWS are all made from different companies why would all sound the same? A VST Like Absynth In Logic Sounds way fuller and Cleaner to me then lets say Ableton, to me the difference is extremely noticeable. Both Have there Pros, So Ableton users Relax.
  11. Blair Atkinson

    Blair Atkinson Member

    Apr 15, 2017
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    I Absolutely agree, Great assessment. Logic to me is a bit fatter and wider then something like Ableton. But its' all about what you want neither is really better, just different.
  12. Blair Atkinson

    Blair Atkinson Member

    Apr 15, 2017
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    Man I just went back to studio one Last Week and cook up a track...Huge Difference its Crazy Really.
    Nice, Quick Question then? What DAW do you like?
  13. Redviagra

    Redviagra Member

    Jan 4, 2017
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    But the mastering engineer may use something totally different so the DAW may be a moog point..

    For example i may mix in logic but he uses protools and other programs b4 it goes to radio/digital distribution..

    If you are truly in the game, the mix will change multiple hands b4 release..
  14. spyfx

    spyfx Guest

    Audible difference between DAWs ? ,
    it depends on your perception of sound,hearing frequency by age,AD/DA,plugins you use (instruments & mixing/mastering).
    One thing is for sure : at least for now Cakewalk will have the best silence. :keys: (who knows maybe we will see that D.A.W in the future again).
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  15. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    You do the same with 40 tracks and then repeat the same in another DAW, then compare the two rendered files. Make sure that your 40 tracks include clips at all volumes, like really silent tracks at -50/60 db and really loud ones with peaks at -0.5db and have had no compression applied to them before. Do all this at the highest possible resolution. Share your findings :)
  16. 23322332

    23322332 Rock Star

    Nov 14, 2011
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    Because DAWs use the same technology... Maybe the initial settings when the vst is loaded are different (this is abused by some makers of vst presets - they make loud presets and the idiots that buy them think that they are higher quality than the quiter presets by other companies).
    If you hear something different, it's probably psychological. There are people that have healed from cancer just by imaging that they are getting well... the mind can do real miracles.
  17. Ted Smithton

    Ted Smithton Producer

    Dec 17, 2016
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    This thread has really blown up...
    please keep things clean people!
    There has got to be a definitive answer to all this
    Does anyone care to explain this pan law thingy in further detail?
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2017
  18. Ted Smithton

    Ted Smithton Producer

    Dec 17, 2016
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    You bet dawg, good points, whether you want to admit it or not we've all tweaked something on the wrong channel only to reel in amazement that we thought the sound was changing!!!

    I'm more interested in why and how the developers created and updated their DAW's engine to be more efficient and sound better! And if that was their agenda, surely they aim to improve the sound with each generation! Then one could assume some may have an edge on their competition?
    Since there are many wayz to skin a cat? :disco:
  19. Ted Smithton

    Ted Smithton Producer

    Dec 17, 2016
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    @Blair Atkinson Please explain !
  20. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Im afraid this test wont show much if anything. Its really about real projects and the differences (very small) in headroom, depth, etc, as if there is different sound signature which pops out to you the more you switch between daws , you know something is different, plugins are not it, source material is not it, so you suddenly realize you are working in a different daw.
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