Aside from price, why do you prefer using Windows over OS X?

Discussion in 'PC' started by probablynative, Dec 28, 2014.

  1. villageidiot

    villageidiot Newbie

    Jul 21, 2011
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    Business is business, hate the game not the players. All the big business act dubiously all the time.
    And of course they buy other companies, Microsoft does it too the same way as Apple. I don't see any difference there.

    And of course they use marketing tools / whatever to sell their products, would be stupid not to.

    You might not like their business practices but I'd call that a bit hypocritical, again they're not
    worse in my opinion that other companies.

    Point is, their products ARE good. I don't see any valid arguments against that in this thread.

    Anyway, I feel we're running in circles here now ..
  2. chopin4525

    chopin4525 Producer

    Jul 23, 2013
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    Little OT: I thought Linux guys were the nerds, not the Windows ones! Maybe something changed in the last years and I didn't notice! :rofl:
  3. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

  4. villageidiot

    villageidiot Newbie

    Jul 21, 2011
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    Isn't that the same with Bill Gates?

    ANyway, who knows if Steve Jobs gave some money to charity, maybe he just didn't boast about it.
  5. vaiman

    vaiman Platinum Record

    Sep 2, 2011
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    You realize that if you actually read the article that isn't the case, right? Exactly proving my previous point..

    "Apple's CEO announces that he spent $100 million of Apple's money on charitable giving--something Steve Jobs would not have done."

    Anyway, this is going around in circles as villageidiot stated. I'm out of this discussion :wink:
  6. lenny_kravitz

    lenny_kravitz Newbie

    Dec 31, 2014
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    because I like to buy my OS -I don't like free OS with some Hackintosh hardwares - which perhaps make me participate in donating my money to Mr. Gates & Microsoft who I'm sure are very charitable, I like to do registry cleaning in my spare time, I love to constantly make sure that my antivirus and anti malware programs is already properly installed, to be always up to date and properly setup -sometimes in daily bases, I love to uninstall my 'unwanted anymore programs' with more effort than just simply delete the program itself, I simply love more effort in everything about my machine- I love to install ASIO driver instead of what the OS manufacturer gave me, and many many other things that all would really make my time full of dedication to my machine.
    Oh and I really like that blue colour of the BSOD screen, so much that I'd even make it as my wallpaper sometime.
  7. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    Aside from money, freedom.
    Windows is quite easily alterable, you can tune it to your needs. Linux even more.
    OSX plays on ease of access rather than customizability. About Apples in general, they support consumerism and waste natural resources which I do not like. iPhone purchased 3 years ago cannot be updated now.
  8. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    lenny kravitz
    Again more points that have no basis in reality. Microsoft is exploring free options and even if it will cost money it will be cheap as hell just like Windows 8 was and I believe Windows 10 will be free for those with 8. Why don't you tell the full story and discuss that though you may pay a little for software the support that you get is infinitely greater. People have been getting support for Windows XP that includes downgrade rights (mysteriously absent from Apple) for upwards of 10-13 years. Apple support ends in a few years and then you're boned and each new update to the OS leaves in the dirt because you need to buy a new computer you can't upgrade. Especially now that they even solder the RAM in place. That isn't a scam or anything. Apple comes with built-in obsolescence right out of the box.

    Registry cleaning is not necessary and oftentimes even dangerous. The only time you might have to manually delete something is if you have some registry data from a previous cracked software program that is interfering with a new install. Every other case you can use the Windows Uninstaller or use Revo to trace installs and everything is super simple. It's just a different system of deleting plist files except here they're arranged in a database. This also has the added bonus of allowing you back up configurations all in one place. When you're referring to registry tweaking, that is a power user scenario not a general user scenario. It's something that is for the express purpose of greater customization and that is a good thing.

    Antivirus takes a few minutes to install and it automatically updates. Next.

    This one is funny especially because Mac delete actually sucks compared to Windows and it's a common gripe with the OS since it doesn't have a robust dedicated uninstaller. Delete doesn't remove all remnants of many program packages on Mac. Do some research before spewing misinformation.

    ASIO drivers perform better than Core Audio and they are what the manufacturer gave me, it just so happens that the manufacturer isn't the same company as the other components which is a plus because companies that do it all suck. Jack of all trades, master of none. That's why they make a big deal of technology that's been around for a century but because it's Apple people ooh and ahh. Yeah my next phone will be an Android because no matter how you sell iPhones the technology is inferior in every way. The iPhone is also restricted both in the App Store and what I can do with it. Oh and there's a built-in NSA backdoor.

    Of course the convo is going in circles, nobody has offered any counter-arguments to my facts. It's just more of the same arguments I've already responded to. But hey let's get back to how Apple one of the richest companies in the world gave 100 million once for a photo op. Next let's look at how much Microsoft has donated all the time because they actually believe in charity. Apple just paints itself that way but exploits many many people on many continents.
  9. Sarawak_Sam

    Sarawak_Sam Ultrasonic

    Apr 16, 2013
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    software stil work after update

    even old software stil work

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