Arturia Plugins Crashing

Discussion in 'Software' started by hisnamewasz, Jan 23, 2022.

  1. hisnamewasz

    hisnamewasz Newbie

    Jan 21, 2021
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    Hello - I downloaded newer patch versions of Arturia FX and Arturia V collection from audioZ.

    When I first install the plugins they work great for a short period of time.

    After some time (about a day), whenever I try to open any Arturia plugins, my software freezes for 4-5 min, then loads the plugin. This happens every time I load an Arturia plugin. I've tried re-installing, using other uploads, etc. Nothing is fixing it.

    This is weird - because it doesn't seem to be a patch specific thing. Even deleting all Arturia files and reinstalling doesn't work.
  3. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    What Operating System are you running these on? Which release?

    The first thing I would do is block everything associated with them from accessing the internet. Either in your Firewall rules, or by editing your Hosts file. this applies to any non-working plugin as well, just to rule it out. You can also do this just by taking the computer "offline". Once authentication fails for whatever reason, it is usually too late for that.

    Also, make sure that you have actually done a full clean uninstall before reinstalling plugins. Mac is not very bad about this, but many windows users will use registry/junk files cleanup programs like CCleaner; or clean up the registry manually. Programs can also look for some of these remnant install related files; most specifically, the one you are trying to reinstall.

    other than normal maintenance stuff, I have never had a program get progressively worse.
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2022
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