Aside from price, why do you prefer using Windows over OS X?

Discussion in 'PC' started by probablynative, Dec 28, 2014.

  1. lukie

    lukie Newbie

    Jun 5, 2011
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    The Apple logo says it all. I want a of bite out of your life.

    There's is an old saying "the apple does not fall far from the tree"

    take the eye phone and eye pad the cue is in the I, the eye sees you everywhere. Any photo you
    take is uploaded automatically to their severs. this is why you can not remove the battery's
    so they know where you are at any time.

    If someone was to follow you around this would be harassment and you could take the appropriate steps
    to have them stopped.

    Think back to 1984 and the Orwell style advert that first showed the apple mac.

    but Mac users come across as being quite intelligent right :rofl:
  2. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I have to apologize to any Mac users if I came across as a bit of a dick but it's because I adamantly oppose EVERYTHING apple stands for and being a developer/network/database administrator for many many years I know it from all the angles. What Apple does is brainwash people, that's why so much of Apple is the image that is associated with their computers, operating systems and devices. For example why is it that in all the ads, the Apple guy is cool and the PC guy is some nerdy douche? It may sound silly but they are trying to anchor that image into your brain. They are associating an image with their product and the funniest thing is that it has nothing to do with the product itself. They haven't even touted a single tech spec yet and they won't because if you compare a Mac with a PC without thinking about OS you'd have to be stark raving mad to choose the Mac when you look at the price. Anytime they do tout something it's always a comparison with how PCs were in like the fucking 90s with BSODs everywhere and the computer is on fire and shit. Give me a break. Now don't get me wrong: every OS has it's issues and I have no small amount of gripes with Microsoft and Windows but even with those flaws it's not even comparable. I also think that using Windows makes us more knowledgeable computer users because we are forced to learn how things work and how to work them to our advantage and we benefit as a result of that. That's why the PC guy in the ads is a nerd. Hey I'd rather trust a nerd when it comes to computing than some cool douchebag. Dumbed down interfaces are bad for the human race! Yes you should use a good anti-virus program and yes you should know how to run a defrag and do system maintenance every so often but in the end you have a better system. Stability is a non-issue for me and I do everything from development to music production and gaming. Viruses? I used XP for 7 years and never got a single one. Now with Win 8 and soon to be 10 I don't even worry about it. The attack vector these days is in 3rd party software such as Flash and Java NOT Windows. That is a major accomplishment considering their market share.

    Apple as a company really is evil incarnate, I wasn't joking about that. Though they are one of the richest companies they barely donate anything to charity. Though they can take a smaller cut and pay people more and not exploit children and factory workers they still do. Search for it online, sure you'll find a million horror stories of working conditions being so abhorrent that workers were committing suicide . Also they have been very cooperative with governments around the world particularly the United States government.

    Perfect illustration in the mobile domain: it's the same way they'll sell you that inferior iPhone when you can go get an Android device which will have WAY better specs and give you the ability to fully control your device not have Apple play gatekeeper to what you can do with the stuff you bought. Can't remove the battery? Get the fuck outta here. That way they can track you better and not to mention that you're now dependent on them if a battery needs to be replaced. Oh and it's gonna cost you a nice chunk of change too. Hey it's the Apple experience.

    This is a fascinating video called To Protect And Infect, I've posted it before but if you haven't seen it you really should especially if you live in the United States. I've included the full video but I've also posted this link that zeros in on a specific point I want to make and keep in mind this guy is a serious security researcher that really knows what he's talking about. Here's the full video if you're interested in how the US has turned into a Nazi regime under the guise of democracy:​
  3. webhead

    webhead Audiosexual

    Oct 5, 2014
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    ... at the same time mac is not safer.

  4. panther5

    panther5 Kapellmeister

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Everything that Cat says is true. I worked at Apple for about a year. For many reasons related to the job there, it was a year of pure hell that I will never get back. I'd try to put it into words, but no words could possibly describe the agony of putting up with the brain-washed fucktard Apple lifers and their shitty proprietary products.
  5. vaiman

    vaiman Platinum Record

    Sep 2, 2011
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    Xbox or Playstation? :bleh:

    I don't know why I even bother reading these type of threads as they are utterly pointless... people will still defend their purchases or attack others for theirs.
    But for some reason I like reading them as they make me laugh *yes*
  6. digitalfarmer

    digitalfarmer Newbie

    Dec 24, 2014
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    Aside from price, why do you prefer using Windows over OS X?

    Just an information:

    OS X is free. (if you mean hardware + OS,..then Hackintosh comes to mind)

    Microsoft WIndows is not free..

    Catalyst,.. sorry man..I know you've apologized,..but I think you should be able to choose better words to write more nicely in expressing your opinion in a forum which is open for both platform users... (more to the fact that) where you are a vice-administrator.
  7. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Microsoft Windows may be free soon, they're exploring that option. For example I believe I will be receiving a free upgrade to Windows 10 because my computer came with 8. Of course it's free, you get it when you buy a computer. I did too but I don't consider that free, it's built into the cost of the system. And how free can it be when you compare the price of a new computer...

