ASIO Link Pro - which version should I get?

Discussion in 'Software' started by waverider, Oct 25, 2018.

  1. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    Well, that is a normal ASIO device, and considering that the original ASIO Pro doesn't cause dropouts I'm thinking there must be a setting somewhere causing it. Whether it is something the changes at install, or something in the coding, or something in your system itself that each deals with differently... I have no idea.
    One thing is to make sure you have a recent driver for the UMC204HD. I saw some posts about the newer driver (April 2018) fixing something for someone, but you know how that goes ... it depends on what it "fixed" where the fault actually is.
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  2. Bump

    Bump Kapellmeister

    Aug 26, 2011
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    I had to read back through the thread lol....I didn't have it patched so it was in trial. The link you provided @DoubleTake was the direct download..I had to go to the web page to get the patcher.

    Works a charm now. Thanks so much for the help.
  3. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    Oh yeah - sorry about that. Glad to hear it is working :) I like the little extras.. Well i do not use the extra network or the extra inputs...I guess i mostly like the the higher version number and having "G.A. Collective 2018" in the title bar !
    ... and that it fixed whatever problem it was i had with the other, which I can not remember :no:
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2018
  4. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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  5. fjlj

    fjlj Noisemaker

    Apr 10, 2019
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    Frank here and I own the youtube channel Give Academy as well as the website.. I am super happy to see that john's amazing software is still very much appreciated and used! There are a couple things I want to cover...

    1. I have nothing to gain from any of this.. that is not the point of helping. When a friend asks you for help you help. :) I am an old school programmer and do a fair bit of reverse engineering.. I guess the only real thing I would have to gain from any of this would be people seeing my other videos where I share what knowledge I have and continue to grow. :)

    2. My website is terrible... I started it a while back with great ambitions and it has since been greatly neglected and used primarily for an easy place to store things and provide links to things... it needs a re-design and needs to be updated to contain.... actual content.. Also sorry about letting my security certificate expire.. Just renewed that today.. so your browser wont yell at you that the site is insecure.. :/ My bad, missed the renewal alert email.

    3. The patchers... I recommend downloading the original installer hosted on my site (latest version before the odeus website went down). and using the "basic patchers" as these were written by me and I know they work (you do need to use both of them for the x64 version, 1 for x86 and one for x64). The graphical patcher that is a "2 in 1" solution, was written by a friend of mine, and although it does look nice and works (for some), there are cases where it simply does not work... for this reason I personally recommend not using the graphical patcher.

    4. The youtube videos... there is a bit of mis information in the original video on how to apply the patches where I was able to just substitute the x86 version of the patched dll for the x64 version (for my specific application this works fine) but for most people out there interfacing with other x64 programs this will only lead to errors... so properly patch both the dlls ;). I have been meaning to make a new video that is more clean cut, and to the point, and goes through all of the steps one by one, but... being a father of three, a husband, a student, and working a full time job.. it gets pretty hard to get anything done.. :/

    5. I am more satisfied by the fact that something I created is being found useful and allows a great fellow programmers legacy to live on, than any type of potential gain I could ask for or be given. In my mind it would be greatly unethical to expect anything in return more than a thank you.

    Cheers! and someday in the future I will have a new video out and I will update the website also.. sometime in the next 11-18 years (when the kids are grown.. hahah)

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  6. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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    thank you a lot ....:guitarhero::headbang::grooves:
  7. waverider

    waverider Rock Star

    Oct 8, 2018
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    @fjlj Thank you for making an account here and posting in this thread. Nice to see you. Thank you for your effort in restoring this piece of software. I feel sad for the original author and it's so good to see how people are keeping his work alive. Looks like your patch was updated several time without a change in revision numbers or similar. I have a downloaded patch from last summer, and then the last change seems to have been in March this year. I take it that you worked on resolving issues with it? Either way, it's good to know to not use the graphical patcher. I was also confused what the difference is between the different patchers. I guess it would be helpful if there was some kind of description on your site below the download links or something like that. Anyway, I was fairly sceptical at first but I think I would actually trust your patch now. Thanks.
  8. Herr Tony

    Herr Tony Producer

    Aug 23, 2017
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    @fjlj thx a lot , I installed your version over the 2.2 and it works as expected, it also "imported" the profiles I had configured. This is an amazing piece of software, RIP John Shield, his legacy is awesome.
  9. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    Actually the graphical patcher is working for me (Win10 - 21H1) whereas the individual patchers don't SEEM to work.
    I had just kept the graphical one anot used the individuals before, but decided to try them after reading your comment.
    I'll retry them, as Win10 gives that prompt about whether they installed correctly for me...
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