Aside from price, why do you prefer using Windows over OS X?

Discussion in 'PC' started by probablynative, Dec 28, 2014.

  1. villageidiot

    villageidiot Newbie

    Jul 21, 2011
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    And about that other Article, again it doesn't prove anything.

    The headline is rather misleading. There's been no allegation that this data is being sent to Apple, it's being stored on your phone. A better (and less alarmist) description would be "How your iPhone tracks your location".
  2. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    So you don't believe in an intelligent highly respected security researcher but you believe in a marketing department of a corporation. Sounds good to me. :thumbsup:

    Proof? A spy catalog leaked, what more proof do you need than that. This is what's for sale. This guy works with people that try to catch these organizations in the act. Stop acting like he's some tin-foil hat guy, that's really insulting to his work of which there is quite a lot. I've already done the research, do your own.
  3. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Why don't you worry about what you have to do and let me worry about what I gotta do. Thank you.
  4. villageidiot

    villageidiot Newbie

    Jul 21, 2011
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    Sorry but this guy seems like a paranoid schizophrenic, I don't believe in marketing departments of big companies but neither do I believe in this guy.
  5. digitalfarmer

    digitalfarmer Newbie

    Dec 24, 2014
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    because actually I love this forum... Before I read how a Vice Admin write his opinion.
    If you think one love from only one member like me doesn't have any value to the forum...ok.
  6. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Back before the discoveries about the NSA I used to argue this point with my friend's father that the United States is spying on the whole planet and if we were to find out the actual depth of it we would get sick to our stomachs. He would argue with me about it every time I saw him, that I was wrong and it just wasn't possible. This went on for many years. Now one thing you should know about me: I'm not a conspiracy nut that just reads something in some shady paper and automatically takes it as fact. I look for data and I think about it from all angles. I review the evidence and build an opinion on it, not make the evidence suit my opinion. When the news came out my friend told me that his father just sat with his mouth hanging open and all he could say was Cat was right. That's happened a lot in my life. Too many times to recount to you. You do realize that Jacob Applebaum is a hacker, one of the developers of the Tor project, represented WikiLeaks and much more. This catalog was leaked by Snowden himself so it's not like he's making this stuff up as he goes along. You should read up about the guy before you tear him down. Everything that he's said is true and the last part isn't far fetched either. I'm sure MK Ultra seemed like a story, after all how could it be that the government were running thought control and LSD experiments on the unwitting public...but it happened.
  7. vaiman

    vaiman Platinum Record

    Sep 2, 2011
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  8. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    100 million, that's a joke. How much does Apple generate in yearly revenue? That was probably the money they stole from factory workers. Why don't you look up how much Microsoft and the Bill Gates foundation donated: billions. And let's not even get into Apple's tax evasion which was all over the news. One of the richest companies in the world evading taxes. :bleh:
  9. vaiman

    vaiman Platinum Record

    Sep 2, 2011
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    If you actually checked the first link you would see the bigger picture, every year it has increased... and it will continue. How is that a bad thing?
    But people have stated Apple give nothing at all. Rubbish

    Simple facts that people would rather ignore (or dismiss)... it was one of the first links in a google search! *yes*
  10. vaiman

    vaiman Platinum Record

    Sep 2, 2011
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  11. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    At least a lot of that money finds it's way to charity. You can't even compare how much each company gives. Apple does it for a press op, nothing more. And I didn't say they didn't donate to charity, I said they donated very little.
  12. Zeus

    Zeus Moderator

    Oct 20, 2013
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    C‘mon, guys let‘s get back to the topic.
    Aside from donations, corporate ethics and similar suff...

    I‘m a both Windows and Mac user. I‘m quite new to the MAC world but I found several interesting points from the MAC/WINDOWS comparison.

    Point for MAC: The ease of use. There isn‘t a nightmare of system folders, .sys, .dll‘s, program folders, application data folders.... and many many crap.
    Installing something is as easy as dragging an application to the Applications folder.

    Point for Windows: It runs faster and better. Applications run slightly better. Tested with the same DAWs and plugins. Similar processor in one side and the other, and the exact same amount of RAM. Nothing exaggerated though.

    Point for MAC: HEXWARS. Clearly. Nothing else to say. There was a time where Windows stuff was released faster and in more quantity. Not anymore.

    Point for Windows: More available stuff, but.....

    Double Point for MAC: .... the good stuff (best synths, plugins and DAWS) are always available for both platforms. So I don‘t care for the small devs plugins/applications only available for WIN. The interesting ones, are for both.

    Point for Windows: Expandability of the Hardware. This is the REAL deal for WINDOWS machines. You can build/upgrade a machine with everything you need. Almost impossible in MAC without spending a fortune. Unless you build a Hackintosh.

    Point for MAC: The interface. Now this is a personal question of taste, but I love the interface of the OS. I really dislike the tablet WINDOWS 8.1 METRO menu/style, with an ugly way of presenting the applications and system options.

    Point for Windows & MAC: Stability. Really guys, both platforms are awesome. There isn‘t any difference between them.

