Are the AudioUtopia plugins still OK today ?

Discussion in 'Software' started by wouala woualouf, Mar 3, 2019.

  1. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    Just like the title says,
    I wonder if the stuff released by AudioUtopia, by december 2015, is still relevant , today.

    Are those plug-ins still working , today ? Did those plug-ins get super important updates, after the AU releases, because the cracked versions had some major issues ?
    For example, i remember there was a big Softube pack, with at least 15-20 pluugins.
    Today, obviously, Softube have released many other new products, and all those plugins released by AU, have received several updates.

    But let's say there are a few guys, that have just discovered the 'warez' audio world... and are willing to try some plugins, before investing on ilok dongles, expensive plugins, etc etc.

    Would the AU releases still work great today, despite all the plugins being 3 years old, and not having received any updates ?

    Or, would you guys rather say 'hey... forget those AudioUtopia plugins...everything is super old...most stuff have many critical bugs... haven't been updated since an eternity.'d rather stay away from that old crap, and get/buy other recent stuff that work and sound much better... the AU release #1, there are 27 bugs, and it got 7 updates, the AU release #2, there are 19 bugs, and it got 5 major updates, the AU release #21, there are 44 bugs, and it got 6 updates... you'd rather download the new XYZ plugins...

    Or are those AudioUtopia releases still rocking, today, eg, the Soundtoys 5.x still work flawlessly.. the Altiverb stuff... the McDsp stuff... etc etc... everything still works perfectly, today, under the latest windows and daw versions..?

    I'm just asking this, because, 2 weeks ago, people got all the PA plugins, around 90 plugins, and everybody went crazy. Apparently, the PA 3.1 release, was just 'too old'... and probably most users stopped using it, because, 2015, is TOOOO far away.. toooo old, anything released 12 months ago or older= stinking poo

    I wonder if the same applies to the AudioUtopia releases... +3 years old = poo

    What's your thoughts on this ?

    Ps. If you don't want to publicly say 'i still use AU Soundtoys', you can say ' i know a guy, his brother told me his best friend's uncle has said he knows someone who has installed and used AU Soundtoys ! '.
    That way, nobody will judge you ;)
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  3. DJK

    DJK Rock Star

    Nov 23, 2017
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    felixstowe england
    the softube bundle stopped working on win 10 after april update, well it did for me
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  4. Matt777

    Matt777 Rock Star

    Oct 17, 2015
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    OK.. "i know a guy, his brother told me his best friend's uncle has said he knows someone who has installed and used AU Soundtoys..."

    IMHO (and I can't say for sure, because I bought what I really needed..) the (e.g.) soundtoys delay, saturators.. aso released by AU sound "good enough" if not exactly the same as todays. If something is buggy, that's one thing, but sound-wise you better stop overthinking and really learn/get a feel, how certain plug works with your material.

    The developers have to do something to keep emptying your wallet. Especially after AU or the recent PA storm.. You may be surprised, but AFAIK the real pro engineers (at least the ones I know) are the latest to update or change anything.. :)

    are you sure it's because of the upgrade. If memory serves the softube never worked properly (only with ST-insert/compatibility mode/64-64 jbridge workarounds. will take a look at these, just curious..;) (I went to 1809 last week)
  5. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    I don't use any of those AU , cubase stock stuff is good enough, (+ other 3rd party stuff i bought or AZ'd) and because they are perfectly integrated with the cubase engine, it uses very little cpu. When AU had released their stuff, i had installed EVERYTHING. Then, slowly, all the stuff got uninstalled.
    Though, i think I'm going to install the sound toys pack, one again. (Yes, echoboy is cool... but so is boz audio delay...and many others. .and a delay is a delay, 9/10 times).

    I just asked, because everybody wants the ilok stuff... but in the other hand, people tend to uninstall everything that isn't brand new, or released only a few months ago..
  6. DJK

    DJK Rock Star

    Nov 23, 2017
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    felixstowe england
    of course im sure, it worked before that update
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  7. Who Me

    Who Me Producer

    Dec 21, 2015
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    Same here... The Drawmer plugins from Softube however still seems to work.

    I had some issues with the Kush bundle also at the same time the Softube bundle stopped working, however they seem to work ok again now.

    Everything else is still working ok as far as I know.
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  8. playtime

    playtime Rock Star

    Sep 28, 2016
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    Softube release still working fine here on Win 7. I don't know for others as I've bought or uninstalled other ones :dunno:
  9. Matt777

    Matt777 Rock Star

    Oct 17, 2015
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    ..yeah, sorry, I'm so into this "reinstalling everything" crap:facepalm: I forgot your daws+vsts remained in the same order. I'll still give it a try - just for fun.. :wink:
  10. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    Still using the Slate and Softube bundles on the latest version of Win 10 without any issues.
    These plugins still rock my world as far as I'm concerned even if they are three years old already.
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  11. DJK

    DJK Rock Star

    Nov 23, 2017
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    felixstowe england
    it crashes live when i install the softube plugins, maybe it might work if i use j bridge and try 32 bit, the slate stuff works ok also the ssl duende stopped working,
  12. Matt777

    Matt777 Rock Star

    Oct 17, 2015
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    Ok, tested - it's the same old story discussed in the post at AZ (sept 2017). Softube plugs crashes any W10 vesion.. unless you:

    - run your DAW in Win 8 compatibility mode
    - insert any Soundtoys plug (like EffectRack) before using Soundtoys (different for S1 or Live - S1 first scans Main out, Live scans the first channel. No need for W8 compat.)
    - (J)bridge the vst2 plugins, 64 bit to 64 bit (then you can toss Win 8 compatibility mode and just use the bridged vsts)

    Edit: Soundtoys and the rest of AU work flawlessly with the latest update.
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2019
  13. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    Are they still relevant? For sure. They are fantastic bits of kit that can be used to create anything that plugins made today can do. 2015 was a very good year.
  14. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    @wouala woualouf All of the AudioUtopia releases still relevant and work today in my W7. From Pro Tools to Softube to McDSP to Slate.
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2019
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  15. voidSeeker

    voidSeeker Kapellmeister

    Oct 22, 2016
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    Still using the Lexicon Reverbs, working fine...
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  16. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    Maybe because most of those ilok companies make 'pro' plugins, often, quite expensive, and they can't afford to release v1.0 versions with 3'000 bugs, without a lenghty beta to iron out most of the bugs... and 6 months later, thousands of pro users, who paid 200, 300, 400 bucks, are still finding dozens of new bugs, every single day. ..

    Probably, most audioutopia released apps were already ultra stable, with almost 0 known bugs... and that's why they still work great, today. .