    Besides my 2 off-topic comments that could be considered subjective all the rest of my argument is based on fact. It's not my fault Apple enslaves their employees and makes them work in horrid working conditions. It's not my fault they brainwash people into believing that Macs are better showing not a single fact whatsoever. It's not my fault Apple worked with the United States government to help enslave the planet. I call that accountability. If Microsoft were making headlines like that you better believe I'd be all over that shit. And they have also worked with the government but the NSA doesn't claim that an exploit will work 100% of the time on Windows Phone. *no*
  8. gigasquid

    gigasquid Noisemaker

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Water Planet
    Economy. Flexibility. Quality. I can build my own machines. With PC I'm not locked in to Apple/Mac and their expensive, sometimes problematic upgrade cycles. I can choose exactly what components and peripherals I want. I can fix stuff when it goes wrong (Ha!) More software choice.
  9. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    Plus, Apple doesn't do charity. At all.
    They are one of the worlds wealthiest companies and have the most valuable brand. If you're up there you have to share the love. They don't.
    It's a really bad company and that's something I don't reward with money.
  10. villageidiot

    villageidiot Newbie

    Jul 21, 2011
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    To help to enslave the planet? Wow, you have been drinking too much of the conspiracy kool aid Catalyst.
    Apple is no different than any other big businesses.

    I like the simplicity and transparency of their operating systems, it makes their computers
    more accessible to people.

    Windows is good too nowadays, no problem with that but it's not better (or worse) than OS X. Matter of preference also.

    And check this about the NSA and OS X for example
  11. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    Just because what's going on is obfuscated and not easily revealed mac os is neither transparent nor simple. In fact, it's quite the opposite.
  12. villageidiot

    villageidiot Newbie

    Jul 21, 2011
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    I'm not interested in tweaking my computer or knowing what's going on inside, I just want to work and make music- But if you want you
    can go as deep as you want with Terminal and unix commands etc.

    Btw. on OS X there's a great thing called Core Audio, there's no equivalent in Windows so that you can get low latency
    audio built in the operating system itself. In Windows you need to use Asio or such (btw. that's why iPads and iPhones are better
    for music than Androids or other devices currently). Just one thing I like OS X so much.
  13. villageidiot

    villageidiot Newbie

    Jul 21, 2011
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    And regarding the ethics of Apple in relation to the working conditions etc, where do you think the parts in your pc come from? From the same factories in China I'm sure where
    people work in the same conditions. Apple is singled out as 'evil' while all the other companies do the same. At least Apple its trying to improve the situation as far as I know.
  14. probablynative

    probablynative Newbie

    Dec 28, 2014
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    I'd like to apologize, I never meant to create flame wars, just genuinely curious.
  15. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    I can confirm i bought 4-5 pc and laptops. Since 2009 with Winsows Vista i've never had virus or malaware problema, the funny things is that i don't use any antivirus at all just Windows firewall. Bought my last desktop 3 years ago and never formatted because he runs good videogame,daws,developers stuff. Maybe the problem is that you have problema because you aren't able to run a computer correctly wich it isn't only go to Facebook and Twitter.
    If you like Apple then it's good bit don't talk shit about Windows if you aren't able to run it correctly.
  16. digitalfarmer

    digitalfarmer Newbie

    Dec 24, 2014
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    By reading the way a Vice-Administrator of the forum wrote his opinion about one platform he loves and other onehe hates, one knows what kind of (computer related music) forum it is and what kind of people inside it. Sorry, but it is disappointing. Very disappointing. I think an administrator should write and act better. Far better.
  17. villageidiot

    villageidiot Newbie

    Jul 21, 2011
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    Well it was kind of inevitable I guess :p I just felt needed to defend a bit, when people tell outright
    lies, spread hatred or conspiracy theories, Apple is not perfect company and is problematic for sure but
    not worse than other big businesses. I tried to stay constructive though, I think both
    platforms are good and I also have Windows installed that I use occasionally (mainly for Wavelab).
  18. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    That's nice. Sorry that you're so easily disappointed with facts. Maybe you should support a better company. Vice Admins have opinions too and are allowed to express them like everyone else even if you happen to not agree.

    Conspiracy? I just put up a video from a reputable publication that states that 100% of the time iOS can be pwned by the NSA...guaranteed. What would you call that? Bad luck? They didn't say that about any other company. Here's another conspiracy from ArsTechnica about Apple tracking your every move. Made big headlines a few years ago. And it ends with:
    Transparency you say? Right...
  19. villageidiot

    villageidiot Newbie

    Jul 21, 2011
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    Nope sorry I don't believe in that guy. At one point talking in that video about NSA beaming you with some energised rays :D LOL I say!
    Where's the tangible proof?

    Yeah remember to wear your tin foil hat tight ...

    And for example now since Mavericks on OS X you can encrypt when syncing accounts, IF somebody is trying to 'spy' on you (like was explained in that link before).
  20. digitalfarmer

    digitalfarmer Newbie

    Dec 24, 2014
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    Vice Admins have opinions too and are allowed to express them BETTER, WISER, with DEEPER THOUGHT than everyone else even if somebody happen to not agree. To make all of Forum members, no matter what platform they choose, feel AT HOME
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