    So that‘s my opinion, besides corporate reasons those are my drawbacks/advantages of the everyday use of both platforms.

    Also Microsoft ain‘t angels:

    Read more:

    Both companies suck at ethics. But what would you expect?

    Anyway... everything written IMHO Don‘t wanna fight with anyone. :mates:
  13. vaiman

    vaiman Platinum Record

    Sep 2, 2011
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    Totally agree. I'm on both OS and enjoy both of them.

    Love my PC for games, pr0n and general web stuff. Love the Mac for Logic and small video projects. Sorted :thumbsup:
  14. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I'm on topic, it's not my fault people pick the one or two slightly subjective points because they have absolutely no argument for the rest of the plethora of valid issues I brought up.

    The Modern UI of Windows 8 is basically an expanded start menu interface so it's just a bonus (also just 1 version of Windows has it, soon to be 2), if you don't want to use it then you don't have to. Windows 10 all those apps run on the desktop (and there will be multiple desktops now too) as well as a start menu. I hate OS X, looks so corny to me. I think ease of use is just a sales pitch because I didn't find it so easy to use when I used my girlfriends Mac. Even if it were true, I don't need ease of use...I have a brain and I'm not afraid to use it. Good to give it some exercise once in a while. Dumbed down interfaces are not my bag. :dunno:
  15. Zeus

    Zeus Moderator

    Oct 20, 2013
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    You‘re absolutely right, but isn‘t it better to use that brilliant brain god gave you to create music or learning the inside-outs of your DAW instead of dealing with the OS? :bleh:

    Don‘t worry we are still friends :rofl:
  16. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    There I guess it's because of my past history with this platform. It's what I've always used (and I mean since DOS) and I have plenty of issues with it too, I'm not blind to what I don't like about it simply because I prefer it to another OS. I think the organization can be improved to make it more efficient and I think Windows Updates need to have more testing applied before patch release and many other issues but I still think Windows is leaps and bounds ahead of Apple, that's why in corporate environments they generally don't use OS X. There are also issues still happening when updating Metro UI apps sometimes. Hopefully that last one will be resolved soon since they're relaunching the Windows Store with Windows 10 (more info on 10 will be disclosed on the 25th of January for those interested). Then when you factor in price and the fact that Apple has pulled so many dick moves in their history and all their advertising is geared around image rather than product it's just a no-brainer. I really don't see anything revolutionary going on like they claim, Microsoft on the other hand is at least willing to try something new. Is it something everyone is gonna Will it take time to refine the formula...yes. I think Windows 10 will really up the ante and give PC users what they've been wanting for a while. Notification Center, Personal Voice Assistant, multiple desktops, a smart start menu, Modern UI runs on the desktop, it changes it's behavior based on what kind of system it runs on (mobile, desktop, tablet) and much more. The security is really tight, the performance is there. It's looking pretty sweet and honestly besides the start menu I don't have many issues with Windows 8 and I'm not even using 8.2 but 8. Someone (interestingly a Mac user) once said the Mac motto should be: think inside the box, the beautiful shiny box. That is a great way to put it. Windows opens a world up for you in terms of software, performance, gaming, peripherals, warez, etc.
  17. vaiman

    vaiman Platinum Record

    Sep 2, 2011
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    It's the fact you use the words hate, evil, facts, dumbed down, no argument etc etc and simply jump down peoples throats when they have a view that doesn't coincide with yours. it's like your are on a mission from god lol
    I have zero issue with any of your points and agree with many of them... however there is nothing great about Microsoft either. Fact.

    But like the Microsoft myths that always crop up like common BSOD (that you hate), sh1tty UI for dumb people, driver issues etc, I was simply pointing out that people also have a blurred and old view of Apple. I personally couldn't care a jot about either of them!

    Anyway, as I say I have no issue with anything posted and think its good to get these things out in forums as long as its done respectfully.
  18. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Really I am looking for this article that Organic put up one time. It was basically a Mac user's experience with Apple and a defective video card. That article eloquently put into words the exact issue with Apple. It was really something let me tell you, magnificent illustration. Also another perfect example of the kind of company Apple is the purchase of eMagic and shutting the at the time cross-platform Logic off from PC users so they could sell computers. I mean that is just the epitome of the company right there, you don't even need another example. Rotten to the core. *yes*

    I hate everything about Apple, it is pretty much the antithesis to everything I stand for and look for in a company that I will be supporting or an OS that I will be using. It's the mindless allegiance that people have to them where they shrug off every ridiculous thing, that kind of stuff really grinds my gears. It's how I feel about Google. To me Apple has pulled off a marvelous feat: they've duped the public into believing that what they're offering is something that we don't already have in abundance.
  19. vaiman

    vaiman Platinum Record

    Sep 2, 2011
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    But Google have fun slides! How cool is that :D
    Take care bro, I'm off to watch crap on the TV and pretend to my girlfriend i actually want to spend time on the sofa :rofl:
  20. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Yeah I have so much work to do too. I shouldn't even be here now. I'm just dreading it all. :(
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